Jamun/ Wild Indian Java Plum Mousse … simple summer dessert

When Jamuns {wild Indian Java plums} are in season, a Jamun/ Wild Indian Java Plum Mousse is always on the cards.
Jamuns are an acquired taste because of their astringent edge, so the jamun mousse also carries a hint of the edge. If you enjoy jamuns, you will enjoy this.

3 ways with Watermelon – Pizza Cooler Salad #summer #healthy #inspiration #raw

When summer hits you splat in the face before time, with temperatures over 40C already, it’s only summer fruits you can turn to. These days I’m mesmerized by watermelons. They’re available in plenty and are great to chomp on summer through. Use them simply as nibbling off the rind, or get a little creative with them. It’s a real fun fruit to play with, and you can do so much and more with them. Here are 3 ways…

Mulberry Lime Cooler … when spring meets summer!

Mulberry Lime Cooler for times like these when the season changes, when spring meets summer. With a very short and ‘finger staining good’ mulberry season in progress, life is good. How better to use these foraged beauties than in a refreshing summer cooler sweetened with 100% pure maple syrup from Canada!

Strawberry Pineapple Smoothies & Watermelon Kiwi Gooseberry Fruit Bowl- going Tropical with Chumbak

Strawberry Pineapple Smoothies & Watermelon Kiwi Gooseberry Fruit Bowl to celebrate the tropical collection from Chumbak. It’s INSPIRING!

Eggless Baked Cheesecake with a Mango Lime Sauce … desserts for summer

Quick, eggless delicious, the Eggless Cheesecake with Mango Lime Sauce is the Western take on an old Indian classic, ‘bhapa doi’. Make it a day ahead, chill well, and then enjoy the compliments that come your way.

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