Vanilla Bean Cupcakes … with homemade marzipan
Deep, delicious vanilla bean cupcakes, smothered lovingly in a silky smooth butter cream, and topped with homemade marzipan cut outs ... Paint-it-purple cupcakes to help the campaign to end violence against women. Join in?
Espresso Chocolate Chip Cupcakes … Espress-o-love for Mother’s Day!!
These muffins are great for a coffee loving Mum! Nothing like a deep, delicious espresso cupcake to make the day complete. Dark chocolate pairs beautifully with coffee, and IMHO, a creme chantilly topping might compliment these cupcakes nicely too.
Deluxe Triple Vanilla Chocolate Cupcakes…
“The 12-step chocoholics program: NEVER BE MORE THAN 12 STEPS AWAY FROM CHOCOLATE!” Terry Moore I had these little beauties tucked away in my drafts folder for a bit. They are a variation on the regular vanilla cupcakes I often make, but this time I decided to give them a vanilla overdose! Three types of vanilla in there, and they sang the vanilla anthem! Always fun to try a twist on a recipe which is a keeper and works well with variations. A short post today as the kitchen is under renovation and not much baking is happening. When we built our house almost 12 years ago, modular kitchens were…
Glazed lemon Cakes … just like Spring is here!
“Friends are like cupcakes in my pantry of memories.” Anonymous The weather has changed, Spring is in the air. Pretty flowers everywhere, & even though the daytime highs are much higher than normal, the mornings & evenings are just beautiful. There is frenzied activity of birds building nests, butterflies buzzing around… & in the last frame, goatherds coming in from Rajasthan to allow their sheep to graze here.These inspired cupcakes made me feel like Spring. I got a lovely comment from a blogger the other day. Everything about her comment made me feel so good. A bit from it …” I enjoy Indian food and am so lost since my…
Coffee Cake Muffins … addicted to food blogging!
“Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Albert Einstein Addicted to food blogs & blogging, that’s what I am! Try it & I’m sure you’ll have one happy family, happy in the foodie way anyway. They might whinge at the amount of time you spend on the net, but ‘up’ always comes with ‘down’, somewhat like yin-yang! I often strive to balance it, & bring in some sort of harmony! Foodie blogs are a-bursting with good food & good ideas. Never at a loss of ideas as to what to make, there are temptations that are doable some of the time; at other times, there’s plenty of eye candy. The good…
Devil’s Food Mini Muffins
This is a nice and easy recipe I browsed off the net ages ago. It’s a staple item on our kids birthday party menu, and I attempt to colour code it with the colours of the cake. The good thing is that these make good finger food, and allow for less wastage as compared to cupcakes, as is often the case with excitable kids that grab more than they can eat!! ( Sorry…am still trying to locate the picture.) Makes approx 4 dozen mini-muffins Preheat the oven to 180deg C. Line 2 mini-muffin tins with liners. Alternatively, grease them well…but lining is always an easier, cleaner and no-fuss method. Flour…