Bloggers Table | Evernote Food App … the ‘elephant that never forgets’!

The Evernote Food App. It’s a great app for foodies – good for recipes, good for food reviews, good for recording memories by way of notes, tags, pictures … the works! Better still, it’s free!

CHICKEN GYOZA…Pot stickers by another name!

“The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.”Arnold H. Glasgow It’s was one of those inspiring blog hops again, where another page had been added to the already bursting ‘to-make-soon’ folder. Dhhangit’s blog Easy French & Asian Recipes is a constant source of inspiration & … Continue reading CHICKEN GYOZA…Pot stickers by another name!


“Without bread all is misery.”William Cobbett Carrying on from my last post, time to blog eloquently about the third Indian flatbread I had a go at making. You can find the earlier two, Naan & Tandoori Roti, in this post here. While the naan I made is a leavened bread but not with yeast, the … Continue reading ANOTHER INDIAN FLATBREAD…KHAMEERI ROTI


“It is impossible to think of any good meal, no matter how plain or elegant, without soup or bread in it.” M. F. K. Fisher Hamburger Buns…made at home “To yeast or not to yeast” seems to be my call these days. It’s been a while since I gained my yeastly confidence, & now, every … Continue reading HAMBURGER BUNS…TO YEAST OR NOT TO YEAST!!

SANDWICCIA ANYONE?…Focaccia sandwiches by another name!

“It has been well said that a hungry man is more interested in four sandwiches than four freedoms.” Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., (American diplomat) ‘Sandwiccia‘…a focaccia sandwich! Made some Roasted Garlic & Bell Pepper Focaccia again the other day. This very versatile Italian bread has become quite a staple at home since the kids LOVE … Continue reading SANDWICCIA ANYONE?…Focaccia sandwiches by another name!

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