

Pep without purpose is piffle.

IMG 1013Beans & Lentils…Naturally beautiful!
(My entry for CLICK May 2008)

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It’s the CLICK time of the month @ Jugalbandi, & this time very nearly missed the boat. To begin with my little fellow was unwell, & then I thought I would hone some photography skills before I send in an entry. Messed up LOADS of clicks majorly…NO, I DON’T HAVE A NEW CAMERA YET… (am still busy flogging the old one & it still gives me ample joy).
IMG 1042The theme for May 2008 is CLICK Beans n Lentils
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The temptation though is too much once the CLICK theme for the month is announced, & tends to seep into my sub conscience. So I’ve bean, oops, been spilling my beans, sprouting my beans, been not so full of beans…& finally…

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BEAN there, done that!

I just got back into good ole auto on my little camera & clicked some pretty beans ‘n’ lentils! To tell you the truth, never once thought beans could be so fascinating. It all started when I was soaking some whole moong dal for sprouts the other night…I looked at them & CLICK!!

IMG 1408Took a handful of those, & found myself reaching out to other lentils on the shelf. Settled for chick peas & horse gram too. I thought the combination was beeeeeeeeeeeeeeautiful! I’m putting the post together for CLICK first, & will hopefully post the ‘Sprouted Moong Dal Salad‘ sometime soon.


Day 1 & then Day 3

  • IMG 1424Found this really interesting article about sprouts on Oprah.com, sprouts are called Superfood No. 9.

“Sprouts are a highly nutritious food. Grown locally year round, sprouts are a good source of protein and vitamin C. A sprout is produced when a seed starts growing into a vegetable. Sprouts can grow from the seeds of vegetables, grains, legumes, buckwheat, and beans. Sprouts vary in texture and taste. Some are spicy (radish and onion sprouts), some are hardy and often used in Asian cuisines (mung bean), while others are more delicate (alfalfa), and add texture and moistness to salads and sandwiches.

All nutrients necessary for life are contained in seeds—a food category that includes grain kernels, beans, legumes, and nuts. Because sprouts are so fresh, and do not sit for days or weeks in warehouses, we know that we are getting optimum nutrition.

Also found something very interesting at Indira’s blog @ Mahanadi. She’s calling for mango based food art…for a creative event called Mango Manthram.

collage2In her words, The color and shape of the mango are an artist’s dream. Mango tree, mango leaves, mango fruit in various stages of development, and the scrumptious dishes we can prepare with mango – the magic of mangoes is a timeless tradition that is steeped in art, history and romance. Bring your own touch, and interpret your mango memories and experiences through Food Art. The field is wide open”. So you can see how carried away I got. Had the time of my life; was transported back to gleeful childhood where I remember making fishes out of dal! Here I tried my hand making mangoes using the same dals! Was relieved when the boy said “Nice mangoes Mama“, which meant they remotely resembled mangoes, & the daughter declared them COOL!!
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My entry for Mango Manthram @ Mahanadi

About me: I am a freelance food writer, recipe developer and photographer. Food is my passion - baking, cooking, developing recipes, making recipes healthier, using fresh seasonal produce and local products, keeping a check on my carbon footprint and being a responsible foodie! I enjoy food styling, food photography, recipe development and product reviews. I express this through my food photographs which I style and the recipes I blog. My strength lies in 'Doing Food From Scratch'; it must taste as good as it looks, and be healthy too. Baking in India, often my biggest challenge is the non-availability of baking ingredients, and this has now become a platform to get creative on. I enjoy cooking immensely as well.


  • Purnima

    Beanyyyy Click! Loved the lentil bean artistic mangoes u hv created!! Whoa Deeba…Thou art, thou art in each morsel!! Great entries!!!

  • Susan from Food Blogga

    You certainly produced some beauties with all of those clicks, Deeba! I love the shot looking down on the bottle and the spoon–lovely.

  • Madhuram

    Deeba, lovely beans pictures. I too had the same idea of a rangoli filled with variety of beans.

  • Arundathi

    Lovely entries – love the ones for the mango manthram – and to mimic your daughter “cool”!

  • diva

    great food art! how creative. i remember doing something like that on the ground with coloured rice for an Indian festival in school. can’t remember what it was but my best friends then were Indians and they taught me so much with coloured rice! 🙂

  • ranji

    lovely clcik deeba!!u played around really well with those lentils to make that mango shape:)..that too has come out perfect:)..great entries to both the events.

  • familiabencomo

    Very nice, Deeba-dear! Looks like you have bean having fun! Love all the photos. We have another expression here in the US: Full of beans! This basically means to be energetic & enthusiastic. I’m guessing (this post aside) that you’r always full of beans!

    Tanti baci, my friend,

  • Veda Murthy

    hi deeba….that was very novel 2 do things in 1 go….click n mango manthram ….using beans…..lovely thought!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    best regards,

  • Indira

    Nice play with beans for a good looking green mango. Thanks Deeba for participating in Mango Manthram event.

  • FoodyGuru (Srimathi)

    Very nice photos.The mango art is very creative and the bottle and spoon photos are very beautiful.

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