Painting Cookies
I love to paint cookies, as you can see. They give me hours of endless pleasure when I am home with nothing better to do. The kids love ’em, and line up for them the minute they are served. Always a big hit at birthday parties, and on Diwali and Christmas I customise them. On Diwali I do diyas (oil lamps) and candles with silver dragees on cookies. When Christmas comes, its bells, stars, xmas trees, wreaths, gingerbreadmen,candy canes, snowflakes etc and etc. I even do hanging ones for the tree on Christmas. We put ribbon through holes on top to hang them…and its really worth the hard work and…
Almond Butter Cookies
These are some almond butter cookies I made as tasters at a fund-raiser where I put up a stall. They made great samplers, and quite a few enquiries came my way asking if I could do these for finger foods! The silver dragees made them look pretty, and I found the many shades of golden brown interesting. Posted by Deeba @ PAB
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Baking from scratch…lessons learnt
Lemme tell you something about the what I like to do. Anything and everything creative. Baking has become my passion after years of trying things from ‘scratch’, and I find cooking helps me unwind. I like to substitute and experiment for the simple reason that a couple of years ago we didnt get very many ingredients here in India. I like all cuisines…be it Indian, Italian, Fusion Cooking,Mexican…whatever. Just like to keep it simple and not too overpowering on taste. Half the battle is won if the presentation is good. You should see my son sniff his way to the kitchen, and check out the ingredients and ‘the look’. He…
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Trying to BLOG!
Hi there…am still trying to figure out how to blog!!! May take me a while to get this blog looking presentable. Have just managed to upload a couple of snaps which I forgot to edit. Guess I’ll get there one day!! Once I get the hang of things, will begin to post recipes etc. Actually this is primarily a link for a dear friend who has gone to far off Kiev….hopefully we can touch base more often. Posted by Deeba @ PAB
Almond-Orange Chocolate Cake
I made this cake with an almond sponge cake as the base. Sandwiched it with whipped cream, topped it off with rich ganache. I attempted some marbling on top, and then spruced it up with chocolate leaves and flakes…all of which I made from melted chocolate. Will post the recipe soon. This cake was for a friends’ birthday. Posted by Deeba @ PAB
Almond Butter Cookies
These are some almond butter cookies I made as tasters at a fund-raiser where I put up a stall. They made great samplers, and quite a few enquiries came my way asking if I could do these for finger foods! The silver dragees made them look pretty, and I found the many shades of golden brown interesting. Posted by Deeba @ PAB