Broccoli Green Garlic Coconut Cashew Soup … firm favourite! #glutenfree #vegan

Broccoli Green Garlic Coconut Cashew Soup! If someone had asked me a couple of months ago which my favourite soup was, it would probably have been the carrot orange, perhaps the mushroom rosemary.

I would have NEVER expected this Broccoli Green Garlic Coconut Cashew Soup to top my list, yet that’s just what happened! So I just had to share this smooth, silky, creamy soup with you, my shout out for #veganuary.

It’s #vegan & #glutenfree. For a nut free version, just skip the cashews, but please make it. It’s quite the comfort food that’s warmed us this winter!

Carrot Orange Turmeric Soup … staying warm this winter!

Carrot Orange Turmeric Soup

They say we’re experiencing the coldest winter in North India in decades. That calls for endless soups, stews & hot chocolate! I’m trying my hand at things I’ve never made before, & this brightly coloured delicious soup is one of them.

Switzerland Tourism Influencer Summit, Davos. #inLOVEwithSWITZERLAND … again. {Part 1}

From the mighty Swiss Alps to rolling green meadows, countrysides that echo cow bells, the odd moos, Switzerland has so much to be discovered, it would take a lifetime. Perhaps more. Yes, I was back in this beautiful country with Switzerland Tourism after four years and it seems even more beautiful than ever!

Baking | Olive Oil Walnut Garlic Rosemary Foccacia … bread of life

Nothing better than fresh home baked bread, and this Olive Oil Walnut Garlic Rosemary Foccacia is bursting with flavour. The Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer and their great quality bake-ware make baking breads so therapeutic, so fuss free. Use herbs and nuts of your choice, play around with ingredients, but do make this. The extra virign olive oil shines in the bread!

Baking | Simple Straightforward Delicious 100% Wholewheat Pizza … #cleaneating

Simple, quick, fuss free, this ‘loaded with goodness’ 100% Wholewheat Pizza will keep the young and old all happy. Base done, fix the toppings as you like, else there is a recipe below. Recipe can be easily doubled.

Baking | Oats Nut Crispbread … delicious, light, addictive. Simple too #wholegrain #healthy

Delicious, light, addictive, versatile and simple to make, this Oats Nut Crispbread is very addictive and makes quite the perfect snack for a hungry nibble. If you are adventurous enough, you can also bake the dough into bite sized shells for canapes!

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