Chocolate Granola

Chocolate Granola {gluten free} … the granola that changed my life!

Sometimes you don’t need a goal in life, you don’t need to know the big picture. you just need to know what you’re going to do next!
Sophie Kinsella

Chocolate GranolaIt was a recipe that changed my view on breakfast, and my life as far as the teen daughter goes. The son has never been a problem with breakfast. In fact, much to my horror, he sees it as a 3 course meal. Begins with a glass of milk, next munches happily through a hot house egg {thanks to Roald Dahl}, then makes himself comfortable with a bowl of cereal! For her, it’s only a glass of milk and maybe the odd omelet. ‘I’m on a DIET’, she whines, and doesn’t eat! Chocolate GranolaThe lad is forever hungry & happily eats whatever is on offer. She can be heard scrabbling in the kitchen from time to time, “I need FOOD, I’m HUNGRY, but I’m on a diet, so can’t eat!”.  I often battle her over breakfast where she would rather go hungry than eat a healthy breakfast. That was about to change. She draws for hours together, art her favourite subject in school, and then emerges from her ‘den’ ravenous! That black & white art-work above is a paper bag she recently designed for a project in school. Took her four hours to complete it … then the hunger pangs hit!Chocolate Granola & Granola Strawberry Quark Parfait I’ve made granola bars before, yet I never imagined this recipe would hit such a high note with her! The mister has muesli for breakfast every morning, and that day the box lay empty. The brand I normally buy wasn’t in stock, so I was quite cheesed off. Began surfing for muesli recipes that morning… Chocolate GranolaI am glad I stopped by Bea’s gorgeous La Tartine Gourmande. Canelle et Vanille had a story on Aran’s little M and Bea’s little Lulu. It’s been an amazing journey following the 2 babies, from when they were born, to milestones along the way, their first foods, often cross connections on these 2 beautiful blogs. I love the way some foodblogs I follow create a connect with the journey of their life with food as a base … I followed Aran’s story over to Bea’s, and halted in my tracks. Breakfast couldn’t get easier than this.

Both granola and muesli contain a mixture of grains (such as oats), nuts, dried fruit and sometimes bran and wheat germ. Muesli may contain sugar and dried-milk solids, but it can be unsweetened. Granola is typically toasted with honey and oil, resulting in a crisp texture and sweet glaze not found in muesli. Because granola contains the addition of honey and oil, it tends to have a higher sugar and fat content. As a result, granola is, on average, higher in calories than muesli. Both granola and muesli offer nutritional benefits. Both have fiber from the grains, fruits and nuts. In addition, the dried fruits provide antioxidants, while the nuts offer healthy fats. Topping either muesli or granola with low-fat milk, soy milk or yogurt makes for a nutritionally balanced, filling breakfast. chocolate granolaMost people do not realize that muesli and granola are fairly easy to make at home. Making homemade muesli or granola allows you to choose your favorite ingredients and avoid those you do not care for. Homemade muesli is particularly simple since you only toss together the desired ingredients. While granola requires toasting, making it at home allows you to limit the amount of sugar and oil added, thus creating a healthier granola. {Source:}

Chocolate GranolaGave it a shot with the ingredients I had on hand. How healthy can healthy get, and how delicious can healthy get? Try it for yourself. It’s five minutes to deliciousness and gluten free too! 2 minutes to put the pan on a simmer, a minute to get the dry stuff together, 30 seconds to toss the dry with the wet, another 30 to spread it out. Open door, pop in tray… there done! Visit the oven every 15 minutes to move the stuff around for even baking, make sure the bottom isn’t getting over browned, keep an eye towards the end.  Chocolate GranolaThe delicious pairing won the teen over that afternoon. The closest she’ll come to granola is a bar. ‘This isn’t a bar,’ she nonchalantly declared, yet gave the chocolate an interested gaze. I offered it to her with a teeny drizzle of low fat cream, really teeny. ‘This is GOOD’, she exclaimed. Next morning, I was on the phone and she walked in with the box in her hand. ‘I’m having some. Can you make some more?’

Chocolate GranolaI could have danced on the ceiling. ‘OK, if you like, but go slow on the cream‘. By now the son’s curiosity was bubbling over. ‘I’m hungry‘, he decided as the temptation was far too much for him. That was the end of box number one. I’ve made another 2 lots in the last week, and another this morning. Chocolate Granola & Strawberry with Quark ParfaitEasy as can be, healthy beyond belief, and addictive as a snack anytime of the day. I put together some parfaits using the granola with left over quark cream and strawberries from this Strawberry Meringue Chocolate Layer Cake. The possibilities are endless. Thank you Bea for such a tempting good post.

