In turn, I would like to tag…
- Dwiana Porter @ The Adventure of my cooking diary
- Nicisme @ Cherrapeno
- Sunita@ Sunita’s World
- Arfi @ HomemadeS
- Val @ More Than Burnt Toast
…all accomplished foodies whose photographs I have marvelled at for long! Do stop by & take a peek into their blogs; they are a source of inspiration!! Sneaking in 2 non-foodie favourite snaps of mine!
The past days have seen more awards than I ever dreamt I could get, falling into my lap. Each of these make me feel very chuffed indeed, & I am absolutely honoured to be in this sort of ‘firing line’. Thanks to each one of you who thought I was worth it & picked me from the millions of fantastic foodies & bloggers out there. I need to pass these on before they grow roots sitting on my blog…I got this delicious one from Ranji @ Ranji’s Kitchen Corner, Kalai @ Samaithu Paarkalaam, Purnima @ Fantasy Cooking . Thanks a lot ladies for thinking of me.
My fave yummilicious desserts on my blog would be…
Chocolate Orange Gateau
Mango Ice-cream Swiss Roll
Mango Ice-Cream
Panna Cotta Espresso
I would like to pass on this YUMMY award to the following delicious blogs:-
- Marie @ The Proud Italian Cook
- Nicisme @ Cherrapeno
- Amy @ Familia Bencomo
- Dhanggit @ Dhanggit’s Kitchen
Phew, if you’re still here & reading, I got this next award, precious & ‘ever so cute’, from my dear friend Amy of Familia Bencomo…it’s the most cheerful & expressive one I’ve seen to date ! Would like to pass this one to these blogs which I love visiting as often as I can…
- Arundhati @ Escapades
- Dhanggit @ Dhanggit’s Kitchen
- Rosie @ Rosie Bakes a Peace of Cake
- Arfi @ HomemadeS
- Susan @ Food Blogga
And finally, Amy tagged me for this one too….what a GREAT thought!! Thank you Amy. I’m passing this one on to…
- Purnima @ Fantasy Cook
- MAG @ Hommus & Tabbouli
- Manggy @ No Special Effects
- Diva @ Sugar Bar
- Meeso @ Humble Kitchen
- Asha @ Aroma
- Nandita @ Saffron Trail
- Laurie @ Dalla Mia Cucina
- Cham @ Spice Club
- Amy @ Familia Bencomo (How could I not pass it to you; sneaked you into the bottom!!)
Thank you for patiently being here, if you are still here that is! This has taken me the better half of today to complete & I have learnt my lesson…not to procrastinate!! HAVE A FAB DAY!!
Where is the web pattern cake…so many things u need to collage n put up in ten!! Tks for that lovely award, Coming from *U* made my day!!
Tks again for droolworthy post – Ah photographic memories!
i’m loving that strawberry chocolate swiss roll. looks awesome.
thanks for the tag! i’m touched 😉 you make my day too. x
Ooh, I am loving your selection of pictures! I remember your Christmas cookies, I think they’re the first post I ever stumbled into here (for the Christmas cookies event I believe) 🙂 Haha, I’m glad there’s some way you always remember me. For as long as there will always be memes, right? 😛 Honestly I wish I knew more bloggers so I could spread the love around, plus I get a little fussy about tagging some friends more often than others… It’s too stressful so I decided to let it go for now! Now is not the time for me to be stressed, haha! 🙂 Thanks so much for the award, you make my day too!
OMG!! It pouring awards day for ya today!:)
Enjoy, you deserve each one them my friend and thank you for thinking of me too, will proudly display!:))
Hey girl! You are a celebrity! Hehehe. Those pictures are just gorgeous and the awards are very well deserved. Congratulations for such huge success 🙂
Ayyo!! this is one award i am so happy to get from you!! thanks a tonne babe!! [doing a giddy dance with the curtains pulled together]!! hugs!!
Hi Deeba, STUNNING girl I knew your top 10 pics would be just that and many thanks for partaking 🙂 Huge congratulations on your awards you deserve each and everyone one of them and I really enjoy visiting your blog to view your new creation you really are an inspiration!!
