Strawberries & Cream Mac-O-range Cake … Macinspirations

A cake with flavours I love – strawberries, cream and orange. I added macarons around and on top for effect as I was elated to have found enough feet to go around a cake! Gosh, it isn’t often that I find so much mac-success, so mac-inspiration was in order.

{Baking} Ottolenghi’s Individual Cherry & Plum Clafoutis … & a chance to win a Kitchen Aid Mixer

“If Life is a Bowl of Cherries, what Am I Doing in the Pits?” Erma Bombeck YIKES I did it again!! Yes, it was back to the Ottolenghi cookbook for the nth time. Well I had cherries, neatly pitted in a bowl, all thanks to a cherry pitter that Purple Foodie sent me from Mumbai. … Continue reading {Baking} Ottolenghi’s Individual Cherry & Plum Clafoutis … & a chance to win a Kitchen Aid Mixer


“A successful tool is one that was used to do something undreamt of by its author.”Stephen C. Johnson This is not a recipe post. It’s about a thought that comes to my mind often …What would I do if my microplaner broke? It’s enough to haunt the foodie in me, & cause me serious concern, … Continue reading WHAT WOULD I DO WITHOUT THE MICROPLANER?


“All work and no blog makes a blogger a dull worker.” A few days ago I had a visitor. She called one day to say that it was high time we met since we lived in the same city, & she was landing up that weekend! Her name is Nachiketa, she blogs from Delhi, & … Continue reading TRIFLE TALES…OF VISITING BLOGGERS & SWEET THINGS!


“Cookery is not chemistry. It is an art. It requires instinct and taste rather than exact measurements.”Marcel Boulestin This is my first entry for a Hay Hay it’s Donna Day event, & for some reason the event makes me somewhat nervous. I’ve wanted to be part of it for long, but can’t figure out if … Continue reading ROASTED RED BELL PEPPER & LAMB PASTA…HHDD & CLICK

Strawberry Curd Cheese Tartlets

“Scenes of strawberries, across crisp farmland.”Michael Easton It’s time for that ‘something sweet’ again, & I’m on a strawberry high. The market is quite flooded with strawberries, & I just can’t seem to get enough of this passionate berry. At the risk of flooding my blog with this fruit, I’m here once again with a … Continue reading Strawberry Curd Cheese Tartlets

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