Éclairs consist of 3 elements :-
Pâte à Choux, also known as Choux Pastry or Cream Puff Dough
Pastry Cream
Chocolate glaze
You can find the recipe here – Tony Tahhan & MeetaK.
The good hosts’ motto…CULINARY LIBERTY FOR ALL!!! How cool is that!
Putting my thoughts into words…not quite the daily rant, but close to it!
Cool & dry is very far from hot & humid, so the conflict of thought continues. Should I, should I not. France & for that matter Pierre Herme must be really cooler as compared to India & me in my sweltering hot kitchen. Poles apart shall we say? Same story, next challenge. Will summer ever end? It’s nearing the end of the month & no sign of eclairs yet. I love eclairs &, incidentally, they are my Mom’s favourite dessert, next to cream rolls…oooooooooh, talk about healthy living! Ran it past DH, thinking he’ll dissuade me just this once…was I dreaming. The first thing he asked was…”What’s the challenge? Eclairs?…Go for it!” (Never trust a sweet tooth!!)
Hmmm…..so here I am, with batch number 2 in the oven. Batch number 1 safely sitting in an airconditioned room, enjoying a few hours of cool & dry air, while I sit in the hot kitchen, looking at ‘chubby fingers’! Now that brings me to story number 2.
Who decides how chubby chubby is? One persons chubby is another persons skinny…hmmm…when I read chubby, all I could think of was my son!! LOL…then I looked at the poor emaciated fingers I had piped out…nah, not chubby enough yet & added more pressure to the piping bag. By the time they were done, I had fewer puffs & quite chubby! What a word ain’t it? And now while I type, the blessed things are deflating even as I rush from the hot kitchen to cooler climes. I think that’s daring enough!! Thoughts whizzing through my head…strangely enough…”Cream Puffs in Venice”!! O boy…
The pastry is very simple; I’ve made profiteroles many moons ago, during our summer vacations, while we were still in school. Seriously, can’t remember being so eggophobic then…but 5 eggs is a bit much for me. But a DB’s gotta do what a DB’s gotta do…the choux pastry was simple enough. I painted 1 batch with a milk wash & scoured a fork lightly over the top. Said so in my Le Cordon Blue Cooks Bible…maybe it’ll help hold the topping….whatever! Now I have peace for a few hours & then will ponder about the filling & topping. Got to make lunch too! The pastry cream is out of question for me because has 4 egg yolks. How can I ever make it if I can’t get myself to eat it? So the inside will be whipped Chantilly cream…me thinks. The top shall have a chocolate glaze & time is now of the essence again.
PHOOOEEEE…whipped cream whipped, but didn’t hold volume for more than 10 minutes in this sweltering heat. Collapsed before I could screech ‘Jack Sparrow’…the glaze was tedious but delicious. Made half the quantity of glaze to cut calories (not just mine, but the familys’ as well). Even though I didn’t end up with fantastic looking eclairs with layers of luscious cream within, I did a pretty decent job. They looked pretty underfed/underfilled but pretty nevertheless.
The best part of course came on eating these wonderfully daring creations. WOOHOO…absolutely delicious to the last bite!! Haven’t had eclairs as good as these before. The 5 eggs in the dough had me worried for nothing; not even a faint smell of egg. Was fantastic. I topped the chocolate glaze with slivered pistachios, roasted slivered almonds (they tasted the best) & sprinkles.
I made a couple of profiteroles just to experiment & lined the insides with a spoonful of glaze, followed with whipped cream, then a round slice of mango. Sifted sugar over the top. Very refreshing & very nice. There was just one problem…they got over far too soon!! This recipe is firmly bookmarked to be made again in the winter. Thank you Tony & Meeta…I am so glad I took up the challenge! It was just awesome & very satisfying!!
Another happy ending to another daring month. Be sure to check out what the other DBs have been up this month…many more yummy eclairs HERE!
