Baking| Apricot & Plum Cobbler … the Secret Recipe Club & a guest post
“You see things and you say ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were and I say ‘Why not?’”
George Bernard Shaw
It’s July with the Secret Recipe Club and the inspiration behind this great idea continues. This month I was assigned to secretly invade Kims blog @ Everyday Mom. Kim has a delicious blog and for an everyday Mom {read 24 X 7} like me, it was an instant connect.
I loved reading her posts, seeing how she involves her sweet kids in the kitchen, looking into her CSA box, seeing how she uses what turns up including these beautiful garlic scapes. That was what I intended to make for the SRC, but my next visit to Kims threw me right off course!
What did I see here? A blueberry cobbler? The passionate fruit baker in me was completely inspired and a cobbler it was going to be. No blueberries here in India, so a quick stock check brought up apricots and plums; on a whim I decided to throw in some frozen strawberries too.
I cut back on the cream in the topping as I had less than half a carton on hand, and I added some almonds to up the ‘healthy’ factor… the cobbled bit was basically a happy result of whatever I had in the larder. My frequent impulsive dashes to the bazaar are now limited thanks to this pooch!
She’s a full time job and is more full of beans than I could ever imagine. A plum rolled out of my bag in the kitchen and it caught her naughty little eye in a flash. There was a mad dash to the garden …
… where she had a plum party! Off she was, tossing it, attacking it, licking it…and then making a meal out of it! This is where the rest of my time goes these days; behind the lens as she is too cute not to click!!
You might need a wait a little longer for the recipe, inspired completely by Kim, as I committed a guest post to my dear talented friend Sukaina @ Sips & Spoonfuls for the 18th of July, not realising that it was the SRC posting date.
The Secret Recipe Club, the brainchild of Amanda of Amanda’s Cookin’. The idea behind the club – Each month you are “assigned” a participating food blogger to make a recipe from. It’s a secret, so don’t tell them you are making something from their blog! Click on the link if you want to join the fun!!
So here I am killing 2 birds with one stone, or make it 3 maybe? Sukaina has eyed my pots, pan and knives for long, and invited me to do a guest post for her. I couldn’t help but create a post for her around my favorite vintage pans.Coincidentally, she is hosting the Monthly Mingle this month and her theme is Stone Fruit {my favourite} so the recipe is an entry for the Meeta’s brainchild as well. You will need to catch the recipe there, and I have to say it’s well worth it. One so you get to discover her beautiful blog, and secondly of course because this cobbler turned out to be delicious in every way!
Food blogging, food cultures, cusines and food props have made life so much more interesting. Sukaina is food writer and photographer living in Dubai, creates magic with her camera. She longs to come over and join me in food prop shopping, much like Shulie @ Food Wanderings and of course my twin sistah Jamie @ Lifes A Feast.
Please do head across to Sips & Spoonfuls to get a taste of this good cobbler indeed, full of all the goodness and deliciousness that stone fruit offers, the juices that oozed over absolutely delightful. The sweet tartness of the fruit, the nuttiness of the almond meal in the topping enticing the palette … all good stuff! As the lad said, “This is REALLY good Mama; can I have more?” Scrape, scrape scrape … the teen just helped herself to seconds! Find it HERE!
Don’t miss a post
Also find me on The Rabid Baker, The Times of India
A lovely guest post! Cobblers are terrific when made with stonefruits.
Deeba, thank you so much for your incredible guest post and your kind words about my blog. I have never had a cobbler before so you have also introduced me to a new dessert. One of these days I’m planning that trip to Dehli so you can make me a super dessert and then take me prop shopping. Thanks again
Look amazing Deeba! love this recipe! and your puppy is sooo cute! Im in love of this puppy! gloria
Your beautiful posts just astound me. LOVE this cobbler- so so delicious looking- and your new pup is just adorable!
Heavenly Housewife
Your photos are always so beautiful! The secret recipe club sounds so fun, but eating the desserts, thats even better no?
*kisses* HH
amanda @ fake ginger
Gorgeous photos! It looks fantastic!
That cobbler looks amazing! And I’m loving those puppy pics.
I love your variation on the blueberry cobbler, makes me want to head to the kitchen and see what I have so I can make another one. Your blog is wonderful, such beautiful pictures and recipes. I will definitely be back to “visit”
Jeanne @ CookSister!
Oh Deeba – those vintage pots and pans!!! I am desperately in love! You do realise that you live in PROP HEAVEN?! :o) Love the recipe too – stone fruit are my absolute weakness – I love them in pies, tarts, crumbles, crisps, cobblers – you name it. As for your pup – 100% cuteness!
Your photos are beautiful and this sounds just delicious.
