Baking| Chocolate Chip & Tart Cherry Cookies … Enjoying SRC in HKG!

“Baking chocolate-chip cookies – an act that makes all seem right with the world….”
Dorie Greenspan on Twitter

Chocolate Chip and Tart Cherry CookiesI’m back!! Just got in from Sydney 2 days ago, and am left wondering why good times fly by so quick. Had an absolutely wonderful time Down Under, a vacation we have come to look forward to. En route, we took a 3 day break in Hong Kong, thoroughly enjoying the the geographical diversity and amazing views it offers! It’s a place we never tire of …Hong KongWe enjoyed these cookies in Hong Kong, happily munched with leisurely cups of morning coffee… who would have thought! Made them for The Secret Recipe Club a day before we flew out, a great pick from Bizzy B Bakes, the blog I was partnered with this month.  Bizzy B’s baking blog is full of infectious enthusiasm. She’s a huge fan of Dorie Greenspan, and does mainly gluten free recipes. {I’m late posting as life hit me full in the face the minute we got back.}Hong Kong From a very cool Sydney to a very HOT / 40C in Delhi {and 77% humidity}, I hit reality pretty soon. There are suitcases to be unpacked, laundry to be done, the kids are incessantly whining for a pup ASAP, school projects await completion, pictures need editing, mails lie unanswered … and a hungry blog stares at me! Dark Chocolate Chip and Tart Cherry Cookies

It’s June with Bizzy B Bakes, my secret partner for the month @ The Secret Recipe Club, the brainchild of the very talented & sweet Amanda of Amanda’s Cookin’. The idea behind the club – Each month you are “assigned” a participating food blogger to make a recipe from. It’s a secret, so don’t tell them you are making something from their blog! Click on the link if you want to join the fun!!

As Chef Bizzy B said of the Cranberry, Pecan and White Chocolate Cookies … “First, I thought that this unusual combination would not go together but they did mesh beautifully and I have a new cookie to add to my repertoire. The richness of the flavors blended together is just right. I love the softness of the cranberry in contrast with the harder pecans and chocolate – I love chocolate.” I used tart dried cherries instead of cranberries, and dark chocolate chips instead of white chocolate.The recipe was indeed SIMPLE, a one bowl wonder!Hong KongAbout Hong Kong … what’s not to love about this beautiful spot on Earth which has so much on offer. Thanks to the hub visiting Hkg often , we were leaping off ferries, trams and the MTR like we’d been here forever. It’s a network beautifully connected and easy to use. Peak Hong KongWe’ve done the Peak often in the past, but the lad wanted to once again, so we chugged up the steep slopes in the Peak Tram to alight to breath taking views of the city, harbour etc.The harbour was crossed umpteen times, the iconic Star Ferry carried us from end to end offering us great views of the harbour all around. HKGRaced and caught the Symphony of Lights just in time. We felt the pulse of Hong Kong … from contrasting landscapes of steep mountains with dense greenery to bays, beaches and rivers, from high rise buildings to the busy, bustling lanes of Stanley Market etc … fun! Hong Kong

[print_this]Recipe: Chocolate Chip & Tart Cherry Cookies your picture

Summary: The richness of the flavors blended together is just right. The softness of the tart cherries in contrast with the harder dark chocolate wins you over.

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 40 minutes

  • 1 cup flour
  • 1/2 cup oats
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1/2 cup dried tart cherries
  • 1/2 cup dark chocolate chips


  1. Preheat oven to 180C.
  2. Beat butter in a large mixing bowl until fluffy, about 2-3 minutes.
  3. Add sugar and beat until blended.
  4. Beat in egg, then add vanilla and mix.
  5. Add dry ingredients and mix well until blended.
  6. Using a sturdy wooden spoon, dried tart cherries, chocolate chips and nuts, mixing in until well blended.
  7. Drop tbsps of cookie batter on a lightly greased baking sheet, flattening slightly with a fork if desired.
  8. Bake cookies until just golden, checking after 12 minutes.


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Also find me on The Rabid Baker, The Times of India
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About me: I am a freelance food writer, recipe developer and photographer. Food is my passion - baking, cooking, developing recipes, making recipes healthier, using fresh seasonal produce and local products, keeping a check on my carbon footprint and being a responsible foodie! I enjoy food styling, food photography, recipe development and product reviews. I express this through my food photographs which I style and the recipes I blog. My strength lies in 'Doing Food From Scratch'; it must taste as good as it looks, and be healthy too. Baking in India, often my biggest challenge is the non-availability of baking ingredients, and this has now become a platform to get creative on. I enjoy cooking immensely as well.


