Feature & Giveaway | My Favourite Chef {s} … and a holiday giveaway #myfavouritechef #inspiration #giveaway #flipkart
“Do something you love and people will love you for it.”
Maneet Chauhan
’twas a great way to begin Monday morning. I almost fell off my twitter perch to see that Alice Medrich had followed me. She was one of my first baking inspirations. The author of an array of sinfully delicious cookbooks like Pure Dessert, Seriously Bitter Sweet, Chewy Gooey Crispy Crunchy and of course Bittersweet {among many others}, never fails to amaze. Chocolate dessert chef, teacher, James Beard and IACP Cookbook of the Year Award winning author … one of my favourite dessert chefs!
My first window into her world was way back in 2008 when I was inspired to make her Olive Oil Orange Cake. The inspiration continues … Dark Chocolate, Craisin & Walnut scones, Nibby Buckwheat Butter Cookies, and one of our all time favourites, the Bittersweet Dark Chocolate Fallen Cake.
Talking of chefs, more specifically favourite chefs, I have
a few more quite a few more on my list. These I have been fortunate enough to meet, they are large hearted, affable, poster boy chefs who are some of the nicest human beings I have met. Saby or Chef Sabyasachi Gorai was among the first I met in Delhi. He’s the sweetest ever. A chef who is a painter? Yes indeed! A chef with the midas touch as I always tell him. Down to earth, hugely talented, young, bursting with energy and ideas. As I write this, Saby is in Goa launching his first restaurant there today, Destination One!
Next on my list is one of my favourite chefs, Michelin star Chef Vikas Khanna. Down to earth, a crowd pleaser, uber talented, works 28 hours a day, feet firmly on the ground, bursting with stories not necessarily food related, passionate about India, passionate about America … words escape me.
We worked together on the Saffola Food Food TV series {episode 1 & episode 2}. All of us were blown away by his friendly nature, unfussy attitude and his side splitting humour. From Amritsar to America, he is possibly India’s best and most loved export to the west. .
More favourites … Aussie Masterchefs George and Gary who we had a chance to meet over breakfast when they were here, the heart of gold Chef Kunal Kapoor, the absolutely animated and entertaining Chef Vicky Ratnani, the sweet Chef Maurizio Raselli at the Hyatt…
…quiet and unassuming Chef Anahita at Soda Bottle Openerwala {restaurant pictured above}, the ever charming David Rocco…
… I could go on forever but instead will leave you with a question and a holiday giveaway.
Who is the one chef that has left their impression on you? Who is your favourite chef?
Since we’re just ringing in the holiday season here. Zoutons have been sweet enough to sponsor a giveaway for one of my readers.
The giveaway is a gift voucher worth INR4000 from Flipkart.
To be included in the giveaway, there are 2 simple rules:1. Name your favourite chef2. At the end of your comment, you must mention “For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com“
- Please ensure you leave a valid email address.
- The contest is open worldwide.
- The contest closes on the 15th of October. We will randomly pick a winner thereafter.
The contest winner is VJ Sharma . Congratulations. Please send me your email address so I can send you the coupon details.
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Also find me on The Rabid Baker, The Times of India

Chef Harpal singh sokhi “For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com“
Jamie Oliver
“For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com“
Jamie oliver
“For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com“
Ritu Dalmia
“For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com“
Sanjeev Garg
Vikas Khanna
“For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com“
VIKAS KHANNA is my favorite Chef ! Down to earth person, super talented chef and a proud Indian !!! It’s always pleasure to meet him in person or watch him on television.
For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com
For me, its YOU !! You have inspired me so much Deeba .. I absolutely love your work :)..Keep it coming …
For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com
girish ajmani
Chef saby
For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com
Chef Sanjeev Kapoor
For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com
David Rocco, his food is inspired by people, comes from his heart and recipes never fail, doesn’t hurt that he is so good looking
For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com
Its Chef Sanjay Thumma, the Vahchef..
For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com
Its Sanjay Thumma, the Vahchef.
For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com
Undoubtedly it will be Vikas Khanna for me. For someone who could mesmerise Americans with “Junoon” Indian Cooking!!!
I wish I could visit it someday.
For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com
My favorite chef is the chocolate queen Alice Medrich as well. I bought Seriously Bittersweet earlier this year and the recipes I have tried have come out Amazing ! Love how she makes baking so simple and easy.
“For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com“
Vikas Khanna Hands down!!! “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com
Jamie Oliver “For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com“
This sounds a little cliched but the first ‘chef’ that I love the most would be my Mom
I haven’t met them, but in the recent times Jamie Oliver & Vikas Khanna have inspired me a lot through the shows I have seen on TV, specially Jamie and his quaint little kitchen garden
“For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com“
Ritu Dalmia is my favourite chef. Her hard work and introduction of Italian food to Delhiites (as a standalone) has always delighted me …
“For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com“
Chef Ananda Solomon – a great teacher and the most humble chef.
