Holiday Baking| Christmas Fruit Mince Pies …
“Marge, it’s 3 AM. Shouldn’t you be baking?”
Homer Simpson
Did you make your own fruit mincemeat this year? I just about did, and far too late in the month IMHO. I procrastinated forever; then noticed it was the 18th of December and hit the panic button. It was now or never since it needs a few days to soak the fruit. I eventually got it done, also getting distracted along the way … and suddenly, it was time for a batch of Christmas Fruit Mince Pies!
Day 3 yesterday and the soaked fruit was looking plump, good and shiny. I should have waited to turn the whole batch into my Garam Masala Christmas Cake, but I couldn’t resist making some little mince pies! {I write this post as my fruit cakes finally bake in the oven!}
My sister sent me a load of baking goodies with the BIL who flew in from the US, much like Santa who got here before time. Petit tins of all sizes, something that I love, vanilla beans, sprinkles, a dessert cookie baking tray, a Lindzer cookie cutter, a ‘sack‘ of baking chocolate chips … loads more!
Despite telling her that I hardly bake ‘fancy‘ {read tedious} cookies any more, I pulled out the Lindzer set to make a batch of Toasted Walnut Linzer Cookies with Strawberry Filling. Typically, my mind wandered in the opposite direction, and I whizzed some pâte sucrée in the Thermomix. Soon the dough was being rolled and the Lindzer cookie cutters were being used to make toppings for petit fruitmince pies!
Its dangerous to have a big bowl of fruit soaking on the counter. Hungry mouths on the prowl get attracted to it, so I hid it … but couldn’t get it it out of my head! Yesterday I figured I could nick some for a before Christmas cake treat. These little pies are fun to make; quick too. I love using the snowflake cutters sweet Nic @ Cherrapeno gave me … so festive!
Use your favourite pâte sucrée / sweet pastry dough or use the one below. This works a classic 2:1 ratio of flour and butter. As with pie/pastry dough, keep handling/kneading to an absolute minimum. That way you’ll have a nice light, crisp pastry once baked. If you like, you can add some apple to the filling, like Alli did in her Christmas Chocolate & Fruit Mince Pies. Nice!!
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Also find me on The Rabid Baker, The Times of India
Mince pies are marvelous and yous look terrific! A great Xmas treat.
Happy Holidays!
Those pies are beautiful and adorable at the same time! I loe the snowflake pattern
Cute looks gorgeous mini tarts..lovely.
John Robbins
Tried this recipie myself – taking a few days off – brilliant I love them and they taste a lot better than they look – fantastic Christmas treat for me and back to the Gymn in January!!
Santa was so generous to you!! The mince pies look awesome, Merry Christmas Deeba!
Wow, so many lovely patterns & so many ideas for it! The pies look great.
And great collection of bakeware! *thinking when will I own so many* 🙂
I love your gifts and can’t wait to see what you are going to bake in 2012. These pies are beautiful. Merry Christmas!
Sylvie @ Gourmande in the Kitchen
Look at all those baking supplies! I love those little pies and the beautiful decorations on top of each.
Extremely festive and tempting looking pies, the snowflake cut -outs look the festive-est!! I procrastinated and procrastinated, finally made a fruit cake which was not meant to be – power cut when the cake was baking 🙁
Whoa!! Look at all those baking goodies, and bang in the season of baking, have fun!!
I soaked two batches this year becsuse I have family viisiting this year as well as friends for new Year – the mincemeat soaking is irresisitible! Made my Christmas Cake and some yumm Biscotti yesterday and will make another one next week for New Year’s Eve.
Your pastry looks perfect!
What lovely mince pies! Reminds me so much of Christmas in England. I was craving M&S mince pies when I thought, lets just satiate the apetite with photographs of lovely minces!
And here you are 🙂
Not possible to buy some off you, is it, eh? 😀
Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to make do with Gluhwein.
Happy Christmas!
Gayatri Kumar
Look who’s Wearing (LwW)
Sanjeeta kk
A true Santa she is, Deeba! And am sure you can’t get more richer than this what with the wonderful treasure of these tiny baking gadgets.
Love the star shaped crust and everything about these pies..perfect for any festive gift.
Anita Menon
These are so cute. I love those tops covering the mince. Merry Christmas!!!
a spoonful of yumm
happy holidays indeed ….i love the star & snowflake shapes…too cute 😀 every post of yours makes me drool 😉 merry christmas deeba !
Love & other Spices
Lucky you,Deeba! look at all those baking supplies! The pies are so cute and love the snow flaked top..absolutely gorgeous!
These fruit mince pies are looking heavenly and the snow flakes one are so eye catchy. absolutely divine..
ooh, just love those mince pies..I could gobble a dozen of them in a sitting! you know what, you’ve inspired me to get a Thermomix now, seeing that things get done in secs, just what I need! Merry Jolly Xmas, Deeba and family, hope a fab new year is ahead for you:-)
Happy holidays Deeba! What a lot of baking goodies, lucky you 🙂 And the mince pies look gorgeous. Didn’t get around to baking any this year so I’ll just enjoy looking at yours.
chinmayie @ love food eat
WOW! Terrific pies! They looks picture perfect 🙂
Look at those beauties. When I say that picture of baked goodies I actually thought it’s Christmas & new year & your doing a giveaway.
Lucky you, Sisters & chocolates make life fulfilling ….
I have to say that your pies are gorgeous! I wish I had your talent. Nothing says the holidays like mince meat pie!