Dark Chocolate Orange Yogurt Eggless Cheesecake …Happy Independence Day India!

This is one recipe that just keeps getting better and better. Immense possibilities, and infinite combinations. Ten minutes into the oven, cooled and then chilled, these are great make ahead desserts. The Dark Chocolate Orange Yogurt Eggless Cheesecake is a wonderful fast track and economical cheesecake. Scrumptious too.

Holiday Baking| Savoury Cheese & Garlic Olive Oil Pull-Apart Bread {vegetarian}

A full of flavour, light savoury pull apart bread. Olive oil, red & green preserved chili peppers, garlic and sharp cheddar make this a wonderful light choice for the festive season. {Eggless/vegetarian}

Baking| Cheddar Rosemary Cheese Straws & Chocolate Walnut Fudge … Diwali

“The true essentials of a feast are only fun and feed.” Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. The past week was hectic, like being on a baking express! It was the festival of lights, Diwali, here in India, and I decided to bake something as gifts for everyone …. Did I say life became H E C … Continue reading Baking| Cheddar Rosemary Cheese Straws & Chocolate Walnut Fudge … Diwali

{Product Review & Recipe} Cottage Cheese & Bell Pepper Quesadillas, Pickled Peppers and Gulab Jamuns – Strange Bedfellows? Maybe …

“Life is the sum of all your choices” Albert Camus Given the choice, I would cook and bake all day with olive oil as my happy cooking medium … SIGH … if only I didn’t find the price a little prohibitive. My dream came true when Sharon brought me a selection of the recently launched … Continue reading {Product Review & Recipe} Cottage Cheese & Bell Pepper Quesadillas, Pickled Peppers and Gulab Jamuns – Strange Bedfellows? Maybe …

Ricotta & Cream Cheese Chili Poppers with Kiwi Salsa

The poppers were darned delicious little bites. They got created in an attempt to use up some left over home made ricotta that I had made for roasted bell peppers and ricotta bruschetta 2 days ago. I eye balled the ingredients, and have to say these little poppers were wonderful.

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