  • arundati

    lovely pictures Deeba, and you have such stunning kids~ cant wait to see the rest of your posts/ pics… i love pictures of the chinese lanterns…much love

  • Madhuli

    Hey welcome back..was eagerly waiting for this post..HongKong pics look fabulous..though was hoping more of Sydney too 🙂 just to refresh my lovely memories 🙂 Cookie recipe bookmarked to be made ASAP 🙂 Thanks

  • Meenu

    Hey Deeba
    Lovely pics and as Arundhati said your kids have stunning looks!
    Sydney will show up too in some post soon for the armchair traveler types like me 🙂

    The Delhi weather is beautiful today and am so glad i saw this post…will bake pronto…tks for it!

  • abha

    Hi ! Lovely pics This was a nice break for you.Missed you. I am so addicted to your blog and that makes you connected to me.

  • Rosa

    Thanks for sharing those pictures with us. It looks like you had a great time in Hong Kong!

    Your cookies must be divine! Anything that contains oatmeal and chocolate chips gets my vote!



  • Renata

    Very well deserved break! The photos are amazing (can’t believe I’m so close to china and still haven’t been there!) Welcome back, and I’m looking forward to your delicious new posts. By the way, these cookies look fantastic, and I love that smiley mug 🙂

  • Suma

    Welcome back after that wonderful holiday Deeba! Missed your posts here! The cookies look yumm and the mug so very cheery. Hungry for more posts on PAB:-))

  • prathibha

    The moment I saw HKG in the title I had 2 open the link as I love HKG very much and have very nice memories associated wid it…Thanks for refreshing my memories…loved each n every foto..:)
    b4 I 4get lemme say those cookies look gorgeous..:)

  • Zita

    Great post Deeba! Are those your children on the photos? Beautiful travel photos and I bet the home made cookies were so yummie in Hongkong! 🙂

  • Bizzy

    Deeba, these photos are a treat to the eye. Sounds like a wonderful trip.

    I can’t imagine where you found the time to bake the cookies but I am glad you did. I have been thinking using dried apricots and coconut would be another way to go.

    Now, I want to spend time checking out your recipes.

  • bellini

    I so enjoyed browsing your photos Deeba from your latest adventure! The Secret Recipe blub is something I would like to join eventaully when life settles down.

  • Helene

    I’m enjoying your pics this morning with my coffee. They are so nice. Wish I was visiting Hong Kong. I’ll have to go someday. Delicious cookies also. 🙂

  • Kate

    Thanks for the recipe and post! I really enjoying reading your blog and making the cookies, they were really delicious!!!

  • Ananda Rajashekar

    Amzing pic deeba, to step in in Aus is my dream, all ur pic wants me to fly right away!

  • Krista

    Welcome home, Deeba! 🙂 I LOVE the combo of cherries and chocolate. Mmm. I’ve been craving cookies for days now. I really need to just buckle down and make these beauties! 🙂

  • kristy

    Welcome back, Deeba1 Those are your kids! As always your photos are stunning. and thanks for sharing the recipesas well. Will check out the links. Have a lovely day.

  • Samruddhi

    Welcome back Deeba….Good to know that you had a great time..your pics look amazing…and the cookies are wonderful. 🙂

  • gloria

    What amazing pictures and delicious recipe dear Deeba, amazing travel! (did you see Im in secret recipe club now?)) I enjoyed! huggsss, xoxoxoxo gloria

  • shaz

    Glad to hear you are all home safe and sound dear Deeba! And thank you again for the call, it was so lovely to finally have a chat, it left me on a high all Friday 🙂 Lovely holiday snaps, and the cookies sound perfect for relaxing with cups of tea.

  • cooking rookie

    Lovely cookies. I love tart cherries, I also made cookies with them – they make everything better! And I love the ship with red sails – it looks as if it has come stright from a fairy tale 🙂

  • Anna

    I’m so glad I stumbled upon your blog 🙂 I’m quite new to cooking and your blog just makes me want to try everything at once 🙂 These look delicious!

  • Natasha

    Hey Deeba,
    Good to have you back and blogging! I’m glad you had a lovely vacation…..the weather here has been treacherous!
    Awesome cookies, made them this morning and they were devoured almost immediately.Thank you!

  • meeta

    Good to have you back Deeba and as always you come back with a bang. Sydney looks awesome and the cookies even more so.

    Gorgeous shots of Sydney – I still have to get there one day. Thanks for the virtual trip my friend!

  • sanjeev jha

    Thanks for sharing the cookie recipe.I forced my wife to make them for me (read begging) and it tasted WOW!!

  • Stanley Boyd

    Dear Deeba,

    When you bake your cookies do you use cake or bread flour— as I have heard one is soft and one is hard. Does it make a difference or should I not care. And…. how would I know how to identify hard or soft flour??? I want a cripsy but still soft maybe almost chewy cookie.


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