Baking | Lamb & Beet Greens – Calzones, Pies & Popovers …pizza dough three ways for times when you can’t think of anything better!

Lamb & Beet Greens – Calzones, Pies & Popovers …pizza dough three ways. One batch went a long way. Deliciously too with mince lamb and beet greens. We had calzones one day, pizza pies the next, and popovers for snacks. Never a hungry moment!

Foodhall … an Olive Oil Bar, fresh brewed tea, spices … & more

The Indian food scene is growing in leaps and bounds. New ‘eat outs’ are mushrooming across town, in every city, often faster than it takes me to get the next meal on the table. Speakeasy bars a new trend, exotic ingredients suddenly commonplace, and Jamie Oliver practically rubbing shoulders with Ongs on every local grocery store! Taking this food festivity one step further, we saw the opening of the Foodhall which is touted as being a unique high-end destination for food lovers; a new shopping experience.

Baking | Creamy Chicken Pasta Bake … & a Broccoli salad #comfortfood

Creamy, cheesy, indulgent and comforting, this is a great one bowl meal for cold winter days. Make ahead and bake just before serving. Maybe you can do a broccoli salad and oven baked wedges alongside.

Basque Lamb Stew … White Wine or Red? Surpisingly both!

With winter almost here, this Basque Lamb Stew seems like a good way to warm up … robust, hearty, full of flavour. It’s the time of the year when comfort food tops the list.

Bloggers Table | The Leela, Gurgaon … excellence in everything they do!

It’s one thing having a philosophy of “Atithi devo Bhava – Our Guest is God”, and it’s another thing delivering it in every sense of the word. The Leela did just that! Hospitality and culture so seamless that in many ways it felt surreal! The Leela Kempinski Gurgaon was presented the Best 5-Star Deluxe Hotel (India) award, March 2011 & 2012. Zanotta was Times Food Award’s pick for Best Italian in the Region in both 2010 and 2011.

Baking | Empanada Gallega … Daring Bakers at their best!

Empanada is the kind of food that makes one go back to childhood. A bread-like dough that surrounds a filling with just about anything you can imagine, from mushrooms, mince and cheese. Or filled with sugar, butter and fruit. Warm or cold, it’s simple, pretty, and delicious. Daring Bakers at their best!

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