[print_this]Chocolate GranolaChocolate granola
adapted minimally from Bea @ La Tartine Gourmande
{Makes 4.5 cups}
3 1/2 cups rolled oats {I use Quaker oats}
1/2 cup slivered almonds
1/2 cup currants
1/2 cup raisins
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
2 tablespoons light brown sugar
1/3 cup honey
1/3 cup water
1 vanilla bean scraped, or 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/2 cup semi sweet chocolate chips
Chocolate GranolaMethod:
Preheat the oven to 150C and have a large baking sheet covered with parchment paper ready.
In a small pot, combine the water, honey, sugar, butter {or use a vegetable oil if you prefer}, salt and vanilla bean / vanilla extract. Bring to a simmer and let cook until the sugar is dissolved.
In a large bowl, combine the other ingredients minus the chocolate. Stir in the liquid to the dry ingredients.
Transfer the granola mixture to the baking sheet and cook for 45 minutes, stirring with a wooden spoon a few times to make sure that the granola cooks evenly. Let cool completely.
Transfer to a air-tight container and add the chocolate. Enjoy with plain yogurt or any type of milk of your choice.

Note: Gluten free eaters should be sure to get labeled “gluten free” oats, as regular oats like Quaker are not gluten free since they are produced on a line with wheat flour.

Chocolate Granola♥ Thank you for stopping by ♥


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Also find me on The Rabid Baker, The Times of India

About me: I am a freelance food writer, recipe developer and photographer. Food is my passion - baking, cooking, developing recipes, making recipes healthier, using fresh seasonal produce and local products, keeping a check on my carbon footprint and being a responsible foodie! I enjoy food styling, food photography, recipe development and product reviews. I express this through my food photographs which I style and the recipes I blog. My strength lies in 'Doing Food From Scratch'; it must taste as good as it looks, and be healthy too. Baking in India, often my biggest challenge is the non-availability of baking ingredients, and this has now become a platform to get creative on. I enjoy cooking immensely as well.


  • nags

    your daughter gets her talents from you, i would presume 🙂 i am not a fan of muesli or granola but these may win me over!

  • Marisa

    I always marvel at your photos! That first one is just absolutely incredible. And as far as chocolate for breakfast goes? I don’t see how that could be a bad thing.

  • Sylvie @ Gourmande in the Kitchen

    Your daughter is so beautiful, and a talented artist as well, I can’t believe it took her so little time to create that amazing design. Granola is such a nice breakfast, with either milk or yogurt and a little chocolate is a welcome addition.

  • Maameemoomoo

    Lovely work from your girl!

    Ahh.. Chocolate granola! I almost wanted to make this sometime last week as well. What a timely reminder. 🙂

  • Ana Powell

    I do admire you loads, the way your present your work, everything so well planned, awesome photos.
    Gosh, it even opens my soul.
    Well done ♥

  • Shelby

    A delicious post and what a beautiful daughter! I will definitely be making this granola. I love to have vanilla yogurt in the morning while sitting at my desk at work – and this would work perfectly with it! Thank you – discovered you and on my way to SU you now!

  • Kerrin @ MyKugelhopf

    i *LOVE* making my own granola and happened to have a few bowls of muesli this morning. definitely agree it’s fun to mix and match, adding different ingredients – nuts, seeds, grains, dried fruit and chocolate but of course ! =) what a story, i can imagine your surprise when your daughter asked you to make more ! yay for granola !!

  • Ruchi

    I am regular reader of your blog and always inspired to bake with the gorgeous cakes you make.

    This healthy recipe is definitely the next one I am going to be churning out of my kitchen!

    Do you think it would work with the quaker cook in 3 minutes oats instead of the old fashioned ones?

  • Sonia@7spice

    Oh my! What a gorgeous post, Deeba. Your daughter is SO beautiful and so her talent. Never tried Chocolate granola. This is making me to try it someday. Thanks for posting. 🙂

  • Mandira Kalra Kalaan

    Hi! I really enjoy your post…more so because you’re writing from India and so I know that you’re using ingredients that I can source as well (I am in gurgaon!) so here’s the thing. Where do you get your old fashioned rolled oats? What brand. Thus far all I can find here are quick cooking oats and I’ve been wanting to make muesli for my daughter for the longest time. It’s so convenient and healthy and the perfect thing before she gets on the school bus at 6:45am!!!

    Thanks M

    • Deeba @ PAB

      Hi Mandira, Lovely to hear from a local foodie. Must edit the recipe to include that I use local Quaker oats. They work just fine. 6.45am?? She can even much these as a snack, LOL! My kids leave at 7.45 these days..

