“We should look for someone to eat and drink with before looking for something to eat and drink…” Epicurus Galette a la Plums & Peaches! If someone said to me that they made a galette, I would just nod & get on my way, maybe wouldn’t even bat an eyelid! Never heard of something like that before (seriously I haven’t, even if that means you think I live under a rock!). Now if someone showed me a picture of a galette they baked, & if that someone had the word addiction in the blog post, & if that someone was the ever so talented Food Blogga gal, it would grab…
TO QUICHE OR NOT TO QUICHE…A mushroom quiche & wholesome lunchboxes!
” I asked the barmaid for a quickie. The man next to me said, ‘It’s pronounced ‘quiche’ “… …(on occasional perils of speaking a foreign language)Luigi Amaduzzi, Italian Ambassador in Britain. A MUSHROOM QUICHE… At home, the lines are firmly drawn as far as the quiche story goes…or more suitably, the ‘quiche’ war. On one side, stand the son & me, who are not great egg fans at all; me far worse than him! The rest on the other side. It’s the quintessential question…to quiche or not to quiche? One wonder’s why I make it anyway. Well, firstly the die-hard baker in me overtakes the egg-disliker; & then, I actually…