Peter Reinharts Pizza Dough & Ergochef Knives

Baking| ERGO Knives {a review} & the best pizza dough ever {Peter Reinhart}

“I got the Sun in the Morning and the Moon at Night…”
Annie get Your Gun

Peter Reinharts Pizza Dough & Ergochef KnivesThe lyrics above from the musical, Annie get Your Gun which we performed in university, sum my post perfectly. I had everything I ever wanted that day! I had Peter Reinharts pizza dough risen and ready to be baked into pizza when the bell rang. It was the good old postman and he looked HAPPY! Was it the misplaced lens cap that I had ordered on ebay? He looked happier than ‘lens-cap happy’, and impatiently thrust a heavy parcel into my hands.It’s here!” he announced as if I had won the first prize…Ergo Chef Knives

ERGO was written boldly across the packaging. I had completely forgotten that the pro knife folk at Ergo had asked me if I would be interested in reviewing their range of knives. YES please! They sent me 2 knives from their pro-series range – a 7″ Santuko Hollow ground edge and a 3.5″ pairing knife, in my opinion 2 knives that are a must have in every kitchen!

Ergo Chef has a fabulous range of knives, ergonomic and stylish in design, forged from one piece of high-carbon German steel (type X50CrMoV15), so there’s no chance they’ll snap in two. They’re also precision heat-treated for long edge life to 56-58 RC. {That’s “Rockwell,” the hardness test for steel}. In layman’s terms, that’s a perfect hardness for long edge life.

Ergo Chef KnivesI’ve ALWAYS been maniacal about my favourite kitchen tools, especially good kitchen knives. I have an old Santuko which has seen its days and these gleaming Ergo-babies had me chopping in next to no time. The Ergo Chef knives feel good and sturdy to hold, have a razor S H A R P  edge, and a comfortable wonderful grip. Have you a ‘thing‘ about chef knives? Do you obsess about no one else getting near your fave kitchen knife or culinary possession?

knifeDiagramThe design is ergonomic {as reflective of the name ERGO CHEF} and chopping has seriously taken a whole new meaning since they arrived. Onion slices as thin as paper, herbs chopped fine like I love them, the characteristic hollow ground depressions that keep food from clinging to the knife … in my eyes perfect properties for a good knife. We were well on our way to PIZZA now… CHOP, CHOP, CHOP!!Peter Reinharts Pizza Dough & Ergochef KnivesThis pizza dough is touted by Heidi @ 101 Cookbooks as the best pizza dough ever, and she’s spot on! The last time I made Peter Reinhart’s pizza dough was for a DB challenge. I was far too  inexperienced and even though it made a great pizza, what I got this time was simply the best. It’s SO GOOD that I might never bother experimenting with any other recipe. It’s got many plus factors primarily the make in advance factor. That works for me like nothing else. I sleep best when I know I have dough in the fridge. In addition, the crust is light as can be, crisp on the edges, and the resting in the fridge gives it a mature deep flavour …Peter Reinharts Pizza Dough & Ergochef KnivesMaybe the dough was good because of the Thermomix {another kitchen ‘item’ I’m obsessive about; add to the list my microplaner … }, or probably the vital gluten that Suma from Bangalore was sweet enough to courier me. Mr PAB called it the best pizza we’ve had! Did I tell you that the dough had a wonderful roasted garlic flavour which came through with just the slightest tang of my pickled red chillies? Of course it had a generous helping of fresh herbs from my flourishing herb garden! Yes, this was the best pizza ever.Herbs from my gardenErgo Chef KnivesThe toppings were minimal as Heidi suggested and she was a 100% right again. I would have loved to just make it a plain Margarita, but I struggle to get nutrition into my troublesome teen so my toppings on a basic homemade red pizza sauce were finely sliced mushrooms {sauteed in EVOO, garlic and herbs till flavoursome}, and roasted bell peppers, topped with Himalayan buffalo mozarella, pickled red peppers and fresh oregano!! The base took well to the toppings and we really enjoyed this vegetarian pizza! {pardon the pictures of the pizza as it was night by the time I got organised}.Kitchen Tools

Tell me dear readers, do  you have a kitchen gadget/tool that you are possessive about ? What is your favourite pizza dough recipe?