  • Jamie

    Oooh I MUST make some! Never have and have always wanted to. Yours looks fabulous! Poor mom, I know how utterly frustrating it is having a kid who won’t eat. But a diet? Oy tell her I said that she is gorgeous just the way she is! And she is! And wow she has an incredible talent – like her mom! But shhhhh do not tell her that! xox

  • Hilda

    Love love this, everything about it. I totally trust Bea’s recipes after not a single fail with them, I think the bag your daughter designed is gorgeous, I think the pictures are great, you’re getting so good at the styling and everything Deeba, and of course you are the lovely you. xo

  • Misty

    Now that sounds like a winner. I know my childre will eat it up. I have made all kinds of gronola. But this is a good one love it….

  • Lindsay @Eat, Knit, Grow

    That looks delicious!! I have never made granola before but have always wanted to and your’s looks absolutely perfect!

  • Monique Campeau

    Your daughter is beautiful..good genes:)

    She is so talented that bag is wonderful!

    I bet the addition of vanilla is delicious.. I love seeing lives in blogs also.
    Thank you..your photos are surreal.

  • Cookin' Canuck

    Your daughter is VERY talented. I can’t draw my way out of a box and am always so impressed when someone can be so creative. This granola looks wonderful and your photos highlight your story beautifully.

  • bellini

    Yes, I can see why this win over the kids. I often have granola for breakfast on a bowl of vanilla yogurt or my new favourite flavour fig.

  • Rosa

    There is nothing better and healthier than homemade granola. Yours looks fantastic! And what awesome clicks!



  • Megan

    Oh my, I’m making granola all the time but I’m the only one who eats it. I’m not even going to close this window, because I’m making this as soon as I get home from work!!! I’m making it for me, but I’m gonna try it out on my teen girl too!
    I ont think I’ve ever been so excited to make granola!! 🙂

  • Happy Cook

    I am glad you daughter loves to eat this has beakfest and love her art work, She has talent indeed.
    I am always surprised when i hear here youngsters saying they are on diet at such young age and I am like my god I didnt know the word diet existed untill I was in my twenties…… daughter is sam she sometimes come home and say I am on a diet but then i make her favourie food and then she is out of diet soon 😉

  • Krista

    Oh Deeba, your daughter’s work is STUNNING! I love the swirls and shading and oh, it’s just pretty. 🙂 Love this granola too! So glad you found something that pleases your girl. 🙂

  • Kristen

    There are so many things in this post to love. The bag your daughter designed is exquisite. The granola sounds so delicious. I can see why she liked it. Your photos are amazing as always.


    Deeba ~ this is so beautiful . . . the pictures, your daughter, your daughter’s bag, your writing of the story and the recipe. I make our granola at home too but I don’t add the chocolate chips which my Professor would love – maybe when I make my next batch I’ll surprise him!

  • Julie M.

    What a beautiful blog Deeba! I love making homemade granola. Your version looks delicious and if it can get a teenage girl to eat her breakfast than it’s a winner all around.

  • elra

    I heard this a lot from moms who has teen daughter. Glad that you can make something that she finally can eat without making her feel like she is on diet.

    Beautiful photos Deeba!

  • A Canadian Foodie

    Deeba –
    Gorgeous photos!
    As a professional foods educator of middle school students and adults in this critical time of food history with everything fast and sweet, I have to say, “Please leave the chocolate out of the granola. Please.”

  • Sukaina

    What a beautiful and talented daughter you have….just like her mama. It seems granola is all thw rage these day….will have to try it soon!

  • Prerna@IndianSimmer

    Everytime I read abt ur girl I feel like the future is talking to me. U said very correctly that sometimes u come across some blog which u when follow it feels like u are a part of thr story! I say it all the time but will say this again that its always a pleasure to read abt ur day today stories!

  • suma

    Sounds and looks really good! I love granola(and ANYTHING sweet for that matter) and its been long since I made it. Chocolate in this is most welcome!

    Your daughter is an artist.. its in the genes no doubt!

  • Tahemeem

    Beautiful just beautiful clicks… Bookmarked and am making this tomorrow 🙂
    Ur daughter is beautiful and her artwork is amazing… truly proffesional 🙂

  • lisaiscooking

    Your daughter has great taste! I love granola for breakfast, and homemade is the best. I’ve never added chocolate though. I need to try that next time!

  • Swapna

    It seems like this granola changed my life too Deeba!!! Made half a batch of these today afternoon and me and my hubby loved it … munching every now and then and you know already finished half of it… Thank you so much for this great recipe… it’s a keeper!
    Your daughter is very talented and beautiful :)…

  • Jen

    I really like the idea of a healthy chocolate granola and can’t wait to try it for my teenage daughters who tend to be picky and usually on the run. Might have to wait until the weekend!

