Mushroom Cashew Rosemary Soup … truly a winter warmer!

Simple to make, beautifully flavoured and quite creamy because of the cashews within, Mushroom Cashew Rosemary Soup is a winter favourite. Thickened with oats and cashews makes it healthy, delicious and gluten free too.A great winter warmer!

Smoky Baked Mushroom Cheese Dip with #bigbanyanwines for the holidays

Smoky Baked Mushroom Cheese Dip is a definite crowd pleaser, and a great addition to the holiday table. Smoky Gouda, wine simmered mushrooms, garlic and fresh thyme make one of the best cheesy dips ever. Baked briefly under a hot grill until the cheese melts into gooey goodness. Serve immediately with simple crusty artisan bread to soak up the wine juices and deliciously flavoured cheese.

Mushrooms and Onion Scapes Soup … cooking in season

Soul satisfying, rich and creamy without extra calories, Mushrooms and Onion Scapes Soup is pure comfort food for winter. Serve with a chargrilled broccoli salad, oven wedges, crumb fried chicken / fish, some crusty bread, maybe a green salad.

Baking | Chicken, Mushroom & Roasted Pepper Julienne … where French cuisine deliciously meets Russian Cuisine in India!

A luxurious creamy main course make-ahead dish. Chicken, mushrooms and roasted bell peppers held together by a dreamy rich sauce, topped with cheese & baked till done. Great for the festive season … it’s even got the colours! Adapt it to make a vegetarian version if you like!


“Do vegetarians eat animal crackers?” Author Unknown Happy ‘hump day‘!! Am battling the flu and a flu ridden family but seem to have gotten the better of Wednesday. ‘Wordless Wednesdays‘ prove elusive as always, maybe because I have too much to say. For that matter I never seem to make it to a ‘Meatless Mondays‘ … Continue reading {Baking/Vegetarian} ROASTED BELL PEPPER, MUSHROOM & RICOTTA CALZONES … l♥ved ’em!

Mushroom Soup, Fougasse, Char-grilled Broccoli Salad… & Holiday Gift Ideas!

“I live on good soup, not on fine words”Moliere It’s time for a savoury break… short & crisp recipe as most of my family has been bitten by the flu bug. We have a house full of sniffles & coughs, and this soup is the call of today. This is also my Mom’s fave soup … Continue reading Mushroom Soup, Fougasse, Char-grilled Broccoli Salad… & Holiday Gift Ideas!

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