Strawberry Apple Pie Cake with Dried Fruits – What’s Love Got to Do With It?

“And there never was an apple, in Adam’s opinion, that wasn’t worth the trouble you got into for eating it.”
Neil Gaiman
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What’s l♥v got to do with this cake? Everything!! Loves got everything to do with this if you love fruity goodness. This is a light fruity cake, great for a snack, elegant for evening tea, different in so many ways. The bottom layer is basically the fresh fruit which gets cooked in a cakey batter, and the topping is a nice burst of dried fruit. Feel free to use  what suits you, what you love!!
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The blogiverse is exciting and BIG! It’s fun to find new blogs, some exciting and full of content you are absolutely SO MAKING as soon as possible. One lucky find the other day was off TasteSpotting. I saw this gorgeous picture, and followed it in trance to a beautiful blog called ‘The Mansurovs‘. Gosh, it neatly sliced a couple of hours off my day. Stunning photography, brilliant step-by-step pictures, wonderful recipes!!
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The Apple Pie with Dried Fruit is a recipe that will call your name, if, like me, you love fruit in bakes. I made a few minor changes, and am sure the cake will offer added luxury if you stick to ‘all purpose flour and all butter’. I made a few teeny healthy changes in line with my Ten in 10 resolutions, but the cake was still fab. Lola‘s cake looks firmer, and I think that her apples were of a crisper texture. I basically used apples that the vendor had, (read ‘not much choice’), and even though I wasn’t a 100% happy with their ‘crunch’ factor, I went ahead … the result was still delicious!!
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I went back to The Mansurovs beautiful blog to pick up the link to the post, and found a new post  out already calling my name. Blogaddicted… yes.. I am!! Need I add …  I’m l♥ving it??

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adapted from The Mansurovs recipe here
4 oz of dried fruit of your choice. (I used raisins, dried apricots, crystallised ginger and dried cranberries)

1 cup of apple juice (as suggested by Lola)
3/4 cup of all purpose flour
1/4 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
4 medium apples
8 strawberries (optional)
3 eggs
pinch of salt
1/2 cup light brown sugar
6 Tbsp unsalted butter melted
2 Tbsp oil
Pinch of cinnamon
1/2 cup of chopped walnuts divided in half
Cooking spray or little butter to grease the spring form pan

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Pre-heat oven at 170 C.
In a small bowl mix the dried fruit with apple juice and half a vanilla bean, seeds scraped and added. Close the lid of the bowl (or simply cover it with microwave safe plate) and microwave it for 2 minutes. Once ready, set aside until further use.
Sift the flour together with the baking powder and set aside until needed.
Whisk together eggs, pinch of salt and light brown sugar, until the mixture is lighter.
Add the melted butter, cinnamon and whisk until everything is mixed. Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients. With a spatula gently stir everything together, just until incorporated.
Once well-incorporated, mix in half of the chopped walnuts along with the cut fruits. Grease the sides and the bottom of the 9″ spring roll pan using baking spray or butter.(I lined the tin)
Place the ready mixture in the pan. Drain the juice, if any, from under the dried fruit and place them randomly on top of the pie. I addede som e chopped strawberries too. Sprinkle remaining walnuts on top of the pie and place the pan on the middle rack of the oven.
Bake for 45 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the readiness of the pie. Once time is up, take the spring pan out of the oven, let it cool for 10-15 minutes before un-molding the pie. Cool it further on the wire rack.
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 You can serve it warm or cold. Voila!
♥ Thank you for stopping by ♥
I’d like to make a mention here of some super work an amazing 16 year old blogger, Lauren @ Celiac Teen, has singlehandedly done for Haiti. She took it upon herself to make a difference and came up with an idea for a Haiti e-book to raise  money for the victims of the Haiti earthquake.
All proceeds will do to the Canadian Red Cross. And here’s the really important part: the Canadian Government will match all donations received by February 12th, that are marked for Haiti Relief.

I’ve got a recipe in there too, my small contribution…. Orange Patisserie Tartlets with Candied Tangerines
Haiti+Ebook+CoverAdd to Cart 

Enjoy this book. It has been an absolute labour of love. Best of all, it is for a good cause.
Notes:  Being an ebook, you purchase the PDF file, then can print off as many copies as you wish!

