Vanilla Bean Cupcakes … with homemade marzipan

Deep, delicious vanilla bean cupcakes, smothered lovingly in a silky smooth butter cream, and topped with homemade marzipan cut outs … Paint-it-purple cupcakes to help the campaign to end violence against women. Join in?

Espresso Chocolate Chip Cupcakes … Espress-o-love for Mother’s Day!!

These muffins are great for a coffee loving Mum! Nothing like a deep, delicious espresso cupcake to make the day complete. Dark chocolate pairs beautifully with coffee, and IMHO, a creme chantilly topping might compliment these cupcakes nicely too.

Deluxe Triple Vanilla Chocolate Cupcakes…

“The 12-step chocoholics program: NEVER BE MORE THAN 12 STEPS AWAY FROM CHOCOLATE!” Terry Moore I had these little beauties tucked away in my drafts folder for a bit. They are a variation on the regular vanilla cupcakes I often make, but this time I decided to give them a vanilla overdose! Three types of … Continue reading Deluxe Triple Vanilla Chocolate Cupcakes…


“There’s more to life than chocolate, but not right now.” Cocoa Cupcakes…with Icy Cool Hearts & Icy Cool Toppings too! Chanced upon ‘The Cupcake Hero’ theme while perusing random blogs & saw that COCOA was the theme for the month. The crew there say…”Well, let’s see your skills! Each month a theme ingredient will be … Continue reading DEVILS WITH ICY COOL HEARTS…COCOA MINT CUPCAKES


“Find something you’re passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it.” Julia Child Frosted Strawberry Orange Chocolate-chips Cupcakes…merging flavours! I was making mini vanilla cupcakes for a friend’s daughters’ birthday the other day,& had some batter leftover. With Arfi’s Cupcake Spectacular 2008 on my mind, I scrabbled around in the fridge looking for something different … Continue reading FROSTED STRAWBERRY ORANGE CHOCOLATE-CHIP CUPCAKES…Strawberry fields forever!

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