Wholewheat Walnut Garlic Coriander Bread … new flour in town & I’m loving it! #EkNayiAadat with #Aashirvaad

Nothing better than fresh home baked bread, and this Walnut Garlic Coriander Wholewheat Bread is bursting with goodness of a new wholewheat flour, Aashirvaad Sugar Release Control Atta. Use herbs and nuts of your choice, play around with ingredients, but do make this.It’s healthy, it’s addictive, bread baking is therapeutic and above all it’s so good for a 100% whole grain bread!! This is my new favourite wholegrain flour, and I’m loving it!

Crudites with Creamy Garlic Dip and Seedy Buckwheat Crackers

Crudites with Creamy Garlic Dip and Seedy Buckwheat Crackers might well be one of my favourite ways to rustle up something simple and quite addictive for an everyday healthy nibble, a small get together, or even a lunch box snack. The dip is as simple as it is finger licking good, and is a great way to get your protein fix for the day. Crudites on the side, in every colour, make the platter balanced!

Baking | Olive Oil Walnut Garlic Rosemary Foccacia … bread of life

Nothing better than fresh home baked bread, and this Olive Oil Walnut Garlic Rosemary Foccacia is bursting with flavour. The Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer and their great quality bake-ware make baking breads so therapeutic, so fuss free. Use herbs and nuts of your choice, play around with ingredients, but do make this. The extra virign olive oil shines in the bread!

Baking | Cheese Garlic Rosemary Eggless Brioche … goodness of cheese & bread

With so many fabulous things within, eating the Cheese Garlic Rosemary Eggless Brioche was literally like nibbling a cheeseboard! Serve pears, apples, grapes, olives, cold cuts on the side, maybe a nice smoked cheese too. The bread takes care of the rest.

Rosemary Garlic Sesame Millet Crackers with Lovilovi and Bird’s Eye Sweet Chili Pickle … earthy beautiful pairing

Rosemary Garlic Sesame Millet Crackers turned out to be crackers with a bite. Paired with the sweet chili pickle, they got just the right kick as well, some smoked Gouda on the side to balance the heat from the pickle. Both the crackers and the the pickle have much in common, other than the long name of course! Both earthy and rustic, both from local produce, they have a combination of flavours that compliment each other. The taste undertones are complex but subtle, individual ingredients in each that compliment the preparation. The good thing is that they paired together beautifully too!

Baking | Wholewheat Garlic Oat Soda Bread … Instagram inspired baking #makehalfyourgrainswhole

Wholewheat Garlic Oat Soda Bread is possibly the quickest bread you can bake. From almost a no knead shaggy dough that is quick to throw together, it’s our current favourite bread. Try this near wholegrain version to see how good quick bread can be.

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