Frozen| Plum Frozen Yogurt … low fat treat for Pinktober

A refreshing and beautifully coloured low fat frozen treat. The addition of vanilla sugar and kirsch give it that special flavour. This is a nice way to preserve excess fruit of summer for later use.

Double Chocolate Mousse Cookies … #baketogether

Twice baked ‘Double Chocolate Mousse Cookies’ for #baketogether. They were delicious and very chocolaty; a big hit at home! I did two versions, one with a bittersweet filling, and another with wholewheat oat cookies on top.

Baking| Apple Strawberry Basil Hand Pies from Beantown Baker {SRC}

Delicious and comforting, hand pies with an apple, strawberry and basil filling. Great grub on the go, and nice for an informal dessert too. Serve with a drizzle of unsweetened cream.

Nobake Strawberry Quark Cheesecake

“Gourmandise is an impassioned, rational and habitual preference for all objects that flatter the sense of taste.” Jean Antheleme Brillat-Savarin Happy MAY! Anyone know what happened to March and April? Time is flying, and how. In the blink of an eye, the first quarter of 2010 whizzed by, and strangely enough, we’re already into May. … Continue reading Nobake Strawberry Quark Cheesecake


“Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each. “ Henry David Thoreau Stone Fruit Crisp – Peaches & Plums… This is quite the best time of the year to get inspired by summer fruits in food. This summer is special … Continue reading MAKE MINE A CRISP…PLUMS n PEACHES!


“An apple is an excellent thing — until you have tried a peach.” George du Maurier Here’s an ice-cream that left us screaming for more…literally!! Helped the daughter make this a couple of weeks ago coz she wanted to make peach ‘something’…peach anything actually !! Peaches have flooded our market this year & tempt me … Continue reading SCREAMING FOR PEACH MANGO ICE-CREAM…

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