Baking | Olive Oil Walnut Garlic Rosemary Foccacia … bread of life

Nothing better than fresh home baked bread, and this Olive Oil Walnut Garlic Rosemary Foccacia is bursting with flavour. The Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer and their great quality bake-ware make baking breads so therapeutic, so fuss free. Use herbs and nuts of your choice, play around with ingredients, but do make this. The extra virign olive oil shines in the bread!

Baking | Roasted Garlic Foccacia … & a salute to the ‘Fukushima 50’!

A handsome splash of extra virgin olive oil, a couple of heads of roasted garlic in the dough, a sprinkling of fresh oregano, sea salt & more garlic on top. I couldn’t have asked for better, more comforting bread! It’s simple, is ready to bake in a couple of hours, and the olive oil lavished on top gives it a beautiful crust.

No Fuss No Knead Focaccia Recipe with walnuts, garlic and rosemary… simple and delicious

This No Fuss No Knead Focaccia Recipe with walnuts, garlic and rosemary is very very forgiving and very delicious too. I love the moistness it offers, the flour to water ratio baking up a beautiful crumb.

Cheesy Garlic, Walnut & Rosemary Soda Bread … quick breads that spell comfort

This quick and easy, and absolutely delicious Cheesy Garlic, Walnut & Rosemary Soda Bread uses basic pantry staples and is ready to be mixed and baked in next to no time. With a 50% wholegrain dough that needs no rising/leavening time, it’s a fast track way to comfort! Use add in flavours you like, or just bake as is, then slice and enjoy!

Eggless Wholegrain Almond Jaggery Oat Cookies #comfortfood #anzacs

Eggless Wholegrain Almond Jaggery Oat Cookies are a variation on the ever popular Anzacs. These are wholegrain cookies, and the sugar has been replaced with jaggery! Just another delicious twist to my endless experiments!

Strawberry Kiwi Fruit Salad … go light with summer

Strawberry Kiwi Fruit Salad is a simple, refreshing, make ahead or make instantly glass of joy. Strawberries and kiwi are two very vitamin rich fruit. Throw in a bunch of fresh herbs from the garden, sit back and refresh yourself this summer!

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