Peter Reinhart’s Napoletana Pizza Dough Recipe
IMG 3962 1
Summary: Adapted from 101 cookbooks, this pizza dough is touted by Heidi @ 101 Cookbooks as the best pizza dough ever, and she’s spot on! It’s SO GOOD that I might never bother experimenting with any other recipe. It makes a light airy crust which is wonderfully crisp on the edges. The overnight rise  in the fridge gives it a mature deep flavour, enhanced by my addition of roasted garlic and pickled red peppers…

Prep Time: 40 minutes {plus overnight rest, and 2 hours rest at room temperature}
Cooking Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour
4 1/2 cups all-purpose flour, chilled
4 tbsp vital wheat gluten
1 tsp instant yeast
1 3/4 tsp salt
1/4 cup olive oil
1 head garlic, roasted
1 tbsp preserved red chillies {optional}
1 3/4 cups chilled water


1. Stir together the flour, salt, and instant yeast in a 4-quart bowl (or in the bowl of an electric mixer). With a large metal spoon, stir in the oil and the cold water until the flour is all absorbed (or mix on low speed with the paddle attachment), If you are mixing by hand, repeatedly dip one of your hands or the metal spoon into cold water and use it, much like a dough hook, to work the dough vigorously into a smooth mass while rotating the bowl in a circular motion with the other hand. Reverse the circular motion a few times to develop the gluten further. Do this for 5 to 7 minutes, or until the dough is smooth and the ingredients are evenly distributed. If you are using an electric mixer, switch to the dough hook and mix on medium speed for 5 to 7 minutes, or as long as it takes to create a smooth, sticky dough. The dough should clear the sides of the bowl but stick to the bottom of the bowl. If the dough is too wet and doesn’t come off the sides of the bowl, sprinkle in some more flour just until it clears the sides. If it clears the bottom of the bowl, dribble in a tea- spoon or two of cold water. The finished dough will be springy, elastic, and sticky, not just tacky, and register 50 to 55F.
2. Thermomix method for dough: Place all ingredients in TM bowl and mix at speed 6 for 8 seconds. Run for 2 minutes on interval mode. Turn prepared dough out and proceed to step 3.{Donot leave TM unattended while running on interval mode}
3. Sprinkle flour on the counter and transfer the dough to the counter. Prepare a sheet pan by lining it with baking parchment and misting the parchment with spray oil (or lightly oil the parchment). Using a metal dough scraper, cut the dough into 6 equal pieces (or larger if you are comfortable shaping large pizzas), You can dip the scraper into the water between cuts to keep the dough from sticking to it, Sprinkle flour over the dough. Make sure your hands are dry and then flour them. Lift each piece and gently round it into a ball. If the dough sticks to your hands, dip your hands into the flour again. Transfer the dough balls to the sheet pan, Mist the dough generously with spray oil and slip the pan into a food-grade plastic bag.
