BOOKMARKED ROUNDUP 22…Guest hosting my first event!
Let’s have a look at what people have been recreating from their own Bookmarked Recipes this week.
I’m Running to Eat! says Teresa from Indiana. With a soup that looks as good as this, I’m running with you Teresa!! Love the beautiful ceramic bowl too.
Teresa got this recipe for Simple White Bean Soup from Jill at Simple Daily Recipes.
Ning saw Maggie of Dog Hill Kitchen’s recipe, Honey Mustard Glazed Tofu, & she knew it was time to rekindle her tofu love affair.
Truly delicious dear Ning! Her hubby said it is the best tofu he has ever tasted. I couldn’t agree more!!
Usha @ Veg Inspirations adapted this wonderful recipe for Double Ginger Cookies from Cooking Light that she had bookmarked a while ago, & made them into wonderful & healthy Low Fat Ginger Cookies.
With wholewheat, crystallised ginger, agave nectar…I was walking in clouds!! What a delightful mouthful!!
When Pam @ Sidewalk Shoes doesn’t have much time to browse through her cookbooks, and wants to make something fairly simple, she always turns to Martha. So, when she found some spinach that needed to be used, a quick search pulled up Chicken with Olives, Raisins and Spanish Rice. This was pretty good. If she makes this again, and she might, because she likes the combination, she’s gonna jazz it up a tad.
She feels that even just using some chicken stock to cook the rice and in the sauce would give it a little more flavor. That’s the beauty of this recipe, it’s a great springboard for creative ideas, says Pam. Also, do check out her post for a great new technique with the rice cooker which she discovered…
The next recipe comes from Gay, the Scientist in the Kitchen who recently discovered the Yummy magazine via another blogger & is enjoying new found taste on the cover recipe of the August edition. The Garlic Chicken Roast was promptly cooked as the family loves garlic.
In Gay’s words, “We like to roast chicken, and we all love garlic so this is really a great combination. Oh, and while the recipe called for fresh sage which we don’t have, I substituted it with fresh tarragon.” Looks like the perfect roast!!
Divya @ and a little bit more…writes mainly about healthy food. She made this beautifully Roasted Garlic Challah from a recipe by Vaishali of “Holycow“.
Divya came up with a flavored Challah bread infused with roasted garlic & it turned out to be the most comforting thing she’d had in a long time. I thought this was the most well turned out braid I had seen in ages…beautiful!
This cauliflower soup is definitely going to become a new standard at Marci’s @ Pieces. She used the recipe from Kitchen-Parade as-is, except she really didn’t think it needed either croutons or sour cream, making this a perfect low calorie snack or light meal.
Here it is, pictured with some fresh flowers from Marci’s garden.
I love fruit in baked goodies & when they come ladled with good memories, what could be better! Jin @ Smell & Taste are my memory has sent delightful Pineapple Tarts that she made from a recipe at Rasa Malaysia.
‘These pineapple tarts are so addictive,’ she says ; can’t get her hands off them. “Diet? !! We will talk about this tomorrow ;-p”…I totally agree Jin.
Laura @ The Spiced Life bookmarked Black Bottomed Cupcakes from Kirsten’s recipe @ The Kitchen Sink (adapted from an original Dave Levobitz recipe).
“Landscape Cookery” took up a new avatar & Laura made these gorgeous cupcakes that have no black bottom. Instead they are black all over; the cream cheese topping became a cream cheese center & were pronounced divine at her dining table. These are really, really good.…they look divine to me too Laurie! YUM!
Guess what happens when you take the humble Brussel sprout & introduce flavours like garlic oil, Parmesan & pine nuts. Le exotic Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Garlic Oil, Parmesan, and Pine Nuts …! That’s what Chris @ Melle Cotte made when she took the sprouts to another level altogether.
Chris gave them a make-over from a recipe from Kalyn’s that she tweaked a bit. She aptly refers to Kalyn as ‘my favorite preparer of veggies’, & made this filling late-night snack and perfect bring-to-work-leftover. Way to go Chris…I love my veggies like this!
The next entry is from my dear dear friend Gloria @ Canela Kitchen’s Recipes, who I met at Amy’s blog several times. She sends in a sensational sweet delight… Dark Chocolate Cake with a White Chocolate Glaze. Gloria lives in Santiago, Chile. I wish you lived closer to where I live Gloria, I would be camping in your yard!!
This recipe is from a Spanish book by Anne Wilson ‘Tartas Y Pasteles De Chocolate’, which translates into “Best Ever chocolate” in English.Gloria makes the cake sweeter by dedicating this recipe to her lovely friend Luis from Spain who loves chocolate.