Many, many thanks for the lovely award I will treasure it 🙂
Rosie x
oh wow, each and every pic is brillient deeba. and congrats on getting those awards. u truely deserve them 🙂
Oh you naughty girl!!! Fortunately, I now sleep in evening gowns so I’m totally prepared to accept these (my goodness two!?!?!) awards as I drink my coffee – all I need to do is re-apply my lipstick. Thank you, sweetie!
All of you photographs are amazing. The strawberry chocolate swiss roll is a work of art. You have such a steady hand with decorating your desserts.
I can’t believe the kids summer break has already started. We have one more month of school & then 2 months off. I love spending hours at the pool (I sit in the shade with the other moms – I don’t dare get in a bathing suit!). Glad your son is over the chicken pox & is back to running you ragged.
Tanti baci, my friend! And, thank you again for the awards! I’m completely flattered & humbled to be grouped with such an outstanding bunch of foodies.
xoxox Amy
Arfi Binsted
you deserve all of those awards! congratulations. and thanks for sending me some my way. i’ll do my best.
Proud Italian Cook
Deeba, All your pictures are a feast for the eyes! Really!! I don’t remember ever seeing the filigree swiss roll, it’s truely a thing of beauty! I told you before you would be a great food stylist, seriously!!! Thank you dear for the yummy award you gave to me, I will humbly accept it with pride!
Swati: Sugarcraft India
Deeba, congrats on the awards.. the pictures are all divine and am too impressed with the desserts..Great work really!!
No wonder why so many people love you so much… U really deserve all those awards Deeba. I wish i could have been ur neighbour and taste all this goodies, ah!
I am really happy to receive the surprise from U Deeba. Thank you 🙂
Congrats on the awards!!! Your pics totally rock, Deeba. You deserve to be basking in the glow of these awards! 🙂
by MAG
You deserve all the best Deeba, congratulations! And thank you very much for awarding me, you are so sweet and you made my day with this award! 🙂 Kisses!
those sugar cookies look so ainty and pretty ! must hv been hard picking out only 10 🙂
Deeba..the Chocolate Orange Gateau looks divine! Two flavors that go so wonderfully together! I know what you mean about the camera hanging in there..every time I have to take photo’s for the DBer’s post I go through a mini panic attack wondering if my camera will make it! 🙂
I have only recently had the pleasure to get to know you and visit you at your beautiful blog, I love your writings, pictures and food! It’s such an honor that you would have thought about me for an award! You have made MY day Deeba!! Thank you sweet blogger friend! Ciao and grazie così tanto..thank you so much!!
Deeba, congrats on your awards! You deserve them!
Oh, your pics are fabulous! Glad you posted them. I jsut printed your gateau recipe (chocolate orange) and hoping to make is sometime soon.Hugs:)
Sukanya Ramkumar
That was a nice spread of recips… Looks great… Loved the strawberry swiss roll with lovely mehendi design….
Sorry, but the gingerbread man with the hole in his heart is my fav! Tee hee…
wooooooow ..so many awards and all photos are fabulous..
Deeba, what a post! Congratulations on all your awards! You deserve them 🙂
Deeba njoyed ur read here and Congrats on ur truely deserved award.. Nice selection of photos and of which i missed few..:)
Dwiana P
Debra, you are so sweet. Thank you very much of thinking about me. I am so honored.
You deserve the award nice lady!
congrats. lovely pics. i esp. love the ones of your garden.
Bellini Valli
Thanks for the tag Deeba, but I just completed the Top 10 Pics MEME the other day. It was a fun one wasn’t it? Your photos are all gorgeous, as well congrats on all the wards and accolades. You deserve each and every one!!!
Congrats on all the very well deserved awards! Each and every picture is fabulous. Have a great day!
Mike of Mike's Table
Your photos are always mouth-watering and its great to look back. They look great!
You have some super photos here, well done!
Thanks so much for the award, I’ll try and pass it on soon.
Divya Vikram
congrats on your awards..u truly deserve especially for the gorgeous pics