Mini Manqué Pear Cakes with Black Grape Compote
“There are only ten minutes in the life of a pear when it is perfect to eat.”Ralph Waldo Emerson Yesterday was a day I needed to bake. The morning wasn’t kind to me. Got up and the computer screen was dead as dead can be. Woke up the daughter and she was rather rude for something trivial … very uncalled for!! Then she decided not to have the breakfast I made. I had about lost it, but DH stepped in, flashed a big smile, ate her breakfast…and told me to relax! So my pent up anger was redirected to the kitchen, and it was time to bake. Hit the kitchen…
“What is more mortifying than to feel that you have missed the plum for want of courage to shake the tree?”Logan Pearsall Smith Danced off Helen’s beautiful blog, Tartlette’s, the other day, in a dreamy trance. Two thoughts rang through my head. Helen’s hub B smashing the tops of the dreamy desserts, and an urgency to recreate the delightful dessert as soon as possible. Not the first time a fruit dessert has done this to me. Did it off Judy‘s blog, No Fear Entertaining when the peach season began and I instantly made Apricot Cherry Mini Crisps. Then again, off Ari’s blog, Baking and Books with Plums & Brown Sugar…