COOKIES FOR A FRIEND…Neiman Marcus Chocolate Chip Cookies

“The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.”
Elisabeth Foley


I saw these cookies at Brown Eyed Baker a few days ago, & my first thought was how lovely and comforting they looked. Said to be the famed Neiman Marcus cookies, off a recipe that has been making the rounds via e-mail for ages, they have rave reviews. The difference in these cookies is the way the oats are added. They are ground into an oat flour and give the cookie a lovely texture, more wholesome than the plain flour chocolate chips cookies, yet lighter than regular oat cookies.


I think these cookies bridge the gap perfectly, & I had to make some for Jamie when she asked me if I could do a guest post for her beautiful blog! I was honoured that she thought of me. Please stop by at Jamie’s Life’s A Feast for the rest of the post…


While you are here, I’ll ask you to please consider voting for 2 special friends for two ongoing contests…

1. For Jamie‘s blog Lifes A Feast for Blogger Choice Awards 2009 HERE for Best Food Blog where she shares her favorite recipes; stories of her life through food.

2. For Helene‘s Gingerbread Cake at the Bread Contest at Phamfatale.

Jamie+neiman+masruc+cookies1♥ Thank you ♥

About me: I am a freelance food writer, recipe developer and photographer. Food is my passion - baking, cooking, developing recipes, making recipes healthier, using fresh seasonal produce and local products, keeping a check on my carbon footprint and being a responsible foodie! I enjoy food styling, food photography, recipe development and product reviews. I express this through my food photographs which I style and the recipes I blog. My strength lies in 'Doing Food From Scratch'; it must taste as good as it looks, and be healthy too. Baking in India, often my biggest challenge is the non-availability of baking ingredients, and this has now become a platform to get creative on. I enjoy cooking immensely as well.


  • Hanaâ

    These look wonderfully thick and chewy, Deeba, just the way I like them. I'm just not a big fan of those ultra-thin CCC. These are perfect. The oat flour sounds like a great enhancement to the cookie's texture. Will have to try these.

  • Fuji Mama


    There are so many fabulous entries in that Pham Fatale Bread Contest, but I think Helen's definitely stands out!

  • RJ Flamingo

    This is a great cookie and I make them several times a year. I also got the recipe in an e-mail, back in the day before the internet as we know it. 🙂 Oops! Dated myself again! 🙂

  • Ruchi M

    Hi there – I am a foodie and have been following your blog for almost a year now and love your presentation and food. I have recently entered into food blogosphere but am still trying to catch up on getting pictures and recipes right (

    I was wondering if you could tell me where you get baking supplies (everything from mascarpone cheeze, unsalted butter to nozzles for icing) from in Delhi or Gurgaon since I am new in this area.

    Thanks a ton!!!!

  • Rosa's Yummy Yums

    Fabulous cookies and shots!



  • Palidor

    Lovely cookies, Deeba! And I like how you packaged them. Anybody receiving a package of cookies from you would feel soooo incredibly special!

  • Natashya KitchenPuppies

    Oatmeal cookies are my favourites, I have never thought to grind the oats though.
    They look beautiful, your photos are spectacular!

  • Bellini Valli

    These cookies have been a people's choice for years Deeba, which is easy to see why.

  • diva

    oooh i've always wanted to try the neiman marcus recipe!! damn, this looks good deeba 🙂 x

  • Jamie

    Another fabulous recipe to try and a beautiful post. Thank you, my dear friend, for guest posting on my blog and thank you for being a friend when I most need it.

  • Baking Monster

    I love this recipe its a classic!

  • Michelle {Brown Eyed Baker}

    So glad that you enjoyed these!!!

  • Barbara

    Those delicious cookies are made even better by your delicate packaging! I would love to receive a gift like this!

  • Half Baked

    Your photo's and presentation made these wonderful cookies look sublime!

  • Kelsey B.

    Cool! I wrote an article on Good Bite about these, as well as did a post about them this spring. They are delicious!

  • Velva

    As always, beautiful! Love the Neiman Marcus cookie story too!

  • WizzyTheStick

    As usual I am in awe of your food styling. I don't particularly care for oatmeal cookies but I swear your photos can make me eat anything!

  • Miakoda

    You've really outdone yourself with the photography here, Deeba. Looks absolutely gorgeous!

  • Nagesh.MVS

    As always, beautiful! Love the Neiman Marcus cookie story too!

    Work From Home

  • Shwetha

    Got here from Helene's. Your blog is breathtaking and the pictures are gorgeous. I'm going to be trying the pear tart today. 🙂

  • Amanda

    How nice of you to make these for a friend! It's been many years since I made these cookies, still have the recipe hand written in my recipe binder. They are really good 🙂

  • Helene

    Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. I am so blessed to have a blogger friend like you.



  • Chevrolet Middle East

    That's a wonderful one!!!!!Its simply superb!

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