DARK CHOCOLATE PANNA COTTA…It’s all about the kidz in us!

“I can resist everything except temptation”
Oscar Wilde

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Dark Chocolate Panna Cotta…deeply divine!

Foolishly put the question across to the kids, asked them what they love to eat most….& nearly got run over in the ensuing melee. Sweet ranked supreme, & chocolate was the popular call..

IMG 6012“Chocolate panna cotta sang the chorus!!

Did I have to ask? I seldom do because I like to keep rotating flavours, especially chocolaty ones, lest they get stuck on one. I asked today because Ben has a special kids event on for Food for Plastic Kidz as ‘Tupperware is celebrating April as Children’s month. The best part is that they are donating $1 from the sale of selected items to the Boys & Girls Clubs.fpckidzThis one’s specially for your event amigo. Ben’s event is interestingly about ‘food you enjoyed as kids, or foods which may be your kids favourite food’. I have a strange suspicion that the idea is fuelled by the kid in him, & I’m all game for it!

IMG 5889Favourite food =‘s DESSERT

This is one equation that hasn’t changed over time. What has changed is the choice of dessert. When we were young it was either a caramel custard or bread pudding, fruit cream or trifle, a rice pudding maybe or kulfi…a LOT of choice by my standards! I look at my kids today & think I’ve spoilt them for life with the choices they’ve been offered…YUM!! It’s not that I indulge them to extreme limits; it’s just that I enjoy trying different stuff & they are willing accomplices in the process. Who wouldn’t be?

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My dear friend was over from Ukraine some time back & her kids preferred & only choice of dessert is chocolate, chocolate & chocolate. They were here to spend the day & I made sure I made it utterly chocolaty! They had Devil’s Food Cupcakes for tea with a chocolate ice-cream milk-shake…& when their mom joined us for dinner with their Nan that night, I wrapped their day up with this dessert! Their love for chocolate is HUGE, so I thought I’d make an indulgent dessert for them…Boy, were they thrilled!! My kids were over the moon too. My friend called as they drove out to say that the first thing her daughter said was to get the recipe!! What more can one ask for!!
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I personalised the kids portions by piping their names over their servings…
…they loved the idea!


Dark Chocolate Panna Cotta
Recipe as adapted from Godiva


Cream – 3 cups
Gelatin – 3 1/2 tsps
Powdered Sugar – 6 tbsps
Dark Chocolate – 250 – 300gms (broken into pieces; adjust amount according to taste)
Cocoa powder – 3 tbsps


  • Measure 3/4 cup cream in a liquid measuring cup. Sprinkle gelatin over cream and let stand at least 5 minutes or until ready to use to soften gelatin.
  • Mix sugar and cocoa powder in medium sauce pan. Whisk in remaining 2 1/4 cups heavy cream and place sauce pan over medium heat. Heat to a simmer. Remove from heat and add chocolate. Whisk until chocolate is melted and smooth.
  • Add gelatin mixture. Heat and whisk constantly until gelatin is completely dissolved (do not heat to a simmer). Strain mixture through a fine mesh strainer into a big bowl. Adjust the sugar if desired. Pour into individual bowls. Refrigerate for about 3 hours or until set. Garnish with pistachios & chocolate shavings as desired.
  • Note: This is not a very true panna cotta; i.e. one which can be turned out. This one is silky, deep, smooth & luscious. It leaves a sense of sublime satisfaction!

IMG 5900Truly indulgentbringing out the greedy little kid in us too!

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About me: I am a freelance food writer, recipe developer and photographer. Food is my passion - baking, cooking, developing recipes, making recipes healthier, using fresh seasonal produce and local products, keeping a check on my carbon footprint and being a responsible foodie! I enjoy food styling, food photography, recipe development and product reviews. I express this through my food photographs which I style and the recipes I blog. My strength lies in 'Doing Food From Scratch'; it must taste as good as it looks, and be healthy too. Baking in India, often my biggest challenge is the non-availability of baking ingredients, and this has now become a platform to get creative on. I enjoy cooking immensely as well.


