Baking | Cherry & Plum Crisp … Happy Mothers Day #stonefruitlove #summer
“He who likes cherries soon learns to climb”
German Proverb
Cherry & Plum Crisp … could there be a simpler way to celebrate summer? It’s a wonderful way to make Mothers Day special too. I am thrilled to find stone fruit lining the shelves in the local bazaar already. The first week of May and I was pleasantly surprised {read giddily ecstatic} to find the plumpest, juiciest and sweetest of cherries here already!
“Straight from the Himalayas for you” announced the ever charming vendor, knowing pretty well I see through his charm. Knows pretty well too that I cannot resist stone fruit. Year after year we play the same game. In the end the love of stone fruit rules!
This year the crops been better. Sweeter too. Deep, red and SWEET, pitting means a blood red splattered kitchen. Coloured hands, dripping juice and the temptation to gobble up mouthfuls mark this beautiful season.
The hotter and hotter it gets, the more unbearably the mercury rises, the sweeter the fruit get.The irony of life. The good and the bad go hand in hand and all proverbs fall true. No pain without gain, lose something to get something … and life goes on!
The same rings true with being a mother too. Agony and ecstasy? I constantly turn to one of my favourite authors Erma Brombeck for comic relief. Be it for mothers or otherwise, she always has something uncannily true, something that hits a home run each time.
As for mothers, there are quotes and more quotes from time immemorial. Everyone has their two penny bit about mothers. For some reason every word makes sense. It doesn’t even matter which side of the fence you’re on!
Back to our bake. Nothing much to it.Crisp, cobblers, crumbles are no rocket science. Let your palette guide you. Throw in what you like. My recipe is really a rough guide to get you to enjoy summer and make the most of the abundance of summer fruit.
Go the cherry plum plum way, or just do a cherry crisp. Do a mixed Gluten Free Stone Fruit Crisp, or then get bake up a yummy Stone Fruit Almond Crumble.
Crisps are baked with the fruit mixture on the bottom with a crumb topping. The crumb topping can be made with flour, nuts, bread crumbs, cookie or graham cracker crumbs, or even breakfast cereal. Crumble are the British version of the American Crisp.
My love of stone fruit is indescribable! Once you’ve had the thrill of a simple crisp or crumble, maybe you can do a Rustic Peach & Plum Galette, Mini Peach Cherry & Blueberry Galettes, Chocolate Plum Clafoutis, Cornmeal Drop Biscuit Peach Cobbler. Then again you could go the no bake way and make Peach Ginger or Plum Vanilla Granita, Tropical Fruit Verrines or a Fresh Cherry Fro Yo!
Summer is for stone fruit. So much and more you can do. ENJOY!!

Summary: A cherry and plum crisp that is simple and delicious. A celebration of summer!
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 40 minutes
- 350g sweet cherries, pitted
- 200g plums, pitted, chopped
- 75-100g brown sugar {depending on how sweet or sour the fruit is}
- 50g almonds, chopped {optional}
- Few drops almond extract
- 10g cornflour
- Topping
- 25g oats
- 50g flour
- 30g almonds
- 50g butter
- Fresh cherries to serve
- Preheat the oven to 200C. Place 6 ramekins on a baking sheet.
- Filling
- Place the fruit in a big non reactive/glass bowl with all ingredients and toss well to mix. Divide between 6 ramekins, pressing down gently to level out.
- Crisp Topping
- Place all ingredients except butter in bowl ofd food processor and pulse briefly in short intervals until a breadcrumb like mix is achieved.
- Divide the topping between the ramekins to cover the surface. Gently press into place.
- Bake for 30 minutes until bubbly and golden brown on top. If the top begins to get too brown, tent with a sheet of aluminum foil.
- Serve warm or at room temperature. We are happy to have them chilled too!
- Serve with cream, vanilla ice cream and fresh fruit.
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Also find me on The Rabid Baker, The Times of India
Happy Mother’s Day!
Those crisps looks terribly tempting.
sangeeta khanna
Lovely. Happy mother’s day Deeba.

I fell in love with such spilling type fruit crisps when I saw Nigella doing it some years ago and now your pictures reminded me of that
I love them warm with melting cream
Fabulous dessert Deeba! Happy Mothers Day!
Charul @ Tadka Masala
Happy Mother’s Day Deeba! Loved reading the quotes in between, they are beautiful! And what a gorgeous dessert!
Deepali Jain
Happy Mother’s Day Deeba. As usual the pics are beautiful in your signature style.
And I loved the way you have painted your wooden crate – pink & royal blue. I’ve been contemplating doing the same, which colors did you use? From the looks of it, I think my kid’s poster colors would also look nice & he would get a summer project to work on! Kill 2 birds with one stone 
quotes coupled with recipes…wow..deadly combo….i love plums…i generally order them from a site called Dealtz….u cud try that…im sure it will make ur dish yummier.
And i love the way your story weaves through!!
What a lovely Mothers Day Gift!
Suzanna Dreckman
incredible, happy mother’s day !
Dear Deeba what beautiful cherries dessert!! amazing!
Deeba hope you had a beautifulMothers day!!!
Ananda Rajashekar
Just beautiful and beautiful!! Pictures are cherry are just so fresh i feel it out of the screen! Happy Mothers day Deeba!
Colette @ JFF!
Such beautiful, messy li’l pretty things!
Happy Mommy’s Day, love…
Looks delicious…..The photos make it more attractive….
Happy mother’s day!!!
Oh how I am dreaming of cherries now Deeba. I am getting tired of rhubarb:D
Wishing you a Very Happy Mother’s Day !
Those look delicious & tempting !
Eileen Cuisine
This is the best looking dessert ever! Can’t wait to try it!
Good and bad. Good: I love love love your cherry (and summer stone fruit) desserts. They are amazing! And how I love cherries and you make them into something better every time. Bad: you move into cherry season months before I do and I have to wait and wait… And meanwhile you make me want everything you make with them. This is simply perfect!
Happy Mother’s Day, darling!
What a beautiful post! The photographs are terrific, and the recipe looks fab. I love the quotes, all of them. They made me smile. I’m with you on stone fruit; as good as it is eaten out of hand, when it is exposed to the heat of the oven and combined with sugar and spice, it is transformed into something truly delectable.
This is my first visit to your site. Janie Schler recommended your post, and I am certainly glad she did Complimenti!
Di your bakes are always always marvelous! Beautiful as always.