Mid-Summer’s Day Drink…A Ginger-Lime-Mint Cooler for MBP

” Remember: “I” before “E,” except in Budweiser.”
Author Unknown
IMG 5488 Ginger Lime Mint Cooler
And then the blogs come alive again…with the buzz of something new, something being missed. Events are popping up each day, one more enticing than the other. The addiction is maddening & the pace of calendar days flying by sometimes terrifying! Then comes the MBP…a special event. Foodies across blogosphere will always bookmark & save something they’ve got tempted by for the next one on the things-to-do (& SOON) list.
IMG 5486
I’ve been eyeing this lovely Ginger-mint-lime cooler @ 28 Cooks for ages waiting for warmer days to come. Come they have…& I hit my patch of mint pronto! Lovely drink…refreshing, full of flavour…evocative of long lazy hot summers that come & go each passing year. Couldn’t have asked for a cooler cooler!! Thank you Fiber… we LOVED this drink; even the kids did!!
MBPIt’s the Monthly Blog Patrol or MBP which affords us a platform to get there…novel & most welcome. This month’s event is hosted by Sig @ Live to Eat & she chooses Mixed Drinks. As she says…”A blog event that encourages trying a recipe from a fellow blogger, is a small nudge in the rear to go hunting through our bookmarks and other blogs to find that special recipe we have been meaning to try. Monthly Blog Patrol aka MBP used to be a popular event in the blogosphere, which has been taking a break for a few months now. The idea is to do a monthly patrolling of our favorite blogs and cook something from them based on the theme of the month. MBP is the brainchild of the dynamic blogger Coffee of The Spice Cafe.” Thank you Coffee for an event well thought of, & Sig for being the guest-host for March. Great choice…Mixed Drinks! IMG 5479Ingredients:
Sugar – 1 cup
Water – 2 cups
Rock salt – 1/2 tsp
Lime Juice – of 6-8 limes
Ginger – 1″ piece / grated
Fresh mint leaves
  • Put the water + sugar + grated ginger into a pan & simmer for 20-30 minutes.
  • Allow to cool completely, strain into a jug & add the lime juice & salt to taste. This is now a concentrate.
  • Adjust for taste. Chill. Pour into glasses with crushed ice & top with soda or water. I didn’t have soda on hand, so I used water. Garnish with slices of lime & mint leaves.
  • Sit back, take a long deep sip & RELAX!!
  • Note: Amy @ Familia Bencomo says it tastes great with sparkling water too….she’s got a point!!

collage2 “Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability.”
Sam Keen

About me: I am a freelance food writer, recipe developer and photographer. Food is my passion - baking, cooking, developing recipes, making recipes healthier, using fresh seasonal produce and local products, keeping a check on my carbon footprint and being a responsible foodie! I enjoy food styling, food photography, recipe development and product reviews. I express this through my food photographs which I style and the recipes I blog. My strength lies in 'Doing Food From Scratch'; it must taste as good as it looks, and be healthy too. Baking in India, often my biggest challenge is the non-availability of baking ingredients, and this has now become a platform to get creative on. I enjoy cooking immensely as well.


  • familiabencomo

    Ooooh! I’m going to try this post haste. My neighbor has a monstrous lemon tree & she’s aways leaving bags of fresh lemons on my doorstep. Then, I have mint growing like crazy (when does it not?). It’s always good to have a fresh idea. Thank you! Have you tried this with sparkling water? That’s how I usually make lemonade.

    xoxox Amy

  • Sig

    Love everything in this drink… perfect summer cooler.. thanks for the entry Deeba, please send me an email with the details, so that I won’t forget this fab drink during the round up…

  • Fiber

    Ooh, I had forgotten about this tasty beverage! Glad you enjoyed it! I just happen to have a great bunch of mint in the fridge and I definitely need to make it ASAP!

  • Rachel

    Now that looks very refreshing!

  • Purnima

    Winner combo-ginger+lemon ^Pics r a great visual treat^ !!!! Pic this hypothetical situation – I m made to assign a quality standard for your blog..guess what u get from me? 6 SIGMA –the norm for highest rating currently on quality!! So glad that yours is going higher post by post!! Keep it up!!:D

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