MANGO MOUSSE TART…forced into obligation!

“All men’s gains are the fruit of venturing”Herodotus You might remember the French tart I tried to make here on Mother’s Day, & it didn’t oblige at all. I admonished the misbehaving tart shell, & it cooled it’s heels in the fridge for 2 days, while I tried to figure out how best to resurrect … Continue reading MANGO MOUSSE TART…forced into obligation!

APRICOT CHERRY MINI CRISPS…there’s joy in blogging!

“You’ve got to go out on a limb sometimes because that’s where the fruit is.” Will Rogers Summer’s here in full swing, & we’re slowly seeing the market getting flooded with ‘stone fruits’. It began with mangoes, then cherries, & now it’s apricots. Peaches are beginning to surface as well, but haven’t reached the ‘fully … Continue reading APRICOT CHERRY MINI CRISPS…there’s joy in blogging!


“Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer, and like it.” Russel Baker Oh to have a berry to call your own! What a blissful feeling it is to find pretty berries here after going green with envy reading about blueberries, cranberries & just about every other berry under the sun in blog … Continue reading BERRY DELICIOUS INDIAN COOLER … Phalse ka Sherbet

Chocolate Banana Walnut Brownie Cake

“They look more attractive than a regular cake and they do not have to be frosted to be good.”Linda Edwards Over-ripe bananas & never a free moment to bake. A dilemma I used to face often, but not anymore! How often have you looked a banana in the face & thought you’d better use it … Continue reading Chocolate Banana Walnut Brownie Cake

FROZEN STRAWBERRY YOGURT…a refreshing ice-cream in disguise!

“Ice cream is exquisite. What a pity it isn’t illegal.” Voltaire And when it is ‘N O F A T’, as in fat-free, insanely fruity & tangy, & has yogurt, then it’s even bettah! This refreshing Frozen Strawberry Yogurt is much the ice-cream that I crave, & has all the goodness of the world stirred … Continue reading FROZEN STRAWBERRY YOGURT…a refreshing ice-cream in disguise!


“I leave my fats for dessert.”Bruce Mathews My favourite dessert of all time is a panna cotta. Panna cotta, an Italian dessert, which literally means cooked cream, is luxurious & creamy, eggless & sensual. In winter, we like a deep dark chocolate panna cotta. Come summer & I’m all for fruity flavour. With winter on … Continue reading STRAWBERRY PANNA COTTA WITH A STRAWBERRY COULIS…the one that wouldn’t oblige!

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