4. Put the pan into the refrigerator overnight to rest the dough, or keep for up to 3 days. (Note: If you want to save some of the dough for future baking, you can store the dough balls in a zippered freezer bag. Dip each dough ball into a bowl that has a few tablespoons of oil in it, rolling the dough in the oil, and then put each ball into a separate bag. You can place the bags into the freezer for up to 3 months. Transfer them to the refrigerator the day before you plan to make pizza.)
5. On the day you plan to make the pizza, remove the desired number of dough balls from the refrigerator 2 hours before making the pizza. Before letting the dough rest at room temperature for 2 hours, dust the counter with flour, and then mist the counter with spray oil. Place the dough balls on top of the floured counter and sprinkle them with flour; dust your hands with flour. Gently press the dough into flat disks about 1/2 inch thick and 5 inches in diameter. Sprinkle the dough with flour, mist it again with spray oil, and cover the dough loosely with plastic wrap or a food-grade plastic bag. Now let rest for 2 hours.
6. At least 45 minutes before making the pizza, place a heavy duty spare sheet pan on a rack in the lower third of the oven. Heat the oven as hot as possible. {If you do not have a baking stone, you can use the back of a sheet pan.}
7. Generously dust a peel or the back of a sheet pan with semolina flour or cornmeal. Make the pizzas one at a time. Dip your hands, including the backs of your hands and knuckles, in flour and lift I piece of dough by getting under it with a pastry scraper. Very gently lay the dough across your fists and carefully stretch it by bouncing the dough in a circular motion on your hands, carefully giving it a little stretch with each bounce. If it begins to stick to your hands, lay it down on the floured counter and reflour your hands, then continue shaping it. Once the dough has expanded outward, move to a full toss as shown on page 208. If you have trouble tossing the dough, or if the dough keeps springing back, let it rest for 5 to 20 minutes so the gluten can relax, and try again. You can also resort to using a rolling pin, though this isn’t as effective as the toss method.
8. When the dough is stretched out to your satisfaction (about 9 to 12″ in diameter for a 6-ounce piece of dough), lay it on the peel or pan, making sure there is enough semolina flour or cornmeal to allow it to slide. Lightly top it with sauce and then with your other top- pings, remembering that the best pizzas are topped with a less-is-more philosophy. The American “kitchen sink” approach is counterproductive, as it makes the crust more difficult to bake. A few, usually no more than 3 or 4 toppings, including sauce and cheese is sufficient.
9. Slide the topped pizza onto the stone (or bake directly on the sheet pan) and close the door. Wait 2 minutes, then take a peek. If it needs to be rotated 180 degrees for even baking, do so. The pizza should take about 5 to 8 minutes to bake {Mine too about 15-18 minutes as the highest oven temperature is 250C}. If the top gets done before the bottom, you will need to move the stone to a lower self before the next round. if the bottom crisps before the cheese caramelizes, then you will need to raise the stone for subsequent bakes.
10. Remove the pizza from the oven and transfer to a cutting board. Wait 3 to 5 minutes before slicing and serving, to allow the cheese to set slightly.


