SWEET AFFAIRS OF THE HEART…Small Tarts Have Big Hearts

“Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand.”
Mother Teresa

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Its time for event # 2 at the Mini Pie Revolution HQ – “Small Tarts Have Big Hearts”. ..time to show off our small tarts for Valentines. Manggy sent me to the Mini Pie HQs…& I was hooked. Have always had this penchant for making small bites/petits fours…thanks a ton Manggy!


Mini Pie Revolution Event # 2 ‘Small Tarts Have Big Hearts’.

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As the Mini Pie Revolution HQs say ‘Tarts, being sexy little things, like to go topless. Some tarts leave a little more to the imagination with strategically placed whipped cream or garnishes. No tart likes complete coverage!’. All that is required is that they must be mini-tarts (bite sized), sweet & baked from scratch.


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An assortment of topless tarts on the platter.
A combination of chocolate, strawberries, cake, sprinkles etc. Great fun to make for your valentine…great fun to make anyway!

IMG 1688I made small tarts in assorted round fluted sizes from a left-over dough from a basic pie crust recipe. This was the dough remaining from the Daring Bakers Lemon Meringue Pie challenge; but you can use any other pie crust that you like. ( Approximately 1/4 the recipe should give you a dozen assorted small tarts).

For the Crust:
Pie recipe courtesy of Wanda’s Pie in the Sky by Wanda Beaver, 2002
Cold butter – ¾ cup ; cut into ½-inch (1.2 cm) pieces
Flour – 2 cups
Granulated sugar – ¼ cup
Salt – ¼ tsp
Ice water – ⅓ cup

For the Tops of the tarts:
  • I put a dollop of chocolate ganache on each tart.
  • I cut some small circles out of a layer of Strawberry sponge cake & placed a circle each on a few tarts shells. Topped the sponge with ganache, sprinkles & a slice of strawberry. Recipe for the sponge & ganache can be found here.
  • I mixed cake crumbs with melted chocolate, rolled them into flattish balls & placed them on others. Topped them again with a ganache, followed by sprinkles/strawberry slices.
  • Marbled one with cream; edged another tart with valentine sprinkles after drizzling melted chocolate around the edges; topped others with chocolate flakes; used sliced strawberries for others.
  • They were all extempore & loads of fun. I used whatever I could lay my hands on.
  • The kids had an absolute blast devouring them!
  • These can be made a couple of days in advance & stored covered in the fridge. Do place the strawberries just a little before serving otherwise they lose their fresh look & appeal.



About me: I am a freelance food writer, recipe developer and photographer. Food is my passion - baking, cooking, developing recipes, making recipes healthier, using fresh seasonal produce and local products, keeping a check on my carbon footprint and being a responsible foodie! I enjoy food styling, food photography, recipe development and product reviews. I express this through my food photographs which I style and the recipes I blog. My strength lies in 'Doing Food From Scratch'; it must taste as good as it looks, and be healthy too. Baking in India, often my biggest challenge is the non-availability of baking ingredients, and this has now become a platform to get creative on. I enjoy cooking immensely as well.


  • Manggy

    You’re very welcome, deeba… I suddenly feel like a secret agent recruiter, haha! 🙂
    Those look so good– good for you for having plenty of people to feed them too 😉

  • Passionate baker...& beyond

    Manggy…O lord!Forgot that yr folks dont like the combo, & you do!!Of course you are the secret agent recruiter;doing good work behind the scenes!! they shud give you honorary mini pie membership!! Cheers

  • Passionate baker...& beyond

    Manggy…O lord!Forgot that yr folks dont like the combo, & you do!!Of course you are the secret agent recruiter;doing good work behind the scenes!! they shud give you honorary mini pie membership!! Cheers

  • Ann

    Wow! These are so… tarty (in a good way!). I almost expect them to jump up and start doing the Can-Can! 🙂

    Great job!

    Oh, and Manggy knows we would like nothing more than to make him a revolutionary. 🙂

    Ann at Redacted Recipes

  • Ivy

    Your work is so professional. They look great.

  • meeso

    I could almost smell the strawberries when I saw the pictures! Very cute little topless tarts 😀

  • Ben

    Small tarts, huge hearts. But your heart is bigger than all of those combined 😀 Lovely post and pictures, I will never get tired of this


  • Mer

    I haven’t had the chance to read blogs lately – so it may be a little late, but I love your new header. :0)

  • Sagari

    those tarts look soo cute

  • anu


    The tarts look fabulous.. how do u manage to get the you get it in gurgaon?? somehow i dont seem to find them in pune

    good work
    Anu (pune)

  • Passionate baker...& beyond

    Ann,Ivy,Meeso,Ben,Mer & Sagari…love your hearty words!
    Hi Anu, thanks for enjoying these topless wonders! I get the coloured ones from the US, but I think Mourde makes chocolate strands. Maybe you can try Dorabjee in Pune. :0)

  • Passionate baker...& beyond

    Ann,Ivy,Meeso,Ben,Mer & Sagari…love your hearty words!
    Hi Anu, thanks for enjoying these topless wonders! I get the coloured ones from the US, but I think Mourde makes chocolate strands. Maybe you can try Dorabjee in Pune. :0)

  • Purnima

    Deeba,can’t take eyes off those cute little, artistically done n tastefully decorated mini tarts!! Beaaaauuuuuuuttttttifulll!!

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