Chilies from Karaikudi

Food Styling & Props

A peep into what I enjoy doing most after baking! Sourcing props, visualising content, styling frames, playing with ingredients is another passion. Nature, seasons, colours, ingredients, textures, local produce – everything excites me!


  • Ahmad

    Sublime. Lush.

  • kinkin

    Very nice…..Food Styling, Props & Collectibles

    • Deeba @ PAB

      Thank you so much

  • Praisy

    Lovely props..can you please mention from where you have purchased these?

    • Deeba @ PAB

      Thank you so much. I’ve been collecting them over the years from everywhere I traveled to – Old Delhi, Srinagar, Delhi, Sydney, US, Karaikudi

  • Mariam

    I’d love to learn from you. Do you teach? I love your work.

    • Deeba @ PAB

      Thank you ever so much. I do a few basic styling workshops online off and on.

  • Rajlaxmi

    I loved the photography, if possible can I know who did for you . As I am a crockery designer and developer. Pls mail me if possible on

    • Deeba @ PAB

      Thank you for your appreciation Rajlaxmi. All the styling and photography on the blog has been done by me. I do limited projects of styling and photography at home. Please email me a brief at if you’d like me to do a project with you. Have a good day!

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