Baking | Lamb & Beet Greens – Calzones, Pies & Popovers …pizza dough three ways for times when you can’t think of anything better!

Lamb & Beet Greens – Calzones, Pies & Popovers …pizza dough three ways. One batch went a long way. Deliciously too with mince lamb and beet greens. We had calzones one day, pizza pies the next, and popovers for snacks. Never a hungry moment!

Baking | Pumpkin Pie Tartlets in a Walnut Shell with Spiced Ginger Cream. Happy Thanksgiving!

Walnuts pair beautifully with warm pumpkin, pie spice and ginger to make these simple little Pumpkin Pie Tartlets in a Walnut Shell with Spiced Ginger Cream. A touch of gently spiced ginger cream and we have a winner.

Baking | Oatmeal Nutella Whoopie Pies … and a peep into Old Delhi

Charming little sweet oatmeal whoopie pies sandwiched with a Nutella frosting … brings out the child in you! Also, the essence of Old Delhi captured in a few photographs. It’s a city that grows on you!

Baking | Giveaway| Book Review … Fred Harveys French Apple Pie with Nutmeg Sauce … & a Shabby Apron Giveaway!

A chic Shabby Apple apron giveaway and a recipe for comfort food redefined. Takes you back to the good old days … a simple, comforting apple pie served with an even simpler nutmeg sauce. This classic eating house comfort food dish was tarted up by the head Fred Harvey baker at the Los Angeles Union Station way back in the 1920′s!

Holiday Baking| Christmas Fruit Mince Pies …

Its dangerous to have a big bowl of fruit soaking on the counter. Hungry mouths on the prowl get attracted to it, so I hid it … but couldn’t get it it of my head, and these ‘pies’ happened! The fruitmince pies get made really fast and make for handsome bites, crisp too.

Baking| Perfect Pumpkin Pie … and simple too {#getsmart}

This is a pie right for fall. The filling … silky, smooth and spicy! The crust just right, not too crisp, yet offers a handsome bite, gently teasing the palette with beautiful pistachio flavours and a pleasing texture. {..with roasted pumpkin puree from scratch}

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