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“A gift consists not in what is done or given, but in the intention of the giver or doer.”
A gift of love…Brownies in a box!

This is a box of brownies that I baked for a dear old lady who lives nearby. She is about 78 years old & makes sure she stops by to say ‘Good Morning’ to me at the childrens‘ bus stop every single morning! Two days without a meeting, & she comes by our place to catch up with me! She is a warm, wonderful person, so positive & so full of life, that one wonders why we crib about silly little things! Always helpful, always forthcoming & forever smiling! A very large-hearted lady indeed. Her husband was in the Indian Army & passed away several years ago; she now lives with her daughter, & can teach many of us how to live life fully!! I baked these for her birthday a while ago…coz she said she used to make brownies when she was young & loved them. She loved these so much…that she actually set out to bake them a couple of weeks later!!

She loves good food & good company…this post is a tribute to her! Hat’s off to her for living life king size!!
Sugar High Fridays #41…Sweet Gifts!
I’m posting this for Danielle @ Habeas Brulee who is thrilled to be hosting this month’s Sugar High Friday. She says “Sugar High Friday is a travelling event that was originally created by Jennifer of The Domestic Goddess. The theme for March is: Sugar High Friday #41: Sweet Gifts. Post the recipe for a dessert you made (or want to make) for someone else. Any sweet will do, as long as you also share the story of why you made (or want to make) that particular dessert for that particular person! ” I guess this fits the bill Danielle! BTW, the name Habeas Brulee reminds me of creme bruleeMmmmmmmmmmm!
Brownie heaven!
This recipe is one I got from a friend of my mothers’ ages ago, & have tweaked it a bit here & there. Always gives me perfect, no fuss brownies. Great for dessert…warmed & served with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream, or just for the kiddies school snack box too. It’s a versatile recipe; I’ve made mocha brownies, cinnamon ones, walnut & chocolate-chip, walnut & raisin…works fine everytime! BIG HIT as a dessert & something than can be made in advance…what can be better!! You can even serve strawberries & cream with them.
Butter – 1/2 cup
Sugar – 2/3 cup
Eggs – 2 large

Vanilla extract – 1 tsp
Cocoa – 1/2 cup
Flour – 2/3 cup
Baking powder – 1 tsp
Salt – 1 pinch
Walnuts – 1 cup /chopped


Sweet gifts are made of these…

& these home made chocolates too…
that my friend’s Mom made specially for us when they came over for dinner a few days ago. The longer ones wrapped in red are orange flavoured, & the ones in green are walnuts encased in chocolate. Absolutely delicious & almost gone…the picture’s all that’s left.
Thank you for choosing ‘Sweet Gifts’ for SHF Danielle.
I think it’s the best gift, home-made & something money can’t buy!!
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