Quark Cheesecake with Fresh Cherry Pie Topping

“The world belongs to the energetic.” Ralph Waldo Emerson  Yes, I made quark again because the little Cherry and Matcha Cheesecake Pots I recently made were very enticing. I thought I must make the dessert a second time as it was absolutely delicious… that thought changed when I stumbled upon a comment by Magdalena from … Continue reading Quark Cheesecake with Fresh Cherry Pie Topping

Cherry Matcha Cheesecake Pots … Inspired by Donna Hay

Out of this situation only good will come. I am Safe. One of my favorite affirmations.” Louise Hay on twitter I love reading about cookbooks people own, new ones they’ve added to their collections, and often find myself adding books to my wish list. Ottolenghi: The Cookbook was one such wonderful book, and I was … Continue reading Cherry Matcha Cheesecake Pots … Inspired by Donna Hay

Nobake Strawberry Quark Cheesecake

“Gourmandise is an impassioned, rational and habitual preference for all objects that flatter the sense of taste.” Jean Antheleme Brillat-Savarin Happy MAY! Anyone know what happened to March and April? Time is flying, and how. In the blink of an eye, the first quarter of 2010 whizzed by, and strangely enough, we’re already into May. … Continue reading Nobake Strawberry Quark Cheesecake

Say CHEESE! The simplest and probably cheapest way to make mascarpone at home

I’ve been on a soft cheese trip for a while, using my spare time trying to make mascarpone, ricotta, quark, cottage cheese etc at home.

Mulberry Cheesecake … getting creative with the Daring Bakers

“Marge, it’s 3 AM. Shouldn’t you be baking?”Homer Simpson The April 2009 challenge is hosted by Jenny from Jenny Bakes. She has chosen Abbey’s Infamous Cheesecake as the challenge. We’re back again & with another great challenge. It’s the Daring Bakers time of the month again, & this time it’s CHEESECAKE!! What caught my attention … Continue reading Mulberry Cheesecake … getting creative with the Daring Bakers

Chocolate Strawberry Refrigerator Cheesecake …summer ♥

“There’s more to life than chocolate, but not right now” Anonymous There’s a new book out there, & it sounds good … Cooking Green by Kate Heyhoe. It’s aimed at shrinking your ‘cookprint’ (new interesting word for me), & offers daily strategies for ‘lower impact living’. To quote the author, “How we cook is as … Continue reading Chocolate Strawberry Refrigerator Cheesecake …summer ♥

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