To quote Lauren‘There are 87 recipes contributed by 71 fantastic people.  They are a collection of home recipes.  People from all over the world have provided recipes that bring them comfort.  I have loved looking through them, and can’t wait to cook them!  I hope you do too.
In terms of price, the ebook will cost as much as you want it to cost, with a bare minimum of $10.  It is a donation, so that price is adjustable and you can donate as much as you wish!  Whether you purchase it for $10 or $510, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  All together, we can make a difference.  We can pool our donations and extend a hand to Haiti’

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Don’t miss a post

About me: I am a freelance food writer, recipe developer and photographer. Food is my passion - baking, cooking, developing recipes, making recipes healthier, using fresh seasonal produce and local products, keeping a check on my carbon footprint and being a responsible foodie! I enjoy food styling, food photography, recipe development and product reviews. I express this through my food photographs which I style and the recipes I blog. My strength lies in 'Doing Food From Scratch'; it must taste as good as it looks, and be healthy too. Baking in India, often my biggest challenge is the non-availability of baking ingredients, and this has now become a platform to get creative on. I enjoy cooking immensely as well.


  • Deeba PAB

    I was experimenting with DISQUS, and have now lost all my comments on this post while trying to remove the programme… sorry!

  • Manggy

    A pie cake! The best of both worlds! And of course, apples – are always out of this world.
    Love the commenting system, by the way..

  • Victor | UPrinting

    Hi Deeba,

    This is a great recipe. I'm just afraid that I cannot do it, let's just say that I am not a gifted when it comes to kitchen. The dining table is a different topic though. 🙂

    Thank you for sharing!

  • Deeba PAB

    Deeba PAB ( ·
    Today 09:23 AM
    I was experimenting with DISQUS, and have now lost all my comments on this post while trying to remove the programme… sorry! Putting them back in this comment…

    Arwen from Hoglet K ( · ttp://
    Today 11:02 AM
    Sounds lovely and fruity, and I like your healthy tweaks.

    Manggy ( ·
    Today 10:59 AM
    A pie cake! The best of both worlds! And of course, apples – are always out of this world.
    Love the commenting system, by the way..

    wizzythestick (
    Today 08:42 AM
    Oh my, this pie/cake looks out of this world good as are your efforts for Haiti.

    Suyin (
    Today 06:29 AM
    Ooooh you constantly amaze me with your ability to churn out wonderful baked goodies so often! Can I be your neighbour please? 😛

    shabs (
    Today 06:20 AM
    That cake looks so colourful.

    Bethany ( ·
    Today 06:16 AM
    New commenting system? This looks outrageously yummy as always. I think if I was your neighbor at one point I'll never make it out of your kitchen due to inability to make it through the door! You might have to hold my hand in your kitchen LOL. hugs

    CuisineHelene (
    Today 04:21 AM
    What a nice cake you baked for your loved ones today Deeba. You always make me smile when I visit your blog 🙂

    almond ( ·
    Today 04:10 AM
    Hello, congrats, this is a really cool page, just have a question;what if ui can´t get buttermilk? cause there´s this recipe that asks for it. But since I live in México, i wil, not able to get it.
    best regards

  • Deeba PAB

    Deeba PAB ( ·
    Today 09:23 AM
    I was experimenting with DISQUS, and have now lost all my comments on this post while trying to remove the programme… sorry! Putting them back in this comment…cont…

    Sarah Trivuncic (email not available) ·
    Today 04:03 AM
    The fruits and flowers in this post are so pretty. The cake sounds delicious. I dare not check out that other blog incase I'm still sat here in two hours!!

    Murasaki Shikibu ( ·
    Today 03:43 AM
    This is very beautiful and surely bursting with flavor.

    snooky doodle ( ·
    Today 01:27 AM
    wow this cake looks so colorful and so good. Reallly an interesting recipe 🙂

    Rosa ( ·
    Today 12:38 AM
    What a beauty! It looks heavenly.
    A great book for a great cause!

    Sarka ( ·
    Yesterday 11:28 PM
    I like cakes with lots of fruit. This one looks scrumptious. Your photos are stunning. I love the bright colours!