Such a yummy and beautiful guest post… Coco’s pictures look so beautiful and adorable…
All the photos look nice! great recipe to share as well.
Jennifer (Delicieux)
What a gorgeous post, and website you have. I’m so glad to have come to you via Sips and Spoonfuls.
I can see why Sukaina was taken by your props, they are simply stunning, and your cobbler looks so beautiful in your stunning photos.
LOVE it all! LOVE plums and have recently discovered how fabulously sweet and flavorful baking makes often-bland apricots. This cobbler is so for me! I have been on a fruit baking binge lately and you are often in my mind! Love the pup but who is taking care of her now? Mom? Ha ha ha! And oh yes I am still planning on coming and visiting, baking with you, prop shopping with you and just sitting in your garden and enjoying being with you, sistah!
Nachiketa Chandra
The cobbler’s looking super….
A new definition coming up for puppy love….
The Variable, Crazy Over Desserts – Nachiketa
Catch me on facebook @ Crazy Over Desserts
Deeba, I believe everything you touch turns to gold! Delicious looking dish :-). Your puppy is adorable too!
Rachel - A Southern Fairytale
Your photos are simply gorgeous, I could look at them all day long!
Your cobbler looks amazing as do all your photos.
If you haven’t already, I’d love for you to check out my SRC recipe this month: Holy Guacamole.
Cook Lisa Cook
Your food photo’s are fabulous but your little puppy – OMG – soooooo cute – love her! As always love your blog and photo’s . . .
Been a whilr Deeba. Hope things are well. retty pics as always and a great choice of recipe.
Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella
Deeba darling you pup is absolutely gorgeous! Look at that face! And only matched in deliciousness by your cobbler!
Not only does this recipe look delicious, your pictures are perfect!!! Your little puppy is the cutest thing I’ve EVER seen!!!
Oh yum, I could dive head first into that cobbler!
Your puppy is sooooo gorgeous! Me jealous!
Sarah@Espresso Makers and Machines
Oh I love you cobbler! I’m drooling here. It looks absolutely delicious!I totally love both your cobbler and pup!
Looks delicious! Beautiful shots and what a cute puppy!
Thanks for popping by to my blog, Deeba and the cobbler will be on my table very,very soon, such a delicious combo of apricot and plum, very summery! I have joined your MacTweets Challenge with a butterscotch macaron and homemade gelato(!), so pleased to discover MacTweets, more excuses to make macs and ice creams.
The recipe link is posted on your MacTweets blog.
Deeba I was certain I left a comment here on this fabulous looking as I am sure delicious apricot and plum cobbler. Love it. Missing you girl!! Shulie
Just reread the post girl, completely missed the shout out!! I am getting confused I would like to belong to one of those clubs too.
I hope one day when I grow up I will be organized enough, problem is I am already grown up. Again, Deeba I can’t tell you enough how I enjoy visiting your blog and i do it even without you ever knowing:). Love, Shulie
These pictures really do remind me of my grandmother’s peach cobbler back when I was a child spending summers at my grandparents’ place. Thanks for sharing the recipe. Cute dog too!
Beautiful photos! Looks delicious!
I love all the photos! Your dog is really cute! And all the photos of your peach cobbler look very delicious. I wished I have more time trying this recipe this weekend. Thank you for sharing!
I got hungry just looking at your pics, they’re so mouth-watering. What a cute puppy, and her fur coloration is striking, I had to look closer to confirm she’s not dripping wet.
Your puppy is adorable! How cute that she played with a plum. Lovely-looking cobbler too. I’m jealous of the apricots you used. I wish they grew locally here. At least I can console myself with peaches!
Vanessa@Vitamins City
Your cobbler plum looks scrumptiously delicious and healthy! I’m drooling on your cobbler photos! And your playful pup is really cute and cuddly! Thank you for sharing this wonderful post with us.
Deeba, as always, your pics are just fantastic. the cobbler looks gorgeous! and the pup!! she looks SO cute! is she a spaniel? pls post more pics of her too!
Amy @ A Little Nosh
So jealous of your perfect lighting! That recipe looks absolutely delicious. Glad to be part of SRC with you!
Your pup is darling and this cobbler is beautiful. Love all this summer fruit! So fun to be in the Secret Recipe Club with you.
KC Quaretti-Lee
Saw your cobbler over at Foodwhirl and just had to come by and visit. I’m so glad I did! Your photos are amazing and well, your cobbler sounds out of this world delicious!
I featured this on SRC today Deeba!
Deeba @ PAB
Thanks a million Amanda. We really loved the cobbler… all thanks to the SRC! The websites looking really nice.
Wow this looks delicious…I need to bake more lol