Food Styling Workshop at Indian Food Bloggers Meet, Bangalore 2014 – ‘food-o-graphy’
… where food tells your story!
Do moods, colours, stories, ingredients, seasons, connects, props and everything in between paint your daily canvas? They do for me, an obsessed baker and cook, a ‘locavore’ by design, who enjoys getting food to the table with seasonal ingredients and local produce.
Give me an ingredient, offer me an idea … that’s enough for the magic to begin! Thoughts flow, the lens focuses and I begin to dream!
Writing my food blog since Aug 2007 made me move from just baking, to baking and taking pictures. Then came the abundant inspiration from the magical internet. Styling the food for the lens became second nature; stuff my dreams are made up of.
I want to tell my story, and most of the time it is through pictures with some words to tie the post together! I am seldom lost for inspiration as seasons, colours, ingredients, people all inspire me. When I hit a road block, you will probably find me at Pinterest.
I devour cookbooks for meals. I am fascinated as I turn pages of my favourite authors … Ottolenghi, Donna Hay to name a couple. They inspire me. I dream food, FOOD in pictures actually. Vibrant, rich, colourful, moody, picturesque … then wake up with thoughts of how to capture my dreams.
I am also an obessive prop collector, hardly a secret from those who know me. I’ve been one for years, even before I began food styling. Vintage and rustic props make my DNA! So when Aparna asked if I might be interested in doing a Food Styling workshop at the IFBM in August, I said YES PLEASE!
Food styling is something I love, and something I find engaging. The good thing…the more you see, the more you share, the more you learn. Creativity is very individual, and for me, it exposes a part of me in every frame. Moody more often than never, I sometimes step across to the lighter side too … whatever tells my story!
So hope to see you at the Indian Food Bloggers Meet at Bangalore for a little ‘ food-o-graphy ‘
Summary of the Food Styling Workshop – Every food story is unique, rich and worth a share. Through the lens, I’m here to discuss how to capture the story behind your food. Connecting the ‘dots’ or rather crumbs, let’s try and see how we can slowly develop our trademark style!
Will discuss basic planning, building a frame, setting the mood, using props to tell your story.
Hope to see you there! Would love to hear your thoughts, suggestions, thinks you might like included etc. Look forward to catching up with you!
Don’t miss a post
Also find me on The Rabid Baker, The Times of India

Great going Deeba! Wish you all the best and may this be a start to a never ending series of “food photography” sessions. Hopefully you’ll hold one in Gurgaon soon !:)
Selma Jeevanjee
Deeba, I can’t imagine a more suitable person to present a food styling workshop. Oh how I wish I could attend… Best of luck on the day – I am sure that it will be an absolutely fabulous event! Will you document any of it here on your blog for despondent overseas readers such as myself?!
Deeba @ PAB
Selma, thank you. I feel a lot more confident now. Yes, will try and comment some of it here…else will share the bits and bobs with you…anytime!
I would love to attend. Your styling always makes me dream and I would love to be able to do what you do. I know it will be fabulous.
Deeba @ PAB
You are the best sistah…beam me in to Florida. I wanna see you in action! Hugs!!
aww Deeba always I find your pictures (and your blog) absolutely georgeous always yours pictures have something special.
After have my food blog I begin a really passion with food photography and I learn new things always and you inspired dear Deeba. You are the best!:)
so happy to have you doing this deeba, cannot wait for august to finally meet you!
I looove your styling. Fantastic props too.Wish I could be there. Good luck.
Sanjeeta kk
So looking forward to meet you and to attend your food styling workshop! Best wishes.
VJ Sharma
Awesome !
I would love to join whenever you plan something in NCR… Please keep me informed.
That would have been lovely kick back to the blog from the mommy world. I wish it was in Delhi. All the very best. Share a few tips with us here.
Tapashi Dey
I miss this opportunity to participate as I live at calcutta. If you can arrange any workshop in calcutta, I must participate.
Deeba @ PAB
That would be like a dream come true Helene….we’ve known each other for so long. Hopefully we shall meet one day!
Avanika {Yumsilicious Bakes}
Congratulations on being asked to do this! You’re the perfect person for it :))
Deeba @ PAB
Hello sweet Av. Gosh it’s been LONG! Thanks for the shout out. How have you been? Still in Mumbai? xo
Avanika {Yumsilicious Bakes}
Hiii! I know, right? The job has sucked all senses of free time out of me. Remedying that now though!! I’ve been okay, yes, in Mumbai
How have you been? I’ve been noticing your accomplishments even though I was off the radar, I’m so happy for you 
NearFox Bangalore
I am amazed by your images, real time classic images, awesome, really awesome.