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About me: I am a freelance food writer, recipe developer and photographer. Food is my passion - baking, cooking, developing recipes, making recipes healthier, using fresh seasonal produce and local products, keeping a check on my carbon footprint and being a responsible foodie! I enjoy food styling, food photography, recipe development and product reviews. I express this through my food photographs which I style and the recipes I blog. My strength lies in 'Doing Food From Scratch'; it must taste as good as it looks, and be healthy too. Baking in India, often my biggest challenge is the non-availability of baking ingredients, and this has now become a platform to get creative on. I enjoy cooking immensely as well.


  • nags

    ooh those knives look gorgeous! i have something of a knife-fetish too! Recently tried the PW pizza from scratch and really liked the no-fuss recipe.

  • Sarah

    Those knives look super-sharp and wonderful esp for huge amount of veggies we have to cut up for our day to day Indian cooking! Love the pizza too. Can we omit the wheat gluten?

  • Divya Kudua

    Love the knives..Pizza looks great,though I am not a big fan of thin crust Pizzas,recently tasted one from an Italian Pizzeria[margarita] and loved it.

  • kankana

    I feel like buying a new knife now 😀 The clicks are beautiful as always. This looks like a healthy pizza recipe and looks perfectly made !

  • Heavenly Housewife

    I understad how you are about your knives. I’ve got to say, I don’t like anyone in my kitchen. Its MINE. I am always watching if someone is in there with my beady little eyes. I just feel sure they will ruin something LOL. I need to get a life.
    Beautiful pizza. I have never made a pizza from scratch, but I’d like to try one day.
    *kisses* HH

  • Catalina

    Well, I probably won’t buy the knives but the pizza looks extremely good! I love spicy food and the chillies must be great with the dough. I love your photos – they’re always fantastic no matter what you take photo of 🙂

  • rashmi

    hi, beautiful pics as usual…….
    D , i recently tried Rachel allen’ recipe for pizza dough….. can b done the same day…..with 30 mins in fridge……my son (4 yrsold) loved it

  • Lyndsey

    Good knives are a must! I would of been excited to see that box on my door step too! Your pizza sounds and looks amazing. My dad is the one who works at perfecting his pizza dough and sauce. I’ll have to show him this one for sure!

  • Sally Prosser

    We are on the same wavelength – I just posted a few items about invaluable kitchen gadgets. I am always tempted to take my knives on holiday (cooking in other people’s kitchens with bad knives is torture). Microplane – check – what a wonderful invention. Have not ventured into Thermomix territory. My stick blender is in use quite a lot (in fact giving a Braun version away at present). Peter Reinhart book is on wish list.
    Love the pictures of your herbs. Mine are just succumbing to the onset of summer humidity here so look a bit sad. Gorgeous post as always.

    • Deeba @ PAB

      Hi Reeya, Here’s a note for Ergo Chef…
      For anyone interested in your own chef knives, just have a look at our website:
      If you’re interested in free knives (and who isn’t) you can follow us on Facebook (ergochef) where we will be doing a series of giveaways starting in May.

  • Barbara

    Absolutely, that’s the best pizza dough! I’ve made it and we loved it.
    Your knives look excellent, Deeba. And your photos of everything are marvelous!

  • Suma

    The knives seem like wonderful kitchen tools to own! Have read rave reviews about Peter Reinhart’s basic pizza dough and now I just can’t wait to try it out…am sure the pizza tasted as fabulous as it looks!

    Am very sure the pizza tasted great cos of the TM and the maker of the pizza:-). Am glad you found the gluten useful, the pleasure was entirely mine Deeba!

  • Sukaina

    I’ve NEVER had a good knife set becuse i’ve always been stingy and bought cheap ones. These look and sound pretty professional. Your crust is so thin and looks crsipy. Just the way my husband likes it! Not sure I can get the vital wheat gluten though!

  • Amanda

    Hey Deeba, I have an idea – why don’t you just adopt me and I will come live with you and we can bake and cook all day? LOL

  • sara

    This is also my favorite pizza dough recipe…SO SO SO good! Definitely swoon-worthy. 🙂 I get very possessive about my little ramekins, not sure why!

  • ergo chef

    Wow! That pizza does look amazing… May have to try it…
    We’re so glad you like the knives (and that they were put to such good use on that pizza) and the photos are great!

    For anyone interested in your own chef knives, just have a look at our website:

    If you’re interested in free knives (and who isn’t) you can follow us on Facebook (ergochef) where we will be doing a series of giveaways starting in May.

  • Mia

    Delicious! To bad that I never managed to make a pizza at home.. 🙁 I will keep on trying. Maybe your recipe will help me. 🙂

  • George @ Kitchen Knives Best

    Indeed, Ergo Knives are very good. I think that an professional knife made out of quality materials makes the difference. Every kitchen should have at least three professional knives. It makes your job much easier.

  • meenakshi

    living in delhi .want to make but 2 questions – is instant yeast and dry active yeast same and from where can i get vital wheat gluten?

  • meenakshi

    living in delhi want to make but 2 questions- is instant yeast and dry active yeast same and where can iget vital wheat gluten?

  • meenakshi

    thanks for replying can i use dry active yeast instead of instant yeast in this pizza recpie ?

  • debbey

    are vital wheat gluten, wheat gluten or gluten flour same ? do you know how to make bread flour at home?
    please reply as you are the master in baking field.

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