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“Food…can look beautiful, taste exquisite, smell wonderful, make people feel good, bring them together, inspire romantic feelings.
…At its most basic, it is fuel for a hungry machine.”
Rosamond Richardson
Malted Oat ‘n’ Pistachio Cookies
I made really simple healthy cookies the other day. Had some oats which were beginning to look really sad just sitting there, so out came the cookbook. …’The Great Cookie Book’. Wasn’t in the mood for some long drawn recipe; found this one which seemed as laid back as I was feeling!
Made a few changes as I obviously would want to. Added nuts to add to crunch & taste; had to be pistachios which have found loads of favour with me these days. I think even walnuts would be a great option. The original cookie was supposed to be a crisp ‘n’ crunchy cookie…ideal to serve with morning coffee! In my great laziness, didn’t realize that we needed malt extract (help, what’s that???) until I had tossed all the dry ingredients together!!!
Aaaaaaaaaaarghvery Garfield moment in my life, just like it says on my fave coffee mug you see in the pic – ‘FACE IT’ , & I had to!! I used corn syrup instead. Maybe 1 tsp would have turned out a crisp cookie, but 2 tsps turned out beautifully chewy, delicious cookies. They were wonderful warm too!
Here’s the recipe as adapted form ‘The Great Cookie Book’, pg 34.’
Rolled oats – 1 1/2 cups
Brown Sugar – 1/4 cup
Egg – 1
Sunflower oil – 4 tbsps
Corn Syrup – 2 tsps ( original has malt extract???)


Got my eyes set on you….

Am also excited to tell you about an award I got from sweet Saralynn @ Kooky Kids; an award for a ‘Blog of Distinction’.

Hey Saralynn, thanks a million, I am thrilled to get this lovely one…YAY!! This award was created by Working Mum On The Verge. Here are the rules:

Pass the award on to five blogs that make you Laugh, Cry, Think or Sigh…I love it!! I’d like to pass on the ‘Blog of Distinction’ to the following 5 who’ve made my life quite entertaining!

Thanks again Saralynn for passing on such a wonderful award to me, & for giving me an opportunity to pass it on.

Got a funny fairy tale in the mail yesterday…read on if you have the time!

One day, a long, long time ago…….

…there lived a woman who did not whine, nag or bitch.But this was a long time ago…….and this seems unbelievable !
The End
Have a great day you lovely folk.
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