WRAP ON 2007…the year that whooshed by!

“We have so much time and so little to do. Strike that, reverse it.”Roald Dahl, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory View from my window in 2007… That time of the year again; am racing as usual…still so much to do, and so little done. Even the year has almost come to an end! Huff Puff!! … Continue reading WRAP ON 2007…the year that whooshed by!

FUSION FOOD…Noodles with Stir-fried veggies & Chicken

“Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what’s for lunch.”Orson Welles FUSION FOOD…Noodles with Stir-fried veggies & chicken This is my attempt to recreate some really delicious Pan Asian food we had the other day. I ended up with a ‘confusion‘ of sorts; not quite authentic, even by my own meagre standards…but … Continue reading FUSION FOOD…Noodles with Stir-fried veggies & Chicken

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