  • Susan Russo

    Be patient. She may begin to love breakfast as she grows older. In the meantime, your love, patience and chocolate granola will get her through!

  • Lawyer Loves Lunch

    I eat like him (three courses, and often) so it’s hard for me to think what life would be like if I had to turn down deliciousness because I was dieting. Thank God you’ve managed to please everyone involved with this delicious chocolate granola 🙂

  • Dharm

    Brilliant!! I love that you made your own granola – and chocolate too! My son wont eat bread unless its toasted so I’m working on that. He will eat chocolate croissants though! Happy CNY to you dear friend!

  • Anna Johnston

    You seem to have really come up with something special in this chocolate granola Deeba, it does look and sound amazing… no wonder your daughter thinks its a winner 🙂

  • Erika

    I can’t wait to try this granola. I have to laugh about your kids. My daughters sound just like yours and my son, I know he is 6’3 but he but a footlong sub, eats it all then goes whats for dinner? ugh I swear I don’t know where it goes on him. 🙂

  • Barbara @ Modern Comfort Food

    Oh, Deeba, don’t the stories of our family lives always wind up sounding like a soap opera? I’m so happy for the happy ending you and your daughter had over the scary “I’m on a diet” issue. And no wonder! Look at your gorgeous, healthy, and deeply tempting granola. Must try!

  • kellypea

    I love your description of your son and breakfast & wish my youngest had that attitude! Your granola recipe sounds wonderful — I just made some for the first time, sans chocolate and really enjoyed it. I’ll have to try this one and feel decadent for getting a bit of chocolate in first thing in the morning!

  • Sophistimom

    Deeba!! I haven’t seen you on my blog for awhile!! Yours is looking gorgeous. Love the granola. the pictures are lovely. And thank you for sharing about your family.

  • gloria

    Dear Deeba your daughter is really similar toi my daugther María Esperanza, she is always in diet and of course have hungry, this is a nice idea. I have to make. Your daugther is really beauty (like you) send you bhuggs and have a lovely Valentine day! x gloria

  • El

    I love homemade granola. How can you go wrong with chocolate and granola. Sounds amazing. Your daughter is stunning- absolutely gorgeous! I’m so glad you were able to find a healthy treat you can enjoy together.

  • Joyti

    Ah, she sounds like a typical teenager – hungry but on a diet. But judging from her artwork, she’s more talented than the typical 🙂
    And your granola sounds really good. I’ve been meaning to make my own, for the past year or so. I really should try it, so much better than store-bought I’m sure….

  • Heather Davis

    Granola and yoghurt is the perfect breakfast! This recipe looks so delicious. Can’t wait to try. And daughters, why are they always on diets or ravenous? Nothing in between!

  • Vimitha

    They look yummy and delicious… Love the photographs…
    Coping up with children needs itself will bring about the creativity in you…
    Ur daughter’s design is so nice…

  • Nisha

    Hi! Ran across your site while looking for ‘Fruit Bavarian Cake’ recipes. Your blog is just beautiful! The pictures, stories, everything! Looking forward to following your posts. I am new to the world of blogging so its great to find inspiration from wonderful sites like yours <3

  • anupama

    Deeba, i had bought oats last month to include it as a healthy breakfast ,unfortuantely i disliked the taste of it.was wondering what to do with the rest of it .going through your blog ,i chanced upon the oatmeal cookies ,but somehow never got the time to make it .when i saw this post ,i was determined to make it & i made it this week .it tastes great ,& very filling . i avoided the choco chips as i didnt want too much sweet taste. finally a tasty way to have oats !!Thanks for the recipe.

  • meeta

    Lovely pics of your daughter Deeba! Granola rocks our world here too. Of course chocolate is a fave with the liitle man – and adding a pinch of fleur de sel adds a wonderful salty note to it.

  • Julie Bourne

    Hi there! I love this post!! I’ll try it for sure. But as for the “gluten free” status of the recipe, you might mention that regular oats like Quaker are not gluten free as they are produced on a line with wheat flour. You might make a little note saying that gluten free eaters should be sure to get labeled “gluten free” oats, just in case there are newbie gluten free-ers who might not know that name brand oats aren’t gluten free.

  • Suma

    I made this am so very glad I did! It turned out crunchy, just-about-sweet and yumm, we loved it! Thanks for this keeper of a recipe Deeba!

  • Annemarie

    This looks great. We make our own granola already and I am always looking for a better combination. We will have to try the same.

    On another note – I think your daughter and mine must be cut from the same mold.

    • Deeba @ PAB

      Good luck to you. The same mold will give us loads to talk about one day I hope, and notes we can exchange till the cows come home! Reminds me that I do need to make some granola soon too. Have a great day, and thank you for stopping by!!

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