“Sing a song of Birthdays Full of fun and cheer, And may you keep on having them For many a happy year.” Author Unknown Sitting waiting for the cream to come by…yum yum yum!! All dressed up for the party… it’s the BIG 1 !! The head was dizzy with a heady mix of poppet, … Continue reading A PARTY FOR A POPPET…FRUIT GALETTE TARTS


“If life is a bowl of cherries, then what am I doing in the pits?”Erma Bombeck Mixed Berry & Nut Clusters Aaaaaaaargh…it’s just another of those days when time begins to run out on you even before morning has nicely broken!! Day before was a busyish day. I made cookies out of dried berries & … Continue reading MIXED BERRY & NUT CLUSTERS….Cookies, Cake & CLICK

DARK CHOCOLATE PANNA COTTA…It’s all about the kidz in us!

“I can resist everything except temptation” Oscar Wilde Dark Chocolate Panna Cotta…deeply divine! Foolishly put the question across to the kids, asked them what they love to eat most….& nearly got run over in the ensuing melee. Sweet ranked supreme, & chocolate was the popular call.. “Chocolate panna cotta“ sang the chorus!! Did I have … Continue reading DARK CHOCOLATE PANNA COTTA…It’s all about the kidz in us!

CUP-a-CAKE THIS EASTER…Eggciting Chocolate!

” ‘Twas Easter-Sunday. The full-blossomed trees filled all the air with fragrance and with joy.” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Cupcakes for Easter…Spring is in the air!! Stephanie @ The Adventures of Pie Queen has this neat Devil’s Food Cupcakes recipe that I tripped upon one day. It’s been on my mind ever since & I set … Continue reading CUP-a-CAKE THIS EASTER…Eggciting Chocolate!

MARZIPAN DECORATIONS…made from scratch!

“The preparation of good food is merely another expression of art, one of the joys of civilized living.” Dione Lucas MARZIPAN FROM SCRATCH…stuff to go on top of the cake! It’s time again for our daughter’s birthday, and she turns 12 in January. Every year begins on a note of complete frenzy where there is … Continue reading MARZIPAN DECORATIONS…made from scratch!

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