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Oh wow! These look amazing! I love the topping on your eclairs and I feel for you about the climate issue. I am in hot and humid Biloxi, MS and am having to completely relearn baking to accomodate the weather here. Great job!
My Yummy Life
For all the heat and humidity, you did a lovely job. I have never made eclairs, kudos to you for your efforts!
Your eclair turned great! Cute!
Your eclairs look DELICIOUS! I love the almonds on top. Your pics make me want to get in the kitchen and make them again! Great job!
I knew you’d come up with a lovely presentation and I was right. So very pretty.
I love your presentation, especially the pistachio bits, which contrast wonderfully with the chocolate glaze. And you made me giggle a few times with your interior monologue kind of description. Luckily we are in winter here, so the heat wasn´t an issue.
booootiful! I dunno how you have the guts to go for such stuff in that sweltering heat! Lovely job and I’m so glad you skipped on that yolky filling!
noble pig
Just beautiful! I adore a good eclair!
Rosa's Yummy Yums
Your Cream Puffs and eclairs look fantastic! Really perfect and ever so tempting!
I don’t think you are eggophobic, 5 eggs … really too many by far!
oh my!! they look awesome!!
Good job, Deeba. I can’t believe you are ovophobic! That’s… Just not a bakerly trait at all!
But still you were able to make them work for you, so that’s good! 
fantastic job, deeba! they look very professional! now i’m dying for an eclair!
They look lovely. But the profiterole takes the prize from the looks of it.
It was pouring here when I made mine, and eclairs started becoming spongy!
I also balked at the number of eggs and made an eggless pastry cream.:)
i love the mango treats. they look soo good. your work is very pretty.
Deeba, they look fab, the pics make one drool over n over! Lovely n artistic food!
Ooooh, this is what they are suppose to look like! Can you believe that I actually made mine?!?!I'll have to post it later since I haven't taken a photo yet (just waiting for the sun to rise & my boys to leave for a swim meet). Yours are simply wonderful – incredible as always. I love how you always take the challenge to the next level.
Big kisses to you, my friend!!! Things are back on track here – vacations over, school back in session, feeling sane again…. whew!
Tanti baci, bella,
OMG Deeba, you never stop in taking my breath away
these eclairs are exquisite!! i love them!!
I think your éclairs look beautiful and the profiterole looks gorgeous! Great job, some of my éclairs deflated too :(.
As always, absolutely beautiful!
Kitchen Flavours
Awesome. Alluring and tempting.
I’d say that is a happy ending eggphobic or not! I’d love that cream filling.
they look absolutely perfect – chubby is the way to go!
Mike of Mike's Table
All these eclairs popping up this morning–they all look so delicious! I also love that you worked mango in there. They look so good
Mmmm….so many flavors… all delicious, superb !!!
I love your chubby eclairs!! They look so cute!! You did a great job piping them; I think you applied just the right amount of pressure. I love all the different garnishes you put on them too!
Those are seriously chubby eclairs! Gorgeous! I love the variety of toppings you chose — so much fun. And reading your comments about “cool and dry” helps me realize we had humidity the day I made these…not much, but I guess enough for flat eclairs!
Gloria (Canela)
Yohuuu dear!!! hello I come to see you eaclairs I was so sure was lovely and here are!!!! amazing,tasty and delicious!!! look so nice are one of my favorites and I love Pierre Hermé!!! cariños, Gloria
Fabulous job in spite of the humidity and heat! I can so relate!
They look lovely Deeba. This is definitely something I want to learn to make.
They look delicious! I’m impressed that you managed to make the choux in such heat and humidity!
Way to overcome adversity (with the weather)! These are some of the prettiest ones I have seen so far! The choux looks delectable.
Yours look amazing. And what a great read! Enjoyed your adventures. Great job on your goodies.
Deeba these are gorgeous!! You are so creative and such a proficient baker! When do you find the time!!
oooooo that mango one is calling my name. Beautiful!
