Glazed lemon Cakes … just like Spring is here!

“Friends are like cupcakes in my pantry of memories.” Anonymous The weather has changed, Spring is in the air. Pretty flowers everywhere, & even though the daytime highs are much higher than normal, the mornings & evenings are just beautiful. There is frenzied activity of birds building nests, butterflies buzzing around… & in the last … Continue reading Glazed lemon Cakes … just like Spring is here!

Coffee Cake Muffins … addicted to food blogging!

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Albert Einstein Addicted to food blogs & blogging, that’s what I am! Try it & I’m sure you’ll have one happy family, happy in the foodie way anyway. They might whinge at the amount of time you spend on the net, but ‘up’ always comes with ‘down’, somewhat like … Continue reading Coffee Cake Muffins … addicted to food blogging!

Fresh Fruit Cake … Adieu 2008!

“Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” Oprah Winfrey Like all good things in life come to an end, 2008 has come to an end too. It’s been a good year in blogland, filled with loads of new friends, food & a whole lot of fun. It’s had … Continue reading Fresh Fruit Cake … Adieu 2008!


“Bring forth the raisins and the nuts Tonight All-Hallows’ Specter struts Along the moonlit way.” John Kendrick Bangs This is just a quick post, more pictures, few words…& recipes to follow, or maybe a link if you want to fall-o! BOO…where did the months go? It’s almost the end of the year, & I’m racing … Continue reading SIMPLE DRESS-UPS FOR HALLOWEEN…TREATS & A ‘THANK YOU’!

Simple, Delicious Apple Crisp

“Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.” Martin Luther The minute I read Helene’s post on the crisp, I knew I had to make it. With the list of simple ingredients & apples sitting in the fruit bowl, it was baking in next … Continue reading Simple, Delicious Apple Crisp

BOOKMARKED ROUNDUP 22…Guest hosting my first event!

“Recipes without the author, without the cuisine to which they were once a living, seamless part, die.” John Thorne I‘m delighted to be playing host to this week’s round-up of BOOKMARKED RECIPES, a wonderful weekly event hosted by Ruth of Ruth’s Kitchen Experiments. When Ruth asked if I was OK to host her baby for … Continue reading BOOKMARKED ROUNDUP 22…Guest hosting my first event!

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