  • Purnima

    Woowwwed again by this! (Hv u used powdered sugar or plain crystals?)
    The kid in me, at the moment, is wishing to hv a bowl of this beauty,wt lovely choco-curls n pipe my name in it tooooo! Boo-hoo pity I cant hv it right away!!!! 😀

  • ka..t

    Lovely, deeba. Just the thing for a hot day.

    Your recipe mentioned adding chocolate, but it is not in your list of ingredients. How much chocolate do we use?

  • Passionate baker...& beyond

    Thanks Purnima…you always make my day.have used powdered sugar.
    Hiya Ka..t, thanks for seeing that…finger trouble my end. Have edited it. I usually eyeball the amount. Cheers

  • Passionate baker...& beyond

    Thanks Purnima…you always make my day.have used powdered sugar.
    Hiya Ka..t, thanks for seeing that…finger trouble my end. Have edited it. I usually eyeball the amount. Cheers

  • familiabencomo

    Deeba! Do you need an extra child? I’m I little bit older than your others, but I want a dessert with MY name on it. (waaah, waaah, waaah!)

    This really is amazing. I love your dessert dishes too.

    Tanti baci, Amy

  • Ben

    Just beautiful, my dear friend. Thanks for this feast of flavors and colors. I am sure everybody will like it 🙂 Good luck!

  • Cham

    I love anything with dark chocoloate looks yummy 🙂

  • farida

    Deeba, this looks soooo delicious! Lucky kids! I want some too! The recipe looks fairly easy, I should give it a try – my daughter would love it. To her, Chocolate is heaven:))

  • Dhivya

    wow!looks so yumm,love these

  • farida

    Deeba, I just tagged you to post your best pictures! Please visit my blog for more info. Have fun!

  • Kalai

    Feel free to adopt me, Deeba. I have no problem trying out luscious creations like this!! 🙂

  • meeso

    Dark Chocolate…oh YUM!

  • Proud Italian Cook

    Deeba, you are the panna cotta queen!!! I want to dig my spoon into that beautifully presented dessert!!

  • Divya Vikram

    Am craving for these now..ur kids are lucky!looks gorgeous indeed

  • Nags

    u r waking up the choc addict in me. btw, she is on a diet 😀

  • Pixie

    What kid wouldn’t love this sensational!…I’ve finally figured out the reader so now there’s no escaping. 😉

  • diva

    hey deeba thank u for stopping by my blog, you’ve got a cool one!!
    anyway i wasn’t really awake when i was looking at this post and thought you’d made chocolate pudding in ashtrays and left a cigarette in it.

    without my morning cup of tea i’m useless. lol. chocolate panna cotta sounds like a wicked idea. bookmarked! x

  • Arfi Binsted

    oh yeah!! i would have chosen these when I was a kid! would never, ever, ever resist! great dessert, Deeba!

  • Manggy

    Those are just so pretty and decadent, Deeba! And personalized too, how cute! 🙂

  • Rachel

    The kid in me wants a bowl perosnalized with my name on it! 😀

  • Siri

    Deeba, the chocolate goodies are as pretty as they can be. No wonder the kids loved it, wish I cud have one with too, piped with my name. yeyeye!!

    great entry!


  • Rosie

    This is SO wicked Deeba one awesome dessert and choccy too my fav —-mmmmmmm

    Rosie x

  • ranji

    this is reallllllly goooood!!!well presented too…drool drool:)…there is an award for u..Plz chk my blog.

  • Sunshinemom

    Lucky kids!

  • Roopa

    Wow the daring baker challenge and this panna cotta looks yummy:)

  • Anonymous

    What do you do with the 1 C. Milk in the list of ingredients?

  • Kitchen Flavours

    Wow this is simply luscious….Droolworthy….

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