Omg! Beautiful sinful things! The slivered pistachios make a wonderful contrast ^_^
The mango one looks so delicous! I wish I had made some with fruit.
Those look great! Nice job!
they look amazing- i love the toppings. I bet the profiteroles were great, too!
Tarah at Genesis of a Cook
Beautifully done!! I love your presentation! So cute!
Wonderful turnout! You are so creative to have added the different kind of sprinkles!
Despite the heat, they look great!
Antonio Tahhan
I love all the variations you made!! They all look so beautiful! I just want to eat one of each = ) maybe two? One of my best friends (who’s also from India) LOVED the mango profiterole
great job!
thanks for baking with us!!
maybelle's mom
the mango one is amazing. Actually they all are. GOod job.
One of the prettiest eclairs I’ve seen..As always an excellent job!
Katie B.
Swoon! Very impressive!!
WOWwwwwweeeeeeee! Amazing !!!!
Proud Italian Cook
I knew I would come here and find something great! I was right! Deeba you did a great job, and the mango one is brilliant!
lovely eclairs! They would have tasted lovely too! and the profiteroles looks lovelier
Oh, wow, you did an amazing job! Your éclairs looks fantastic!
oh deeba! these are absolutely lovely, especially your mango flavored one. it#s made for me right? lol! glad you liked the challenge and kudos to you for giving these a go in "hot & humid"!
Baking Soda
I just love the profiteroles you made, very refreshing and so appetizing!
I can’t close my mouth, I’m still looking your great photos of your éclairs… they look terrific, yummy, funtastic
Great, great, great job. (Oh, my… those mango profiteroles…)
great work!look yummy!!
Clumbsy Cookie
All of them are gorgeous! Lovely chubby éclairs my dear! And the mango one, must be delicious!
Snooky doodle
these look terrific. and the photos are amazin. I only just discovered your blog but its a must visit. you jusrely are passionate about baking.
great food this is wonderful. i wish my cook could emulate some of your wonderful food.
Abhishek, gurgaon
Beautiful eclairs, I managed to post a bit late
Your eclairs look amazing Deeba – well done!!
Rosie x
You’ve taken by breath away with all the variety of your eclairs. You can open up a shop with all those beautiful creations. Great job, my friend.
You did such a great job. Beautiful pictures. I want to try one right now.
If I was a daring baker, I’d cook and blog once a month.
Oh my! profiteroles are looking divine.Very beautifully captured Deeba,Now I remember that about 7 years back, my friend had taught this but the filling was custard.They were good too.
u have a great blog and an impressive presentation skill. I am such a noob wen it comes to baking,but ur blog is so inspiring, Its sinful too, coz i m sooooooo hungry now!
Love your decorations. Lucky for me it’s Winter here. I don’t think I would have relished the idea of attempting eclairs in sweltering heat!
Fantastic Deeba! Yoru eclairs look just wonderful!
You are so brave to be a DB! I look at these challenges and flee in terror
Your eclairs look wonderul bt I am most inspired by the mango profiterole 
Nina Timm
you really made this recipe your own by adding all these incredible toppings. Wonderful!!! I am inspired!
Wow yours look amazing. I love all the different toppings
What a beautiful assortment you created!
Wow – these look delicious! I love the different toppings!
Deeba your eclairs are perfect!
They look beautiful, I love all the little toppings!
Susan/Wild Yeast
What a beautiful presentation, as usual!
I just love chocolate eclairs…. Have loved them even as a kid….
Others would have chocolate truffle, pineapple or black forest n I would insist on chocolate eclair…
Can we please make these, whenever I visit you…..
That was 2 years ago… and now the DB asks for 'Pâte à Choux' again….
Tried the custard for the pastry cream this weekend… was a total flop… tasted awesome but got lumps in it….
Where are the recipes for this post… are they the same as posted for this time's DB or is it different?
Don't have the heart for more disasters….