For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com“
Chef Harpal singh sokhi for his show turban tadka as he has amazing range of recipes and easy to cook dishes
“For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com“
sanjana rao
Chef Sanjeev Kapoor.
he was the first person to make cooking ” cool”
And I remember all of us waiting for the dimpled chef to weave magic and take us in his culinary journey
For the contest on “My favourite chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com
Chef Vikas khanna
For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com
Curtis Stone {for his doable recipes}
For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com
Stephanie Jaworski
“For the contest on ” My Favorite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com”
Siddhartha Sen
Chef Sanjeev Kapoor
For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com
Chef Sabyasachi Gorai or Chef Saby as he is popularly known. Ironically i havn’t been to any of his restaurants but through his tv show he has endeared himself to all of us. From his friendly, guy next door demeanour and ever smiling attitude its difficult to imagine he is such an acclaimed and renowned chef. His recipes are doable even for novices and turn out great.
For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com
Chef Sabyasachi Gorai or Chef Saby as he is popularly known. He is down to earth, affable and friendly and his recipes are eminently doable for novice cooks as well.
For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com
Ranveer Brar
“For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com“
Chef Julia Child
For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com
Its Sanjay Thumma, the Vahchef.
For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com
Its Vikas Khanna.
“For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com.“
Chef Vikas Khanna “For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com“
Navneet Arora
Chef Vikas Khanna …I love his humanity , his rootedness as much as much as his food !
“For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com“
Sj Dc
Anthony Bourdain
He got me to fall in love wtih food and traveling. His books and writing successfully teleported me to the most magical places..Can’t remember being more in love with anyone or anyone even coming close to replacing him despite the years
“For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com“
Janani Lakshminarayan
Kylie Kwong
“For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com“
My favourite Chef is Nigella Lawson.
Now I know that technically she is not a chef. But she has instilled the faith in many of us aspiring to cook that one need not have professional training to cook well. That kitchen can be a sacred space to dwell. And simple things in life can be just as well delicious.
Watching her shows encouraged me to venture into my kitchen. I truly admire her.
For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com
David Rocco — because his cooking is inspired and inviting, without being complicated and intimidating. He makes everything look easy and like I want to stop what I’m doing to go make myself some of whatever hes having. Also, hes the one chef who manages to make me look past how incredibly good looking he is, and still be inspired by the food.
For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com
Anne Jones
Nigella Lawson is my favourite!
“For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com“
Seema Rastogi
For me the best chef on the whole earth is my MOTHER…It was she only who intoduced me to this lovely world of colours,spices ,love…It was her who supported during my initial cooking and today because of her hardwork , my family just loves the food i prepare for them…She once told me it is not the kitchen where u cook food but it is the place which leads to discovery of new era…..So for me even though is was not having a degree or famous like a chef but is the best chef on the Planet..
My email id is 1seema12345@gmail.com
“For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com“
Seema Rastogi
For me the best chef on the whole earth is my MOTHER…It was she only who intoduced me to this lovely world of colours,spices ,love…It was her who supported during my initial cooking and today because of her hardwork , my family just loves the food i prepare for them…She once told me it is not the kitchen where u cook food but it is the place which leads to discovery of new era…..So for me even though is was not having a degree or famous like a chef but is the best chef on the Planet..
My email id is 1seema12345@gmail.com….
“For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com“
For me, it is Chef Vikas Khanna anyday. A truly talented and amazing personality! For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com
Jamie Oliver “ For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com“
Rachel Allen’s warm and friendly persona has hugely inspired me to enter and savour the world of baking through her show “Bake”.In addition to family,the role of food blogs by talented people like you Deeba contributes immensely in inspiring me to be creative in my craft.“For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com“
Ranveer Brar for his humility and simplicity…and the good vibes and happiness and that devil may care smile that peeps out at times
“For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com“
prachi agarwal
Jamie Oliver “ For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com“
My favourite chef is Nigella Lawson..I would never miss her shows..Her way of presenting food is amazing.. “For the contest on “My Favourite Chef”sponsored by Zoutons.com“
Deeba @ PAB
Dear Deeba,
Sorry but I am unable to leave a comment and hence emailing you.
My favourite chef is Vikas Khanna and my favourite Bakerina is Deeba.
No buttering – but have tried so many of your recipes and enjoy the compliments that I get.
I plan to try your panna cotta and jamun sorbet this month.
For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com“
All the very best to you.
Rashida Tayeb
Fiola Dsouza
My favorite chef is Jamie Oliver. He is a good food ambassador. He strives to revolutionize food habits in schools by trying to help students eat healthier. “For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com“
Babitha costa
my favourite chef is chef Venkatesh butt.
For the contest on” My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com.
Nigella Lawsone “ For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com“
To me ‘My Favourite Chef” is undoubtedly my Mother. Almost eighty, osteoporosis ridden, with her new artificial knee, she is still eager to learn new recipes and techniques.
“For the contest on’My Favourite Chef’ sponsored by Zoutons.com”
Online Shopping
Chef Rosco is my favorite because i like all his style and Italian dressing style, plus his dishes are so simple and easy to make, like the others where they need tones of time to waste.
Chef Vikas khanna
For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com
The first school in my life has always been my home. Usually, everyone points at their mother or grandmother as their inspiration. But in my case, I would proudly say that my FATHER is my favorite cook, and has been my inspiration. His passion towards innovation, and boldness in trying to come up with something new each time, motivated me since childhood to cook.
“For the contest on “My Favourite Chef” sponsored by Zoutons.com“