Bittersweet Chocolate Orange Strawberry Tart … rich & delicious

Bittersweet chocolate paired with sweet scents of orange zest, topped with strawberries in a Digestive biscuit crust – eggless too. I think this might well be a dessert than can please one and all, perfect for this holiday season!

Eggless Strawberry Orange Tart Cake… fresh and exciting!

Strawberry season always means a burst of colour and these flavours pair beautifully together. This Eggless Strawberry Orange Tart Cake is a great cake for high tea, for birthdays, as a gift or then as a snack. Play around with the flavours, use a chocolate ganache filling, perhaps a layer of bitter orange marmalade … so many variations for one simple one bowl cake!

Chocolate Coconut Strawberry Layered Tart … in one word, DELICIOUS!

Chocolate Coconut Strawberry Layered Tart…DELICIOUS! With Spring here and the weather warming up quite alarmingly, strawberries are at their ripest and juiciest best. This is one layered tart that I love making when strawberries are in plenty. The flavours come together beautifully, and the layers quite easily!

Baking| Strawberry Orange Rough Puff Pastry Tart … feeding the hungry blog!

A quick, light, fruity tart to make. Use any seasonal berries and have it ready in next to no time. So much colour, flavour, texture and good taste! The crisp, buttery pastry and the soft cooked fruit makes life sweeter by the second.

Whipped Strawberry Curd Cream Tartlets with Walnut Shortbread Crust

A delightful light summer berry tart with a walnut shortbread crust, and a whipped strawberry curd cream to fill the crust! A new twist to lemon curd, and we loved it!!

Strawberry Galette with Vanilla Scented Frangipane … ♥ Rustic Sweetheart Tart ♥

This one smells like strawberry. Lucy Garcia The rustic beauty of a galette is something that I cannot bypass. I saw an Strawberry-Apple Galette at my new found favourte destination, The Mansurovs, and I knew it would play on my mind till I made something similar. I needed an opportunity, an excuse to bake…  delicate, … Continue reading Strawberry Galette with Vanilla Scented Frangipane … ♥ Rustic Sweetheart Tart ♥

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