ESPRESSO CHOCOLATE-CHIP CUPCAKES…Comfort with a cuppa coffee!

“Food is the most primitive form of comfort” Sheilah Graham ‘Espresso Comfort’…Coffee & Dark Chocolate Here is where my two most comforting & favourite flavours meet…in these ‘Espresso Chocolate-chip Cupcakes’. Meeta’s Monthly Mingle this month calls for ‘Comfort Foods’ & comes just at the peak of winter, where the winds seem to be getting colder … Continue reading ESPRESSO CHOCOLATE-CHIP CUPCAKES…Comfort with a cuppa coffee!


“Let’s dance and sing and make good cheer, For Christmas comes but once a year.” Sir George Alexander Macfarren CHOCOLATE ORANGE CUPCAKES Festive food for Christmas! In a span of 2 days I baked over a 100 cupcakes & iced them as well. The first 80 were vanilla cupcakes, the ones for the playschool Christmas … Continue reading IT’S CHOCOLATE ORANGE CUPCAKES FOR CHRISTMAS THIS TIME!


“‘If ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ were candy and nuts, wouldn’t it be a Merry Christmas? “ Don Meredith VANILLA CUPCAKES FOR CHISTMAS OK…am back again. Yesterday & today were busier than I imagined they would be. I got literally talked into volunteering to make , hold your breadth, 80 cupcakes for a Christmas party for a … Continue reading VANILLA CUPCAKES FOR A CHRISTMAS PARTY…Merry Christmas!

Simplest Eggless Pecan Chocolate Chip Banana Bread … nutty, buttery, rich & delicious. Make this now!

This banana bread is comfort in a loaf, is always good to have on hand when hunger strikes AND it also makes for a really nice holiday gift. Simply stir together all the ingredients in a large bowl and it always turns out excellent.

Almond Saffron Jelly Cake … Dessert to brighten the Festival Season

A gently spiced eggless pistachio sponge, the simplest one bowl hand whisked recipe you’ll ever find, is topped with a smooth indulgent almond cream.

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