These Tomato, Scallion, and Bacon Cups sent in by Arika @ My Yummy Life made for a perfect Sunday Meal alongside a salad and nectarine. They reheat well, and are excellent at room temperature which would make them perfect if you’re hosting a brunch.
Arika is totally in love with the overall concept of these for entertaining & thanks Risa of Baked Perfection for a totally yummy recipe. They’re the perfect two bite bit, not messy, and the possibilities for fillings are limited only by your imagination.
Just got an express entry in from Becke @ Columbus Foodie where it is still Sunday…& I’m quickly including her entry. Do read the story on her blog about going through Sugo di Carne withdrawal, and the hope to encounter either the chef who made the rockin’ sugo or a recipe that would come close. After a few false starts, finally Becke found a similar recipe…Strozzapreti al Sugo di Carne recipe adapted from Bon Appetit.
She’s made it twice this week, even had it tonight for dinner with family over, and everyone agrees that this recipe is a winner.
Last, & not the least, my entry to ‘Bookmarked Recipes’, an event which I have bookmarked for a weekly entry, is this wonderful Almond Apple Cake from Dragon’s Kitchen. The best way to welcome fall…a heart-warming cake with wonderful flavours all merging together in perfect balance.
Thanks for all the wonderful entries to Ruth’s event. It’s been great to meet so many new bloggers, & catch up with old friends too. Next weeks event from Sept 15th -Sept 21st will be hosted by the wonderful Ning @ Heart and Hearth. Those of you who’ve missed this week’s edition, do send in your recipes to, as it’s an ongoing event. We’ll be happy to include them in the next round-up.
1. Pick a recipe from a book/magazine/blog/website/tv show and make it. (Note you can only submit 1 recipe per week)
2. Blog about it
– include where you got the recipe in your blog post (including a link to their website if possible)
– include a link to this post or this blog in your blog post
– include the logo (see above) for Bookmarked Recipes in your blog post
– include a photo of your recreation on your blog post
3. Email bookmarkedrecipes[AT]gmail[DOT]com with the following information:
– Your name and where you’re from
– The name of your blog
– The permalink for your entry
– A photo of your entry
– A note of where you got your recipe from
Deeba, this is truly one of the best round-ups I have ever seen. You have taken a lot of time and effort to put this together, and it shows. Great job!
I’ll keep my entries coming.
I second Divya’s comment! This is such a great round-up, and right on time too! I cannot imagine how I can come up with something like this?! 🙂
Deeba, wonderful at this as well! First time ??? Doesn’t seem like with your artistic touch and so much efforts have gone in with links n glam pics! Mine is -Van Cupcake frm Deeba, bookmarked , memorised n regular dose for cake lovers n collection of applauds for me! Thks for being here!!
Great job on the roundup. I’m sorry we missed it!
We’ve got an award for you!
this is such a gorgeous round-up Deeba! Too bad i was too busy to participate at your first hosting! Why did i miss that? 🙁 Anywayss you did a great job Sweetie!! Hope there will be more hosting to come!
HOla Deeba! I have never tried with this event but it seems to be a lot of fun… maybe next time 😀
The round up looks great and let me tell you you were a fantastic host 😀
Great hosting and round-up Deeba! You’d never know this was your first time. I LOVE your blog too. I stumbled it as soon as I got on =)
My Yummy Life
Gloria (Canela)
Dear Deeba Nice Round up!!! I really congrats to you dear, all look wondeful and tasty!!!! and thanks by your nice comments!
You have the best 100% or A what you say?? We say a 7 (is the best)LOL xxxGloria
Thanks so much for catching my post and including it–Hurricane Ike turned into Really Destructive Wind Ike and the whole state of Ohio has been without power I think. We just got ours back. My post was set to publish, but I did not have the URL yet to email you when I originally posted it and was going to last night when the storm took our power.
Thanks again–the round up looks great!
Divya Vikram
Great roundup Deeba..
This is a fabulous round up, my dear Deeba. Thanks for the detail and time you took to put it all together.
And, I haven’t forgotten you 🙂 just trying to meet myself coming and going. I visit more than comment. Will email soon –
Sorry I missed your event by a day. I mixed up the dates but I am sure you will host one of your own events soon. You did a great job with the round up.
noble pig
What a great round up! So many beautiful recipes.
this is a great round-up, everything looks wonderful!
Whole And Natural has a large selection of organic agave nectar in raw, light and amber.
Congrats Deeba on your first event wow what a wonderful round-up. Sorry I didn’t sunmit dur to having guests staying.
Rosie x
Darn! I can't believe I missed this….argh. I have tons of meals that I've photographed but haven't blogged about yet. You snooze, you lose.
Looks like you did an amazing job hosting & had fun at it.
Tanti baci,