    Lola ( ·
    Yesterday 10:58 PM
    Deeba, you are amazing! Did I tell you that my pictures look mediocre compared to yours?! You are true inspiration. Thank you for sharing the recipe in your blog!

    Ninathebaker ( As always u r the best.I love dry fruits on my cakes…this is one gorgeous cake.Thanks for letting us know abt the mansurovs…
    Yesterday 10:43 PM
    Looks fantastic as always Deeba.I love dry fruits on my cake too..this is one gorgeous looking cake.Thanks for letting us know abt the mansurovs,its indeed a great site. I am hosting an event – Bake-a-cake,wud love to see your entries there:)
    Urmi (
    Yesterday 10:18 PM
    I liked your blog very much. I appreciate for your wonderful presentation with mouth watering pictures. Pie cake looks delicious.
    You are welcome in my blogs.

    Jennifer S. ( ·
    Yesterday 09:57 PM
    This looks amazing! You take such beautiful pictures! I stumbled it!

    Happy Cook ( ·
    Yesterday 09:35 PM
    I am so going to that blog you mentioned.
    The cake looks so so beautiful and dleicous. I love cakes like this.
    I can see that strawberry season is there .

  • Anshika

    Deeba you are too a good baker as well as a fabulous photographer. Your blog is a perfect place for a foodie to get lost in the numerous of beautiful delicacies 🙂

  • Muneeba

    Oh I know what you mean … everytime I discover a new blog that's amazing, I know I'm gonna be sacrificing something else during my day to make time for it! But if it results in gorgeous recipes like this apple-strawberry concoction, what's the harm, really?!
    Pssst .. and thks so much for your best wishes on my new baby boy 🙂

  • Heavenly Housewife

    Wow, that name for this cake is a mouthful, but I think my mouth can handle it 😉 looks delicious 🙂
    *kisses* HH

  • Barbara Bakes

    Roses and cake! This must be the perfect Valentine's combination. Never mind the chocolate this looks luscious!

  • Jeanne @ Cooksister!

    Oh Deeba – how gorgeous! This cake is full of my favourite flavours and beautiful to boot 🙂 Also love those apricot-coloured roses…

  • Gera @ SweetsFoodsBlog

    Deeba I'm always impressed by your creativity and sweetness in your posts. This cake is absolutely marvelous!

    Sorry about the lost comments. May be you can try the ID system.



  • Sophie

    Ooh Deeba!! Your fruit cake feels like summer,…that is something that I need right now!!

    MMMMMMM,…georgous too!

  • Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella

    I know I must sound like a broken record Deeba but this is one stunningly impressive looking cake! Hubby loves dried fruit so I think he'll try and talk me into making this! 😀

  • Lydia

    Hi, ur blog is really nice & informative, while reading ur blog I truly like ur recipe & definitely try at my home. I just wanna suggest that u should go for blog advertising & marketing there is a site which is offering very unique features at affordable prices there are expert advertising team who will promote ur blog & affiliate ads through all over the networks which will definitely boost ur traffic. Finally I have bookmarked ur blog & also shared this blog to my friends.. i think my friend might too like it hope u have a wonderful day & !!happy blogging!!.

  • diva

    Oh sorry you lost your comments, sometimes i'm just so scared with experimenting with anything on the blog. Thinking of giving it a facelift but might lose everything. UGH. Beautiful cake. I knew I was hanging around yours at dinner for this 🙂 My ghostly presence. xx

  • Jamie

    Deeba never ceases to amaze me! Wowee, girlie, this is beautiful! And your photos are getting more brilliant with each post! Do you know how much you inspire me?

    And Lauren hsa done an amazing thing with this cookbook!

  • Lucy

    I love finding new blogs – especially when they have such delicious bakes on like this fabulous cake! It looks stunning and scrumptious 🙂

  • Kat

    Hi Deeba, just discovered your blog and I absolutely love it. I've been looking for a really fruity cake to bake my mum for mother's day and this recipe is exactly what I'm after. Do you think it would be nicer made with red or green apples?

  • Deeba PAB

    Hi Kat, I think it would work better with crisp, tart green apples. That's IMHO of course. Thanks for your inspiring comments.

  • Kat

    Thanks for replying Deeba, I followed your advice and the cake turned out beautifully (even though I couldn't find any strawberries for some reason) – my mum was thrilled 🙂

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