Strawberry Curd Cheese Tartlets

“Scenes of strawberries, across crisp farmland.”
Michael Easton
It’s time for that ‘something sweet’ again, & I’m on a strawberry high. The market is quite flooded with strawberries, & I just can’t seem to get enough of this passionate berry. At the risk of flooding my blog with this fruit, I’m here once again with a strawberry something. Don’t say I didn’t warn you, but there’s plenty more strawberries in the pipeline! I’ve even begun freezing a couple of bags to use after the fresh ones disappear. Str+tart Nic sent me a real yummy bag of Belgian White Chocolate Strawberries, which we really enjoyed eating. They were part of a virtual Indian monsoon cloudburst that I had here a while ago, posted here. There have been intermittent showers after that with some balsamic chilli glaze that got left behind that she felt compelled to mail later…thank you Nic!!strwbrry+mousse+tart8I saved a couple of the delicious dried strawberries in white chocolate to show off on a blog post. I felt compelled to. I have never heard of dried strawberries, so obviously tasting them was out of question until just recently. Each bite was luscious, sweet with an endearing tang to them … & gorgeous red colour within. I thought I’d put them atop a tartlet; that tartlet had to be strawberry.strwbrry+mousse+tart3
Just the thought of tartlets lead me to Tartlette, where else, where I had seen some stunningly pretty Raspberry Mousse Tartlets & Macaroons that Helen had posted just recently. Macaroons are something I still have to garner the courage to try after a rather frightening first try many months ago, but I bookmarked the basic pastry / sable crust. Was a simple one, though I couldn’t quite manage the sort she had made, so ended up making mine in small tartlet pans. strwbrry+mousse+tart7
For the filling, I made a vegetarian strawberry flavoured curd cheese because I am quite eggophobic; & am still trying to get myself to like eggs in a mousse dessert. Since ‘that’ still isn’t ‘happening‘, I made a curd cheese, an Indian version of quark, & flavoured it with a strawberry coulis. The coulis made the house smell like a candle shop, sweet fragrances of strawberry wafting through the whole place. I felt like I was walking in clouds. Oh, it was just a beautiful feeling!!2009 03 06+nic3
The tarts tasted lovely. Delicate & pretty, the layer of chocolate on the base springing a nice surprise in every bite.strwbrry+mousse+tart10

Inspired by Helen @ Tartlette

Sable Crust Tart Bases
Adapted from Helen’s rceipe @ Tartlette recipe here
Makes six 3-inch tartlets.
100gms butter, at room temperature
¼ cup sugar
2 egg yolks
1 ½ cups all purpose flour
1tsp pure vanilla extract
Pinch of salt
1 to 2 tablespoons of cream, optional
50gms dark chocolate at room temperaturestrwbrry+mousse+tart11
  • Whip the butter and sugar until light and creamy. Add the egg yolks, one at a time, scraping the bottom and side of the bowl in between each addition.
  • Add the flour and salt and beat until the dough just starts to come together. If the dough seems too crumbly, add some cream, one tablespoon at a time.
  • Gather the dough into a ball, flatten it a little to a small disk and wrap it well in plastic wrap. Refrigerate one hour before using.
  • Preheat oven to 350F.
  • Flour your work area well and start rolling the dough from the center out, lifting it from the work area every 2-3 times you roll over it. Do not be afraid to flour the work area well as you feel the dough getting warmer and softer.
  • Cut out six 4 inch rounds and fit them inside six 3 inch tartlet molds pastry dough inside them, patting the dough in with your fingertips if needed.
  • Place a small piece of parchment paper or foil inside the tart shells, fill with beans or pie weights and blind bake for 12-15 minutes.
  • Grate chocolate over the warm bases when they come out of the oven. Let cool to room temperature. strwbrry+mousse+tart1
Strawberry Coulis
200gms strawberries
1/3 cup granulated sugar
1/8 cup waterCollages11Method:
  • Chop up the strawberries, reserving a couple for garnishing. Put them in a saucepan with 1/3 cup sugar & 1/8 cup water. Bring to a boil, then simmer for 10-15 minutes till fragrant & syrupy.
  • Cool, blend with an immersion blender, strain & chill (Can be done a day in advance. It will get thicker as it chills).2009 03 13+strwberry+panna+cotta2
Strawberry Curd Cheese
1 cup curd ( from 1 kg hung yogurt)
200ml low fat cream (25%)
1/2 cup powdered sugar
Dark chocolate scrolls, dried strawberries, pistachios for garnishing strwbrry+mousse+tart4
  • Whip the curd cheese well till smooth.
  • Add the cream, sugar & 3/4 of the strawberry syrup with cream & whip till smooth. Taste for sweetness, increase if needed. Swirl the remaining syrup through the mixture gently.
  • Pipe into tart shells, & garnish with grated chocolate, pistachio nuts & strawberries.
  • Chill until ready to serve. Collages12

I am one of the 50 bloggers & chefs whose recipes have been included in the free STRAWBERRY mobile app for iPhone and iPod touch.

