No Bake | Date & Prune Chocolate Truffles … truffles on a diet don’t get better than this #festivefood

Healthy, delicious, a power house of energy and guilt free indulgence, truffles on a diet can’t get better than this!

No Bake Dessert| Creme au chocolat shots … fudgy, indulgent, deep chocolate creme

This is my fast track version of Crème au chocolat which translates simply into my idea of an indulgent chocolate cream! The basic recipe is quite versatile, and can be easily doubled too. I like it because it can be made in advance. Also, desserts in glasses always appeal to me. They make a bold, crisp statement, and allow for contrasting pairing that you can show off. Serve it with either fresh seasonal fruit and herbs, with amaretti cookies, or paired with vanilla bean macarons. Then again, spike it with your favourite cherry liquor and serve with juicy bing cherries, or give it an espresso kick … the possibilities are endless!

{No Bake/Frozen} PEACH-GINGER & PLUM-VANILLA GRANITA … bidding adieu to stone fruit

Worldly things were of little meaning. She lived for hamburgers, ice cream, pencil and paper.  Carol Adams I’m really really gutted and you might wonder why. I feel as if I lost the first prize and walked away with the consolation prize. At the heart of my misery is my rather late discovery of the … Continue reading {No Bake/Frozen} PEACH-GINGER & PLUM-VANILLA GRANITA … bidding adieu to stone fruit

{No Bake} OTTOLENGHI’S PRESERVED LIMES … Preserve the Bounty

This August, I signed up for the Preserve the Bounty Challenge hosted at Nourished Kitchen which is an intensive 5-week challenge designed to teach you how to preserve the bounty of summer without pulling out the canner.  Participants receive an email and tutorial once a week covering a traditional, time-honored food preservation technique. In Jenny’s … Continue reading {No Bake} OTTOLENGHI’S PRESERVED LIMES … Preserve the Bounty

{No Bake/ Cooler} PLUM LEMONADE!

If life gives you lemons, and you are lucky enough to have plums too, …make plum lemonade! I bookmarked this the minute I saw it. The summer through, I keep a pitcher of fresh lime juice waiting for the kids when they come back from school, exhausted from the severe heat and looking for cool … Continue reading {No Bake/ Cooler} PLUM LEMONADE!

{No Bake/Vegetarian Dessert} TROPICAL FRUIT VERRINES… Stoned this summer!

“Give me book, fruit, French wine, and fine weather and a little music out of doors played by someone I do not know” John Keats   We’ve been stoned nice and proper this summer! No, no, it’s not what you think. It’s just that we’ve had a wonderful bounty of stone fruit, and just when … Continue reading {No Bake/Vegetarian Dessert} TROPICAL FRUIT VERRINES… Stoned this summer!

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