“You become about as exciting as your food blender. The kids come in look you in the eye, and ask if anybody’s home.”
Erma Bombeck
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Spicy Cookies
Sometimes I think I’m running my personal blog patrol event & the frequency seems to be increasing with all the yummies doing the rounds! Made these ‘healthy’ cookies the other day. I don’t think they can get more healthier than this & stay edible, specially with kids. While browsing Sunita’s blog I stopped at these. She was inspired by traditional gingersnaps & these looked ever so pretty & sounded simple too. I had all the ingredients on hand & couldn’t wait to get started. They made 15 perfect cookies…warm, deep flavours emanating from them.
IMG 5266These are healthy, healthy cookies & good for a change from butter! More of a dunk in the coffee sorta cookie! The kids liked them, & the boy had a picture idea…to hold it against the sky; eventually we settled for somewhere in between!
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And therein begins the tale of dirt pies. The kids have their friends over from Kiev these days & the girls wanted to bake! I wasn’t up to the kitchen getting messed up big time, so they agreed to make a jello pudding! Once it was set, I suggested cookie crumbs on top for a mud pie. They had a blast with spicy cookie crumbs (never mind the crumbs ALL over the kitchen floor) & topped the pudding with gummy worms popping out & an Easter egg each! Dirt Pies ready, I said I’d take pictures if they liked. They clicked with the idea, begging me to put them on my blog so they could become world famous! Never imagined blogs could be so powerful & in demand!! Of course the girls pleaded with me in the same breadth not to put the boys on the blog coz they didn’t want to share the limelight. Hmmm…me the ever fair creature dragged the boys with their puddings for a picture, but couldn’t stop them from gobbling their pies!! Boys will be boys!!

collageThe recipe as adapted from Sunita’s World

Wholewheat flour – 1 cup
Cinnamon powder – 1 tsp
Ginger powder – 3/4 tsp
Baking soda – 1/4 tsp
A pinch of salt
Brown sugar – 4 tbsp
Oil – 3 tbsp
Egg – 1
Vanilla essence – 1/2 tsp
Vanilla Sugar to roll the balls of cookie dough in (can use granulated sugar too)


  • Whisk together the egg, oil, sugar, and vanilla.
  • In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour, soda,salt, cinnamon and ginger.
  • Make a well in the centre of the flour mixture and tip in the egg mixture.
  • Gently fold in, with a spatula until everything just comes together…do not over mix.
  • Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and chill for an hour.
  • Pre heat the oven at 180 deg C, grease a baking tray.
  • Divide the mixture into 15 equal portions and shape each into a ball.
  • Roll each ball in the sugar and place them on the prepared baking tray, a little apart from each other.
  • Gently flatten the balls for 12-15 minutes or till the tops are firm and feel dry…(there will be visible cracks on the top).
    Cool in the tray for a few minutes and then transfer to a rack to cool completely before storing in air tight containers.
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In the daughter’s words…Oooooooooooooooh crackle-tops!

About me: I am a freelance food writer, recipe developer and photographer. Food is my passion - baking, cooking, developing recipes, making recipes healthier, using fresh seasonal produce and local products, keeping a check on my carbon footprint and being a responsible foodie! I enjoy food styling, food photography, recipe development and product reviews. I express this through my food photographs which I style and the recipes I blog. My strength lies in 'Doing Food From Scratch'; it must taste as good as it looks, and be healthy too. Baking in India, often my biggest challenge is the non-availability of baking ingredients, and this has now become a platform to get creative on. I enjoy cooking immensely as well.


  • Kalai

    Would be totally awesome with a mug of coffee!! And definitely better than using gobs of butter. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  • Rosie

    Oooooooooooooooh is just what I would say too!! I wish I could just put my hand into my screen and bring out one of your delicious cookies mmmmmm…

    Rosie x

  • Dhivya

    wow!awesome those

  • sunita

    Deeba, I’m so glad that your kiddos enjoyed the cookies with crackled tops :-)…mine adore them too.

  • Andrew

    Those cookies look great. I haven’t made any in a while and now I really want to!

    The New Cook

  • Passionate baker...& beyond

    Hi Kalai…these were a breeze to make, & looked so pretty!
    I’ll let the daughter know Rosie. She’ll be thrilled!:0)
    Thanks Divya
    Sunita, thanks, these were very nice & really simple.
    Hey Andrew, thanks for stopping by.Nothing better than home-made cookies!!

  • Passionate baker...& beyond

    Hi Kalai…these were a breeze to make, & looked so pretty!
    I’ll let the daughter know Rosie. She’ll be thrilled!:0)
    Thanks Divya
    Sunita, thanks, these were very nice & really simple.
    Hey Andrew, thanks for stopping by.Nothing better than home-made cookies!!

  • Rachel

    I’ve been eyeing those cookies since the time I saw it over at sunita’s….

  • Purnima

    All pics r pretty, esp the son-daughter collage wt wormy bowl! 😀 Shall try cookies soon-tks to Sunita n u!(crumbling these atop jell-o fab idea!)

  • arundati

    after i spoke with you…i made a batch of these tooo…just took a pic after seeing your post…only 3 cookies made it to the pic!!

  • Passionate baker...& beyond

    Eye catching, aren’t they Rachel?
    Thanks Purnima…jello was a big hit & the making of it even bigger!
    3’s better than none Arundati.The pictures are no reflection of the pandemonium in the house that day!

  • Passionate baker...& beyond

    Eye catching, aren’t they Rachel?
    Thanks Purnima…jello was a big hit & the making of it even bigger!
    3’s better than none Arundati.The pictures are no reflection of the pandemonium in the house that day!

  • Coffee & Vanilla

    Your dirt pies look delicious 🙂


  • Coffee & Vanilla

    Your dirt pies look delicious 🙂


  • Vanamala

    fantastic cookies …..

  • Arfi Binsted

    ahahahaha!! kids just love kitchen. i don’t bother my kids make a mess, they usually are helping me when i am tidying up. lovely cookies!


  • familiabencomo

    You are such a great mom! I love it that you “allowed” some baking in the kitchen. Much better than me!

    I’m green with envy over everything you create!

    xoxox Amy

  • Passionate baker...& beyond

    Hey there Margot..loved the marbled eggs!
    Thanks for stopping by Vanamala.:0)
    You are a patient mother Arfi.Patient enough to tutor them at home & give them a free run of the kitchen. I’m not so good!!
    Amy…you have to see my level of patience…’allowed’ was putting it mildly!Am quite the devil…can’t be better than you!! Ha ha!!

  • Passionate baker...& beyond

    Hey there Margot..loved the marbled eggs!
    Thanks for stopping by Vanamala.:0)
    You are a patient mother Arfi.Patient enough to tutor them at home & give them a free run of the kitchen. I’m not so good!!
    Amy…you have to see my level of patience…’allowed’ was putting it mildly!Am quite the devil…can’t be better than you!! Ha ha!!

  • Debby

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for the nice comments. Looking at your blog, I realize how much I have to learn. I hope to try these cookies, the other things are perhaps out of my league. But so beautiful – I would love to try them – to eat.

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