“STRAWBERRIES” iPhone App to View and Share 50 Strawberry Recipes
from Top Food Bloggers and Chefs
Watsonville, CA (January 13, 2009) – The California Strawberry Commission today announced the availability of the free “STRAWBERRIES” mobile app for iPhone and iPod Touch users featuring more than 50 mouth-watering strawberry recipes from some of the most popular food bloggers and chefs from around the web. Individually selected for that “wow” factor, these recipes will inspire families, foodies, cooks, the health conscious and strawberry lovers everywhere to get even more creative with strawberries.
iPhone and iPod touch users can now access different strawberry recipes complete with vivid food photography and step-by-step directions to create that special dish for those around you. The free app neatly categorizes recipes under Snacks & Appetizers, Breakfast, Cocktails, Main Courses, Salads and Sweets. Recipes range from traditional favorites, such as shortcakes and pies to more exotic dishes like strawberry dumplings, salsa and ceviche.
Individual recipes can be shared with friends, family and online networks by simply posting the recipe to Facebook or Twitter with the click of a button. Recipes can also be emailed to anyone for viewing or printing.
The Strawberries app for the iPhone and iPod touch is available immediately as a free download at the Apple iTunes Store. Click here to download:
PAB on iPhone StrawberryRefrigerator Strawberry Cheesecake, Chocolate Strawberry Mascarpone Cake, Strawberry Curd Cheese Tartlets

Don’t miss a post

About me: I am a freelance food writer, recipe developer and photographer. Food is my passion - baking, cooking, developing recipes, making recipes healthier, using fresh seasonal produce and local products, keeping a check on my carbon footprint and being a responsible foodie! I enjoy food styling, food photography, recipe development and product reviews. I express this through my food photographs which I style and the recipes I blog. My strength lies in 'Doing Food From Scratch'; it must taste as good as it looks, and be healthy too. Baking in India, often my biggest challenge is the non-availability of baking ingredients, and this has now become a platform to get creative on. I enjoy cooking immensely as well.


  • Ben

    I can’t wait until we get fresh strawberries around here. This is something that I definitely want to try. It just looks gorgeous!

  • Culinarywannabe

    Wow! Your pictures are just stunning! I can’t believe you are already freezing strawberries – I feel like we are just getting some good ones in!

  • A_and_N

    The first pic with the tartlets and then the similar one with pista? They are worth everything ever! 🙂 beautiful, Deeba!

  • Bharti

    Beautiful! I really like the idea of using curd cheese for the filling. So rich, decadent and nutritious too. Greek yogurt is really popular and I believe it’s just hung yogurt which condenses the protein and calcium (and yumminess)content and so it’s being marketed as the healthier alternative to regular yogurt. Anyways, love the tarts 🙂

  • Soma

    Just heavenly! Everything that u did here. Love the idea of curd cheese… I’m going back to look at your pictures again:-)

  • Nicisme

    This post is wonderful – the colours are gorgeous – I can’t wait for the strawberry season to come.
    Your pastry looks really crisp and golden! Glad you enjoyed the choc strawbs.

  • Gloria

    Deeba, As ever, your pictures look soooo lovely dear, I love strawberries and this look so georgeous!!! xxGloria

  • bren

    your pics are always so great! these tartlettes are something i can eat everyday and forgo! 🙂

  • Bellini Valli

    I have never heard of chocolate covered dried strawberries before although I picture them as pure heaven. Loving the tart and all the jaw-droppingly beautiful photos as well Deeba.

  • Reeni♥

    These are just lovely!! So pretty, and I bet they taste even better. The dried strawberries look interesting!!

  • Kerstin

    I don’t like eggs in mousse desserts either – I thought I was the only one! Your tartlettes look amazing!

  • Aparna

    These tarts look delicious. And I have to say yur pictures look even better.
    Strawberries have taken me over too, this season. Funny, considering I have never really liked strawberries till now!

  • MeetaK

    lovely lovely lovely!!! i think i could scoop up the strawberry curd on its own and would not need anything else. Looks great!

    PS: The lemon question: I am not sure i think one of the european sized lemons is probably = 2 indian sized lemons so i would double the amount. 😉 Hugs!

  • Happy cook

    We still have to wait for the strawberry season, when it is there i am gonna try this.
    Looks beautiful and yummy.

  • ttfn300

    thanks for visiting my site! this looks absolutely amazing, and i’m totally sold on trying this strawberry curd 🙂

  • kunthan

    ho what a dish…ha…..

    Every Thing At Your Feet

    hello nice work keep up the great work..keep gooing..rockkk.. ing….

    chcek out mine and how do you feal..pls..


  • Gera @ SweetsFoods

    Deeba you’re a such a great photographer your photos are awesome-always-!!

    Dried strawberries in white chocolate and those strawberries delights..colorful marvelous 🙂



  • Donna-FFW

    Holy Cow.. do these ever look good. I love all the componenets in this recipe, pure genius and the taste is probably unbelievable.

  • noble pig

    Those are some kind of wonderful. And the pictures just beautiful. Strawberry season is here!

  • lisa (dandysugar)

    Just gorgeous, Deeba! Those berries look sweet and juicy. What beautiful color and texture in these photos too! Lovely tarts!!

  • Mrs. L

    What an absolutely lovely dessert. And your photos are always so beautiful. Makes me want to go find some fresh strawberries!

  • Ricardo

    most definitely a baking passion here this is the blog for the nicest sweets here yum yum love it so inspiring. xx

  • Tangled Noodle

    I find myself saying the same things over and over about your posts – not very original but very heartfelt! Your work creating, writing and photographing these dishes is outstanding as always!

  • Elra

    WOW, pretty tartlets Deeba. I never made this strawberry curd before. Sounds really delicious.

  • Prathibha

    This is the first time i am messaging you eventhough I am a silent reader of your blog.Each and every photograph looks amazing and tempting…Great work….

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