~William Collins

- Hump day makes more sense…a reference to making it through to the middle of the work week as getting “over the hump.” on Wednesday.
- In the folk rhyme, “Wednesday’s child is full of woe”.
- In Richard Brautigan’s In Watermelon Sugar Wednesday is the day when the sun shines grey.
- In the 1945 John Steinbeck novel Sweet Thursday, the titular day is preceded by “Lousy Wednesday“.
Happy October. We should be leaping off rooftops enjoying some good fall weather, cool air etc, but it isn’t happening. Global warming at it’s worst and we still suffer from temperatures as high as 37C. Very summer weather but no stone fruit. Unseasonal for this time of the year; the only saving grace is that pears and apples are here! So here is a Pear Tart with an Almond Cream that I made a few days ago with the seasons first bounty of pears.
I mixed up a few recipes for a tart from here and there because all I wanted was to make a beautiful frangipane based pear tart but didn’t want to use butter in the almond cream. This came out beautifully, even though I misjudged the size of the tart pan, and used one an inch bigger than I should have.
Perils of collecting too many tart pans when one standard size will do! Sigh… anyway, I managed to cut out the butter from the almond cream, and substitute it with single cream (25% fat) which is all we get here locally, and it worked out well. Ideally I would have liked to have the fanned pears peeping out beautifully, but they kind of disappeared under the cream because of the tart pan size. However, the tart was delicious, full of all things good, so I had to share it!


Transfer to an 8″ tart dish and trim.
Stand cooled, poached pears on paper towels for 1 minute. Remove the core with a melon baller. Slice each half thinly crosswise, keeping in shape and fanning them out slightly.
Transfer to the tart with the help of a metal spatula, and place on bottom of tart pan, arranging like spokes of wheels.
Whisk the egg, yolk, cream, almond extract and vanilla extract well with the ground almonds, and ladle over the pears. Sprinkle with the sugar.
♥ Thank you for stopping by ♥
Deeba, you have done it again, your plating techniques are off the richter…thanks
Deeba, where is the recipe but..
Deeba, where is the recipe but..
Gera @ SweetsFoods
Pear in of my favorite fruits so adore this tart and your photos are gorgeous like always
Asha @ FSK
Beautiful photo essay! :))
btw.. where do you get your plates and such.. please tell me somewhere in India, so I can pick some up
Deeba – these photos are a work of art.
So elegant.
awesome photos!!
I love the pears in that beautiful box.
Snooky doodle
Have you posted only photos or it s a mistake . Wish to see the recipe, This tart looks delicious and the photos awesome
Rosa's Yummy Yums
Beautiful shots!
Deb Mele
Deeba, gorgeous photos as usual. I love your eye for assembling the photos. The tart looks great too, lol. Are you going to share my friend?
Bellini Valli
Definite "eye candy" as always Deeba.
Ooh a (nearly) "wordless Wednesday!" Lovely dessert deeba!
Deeba, we just returned from our daughter's wedding at Kelseyville, CA., at one time this quaint little spot was known as, The Pear Capital of the World! There are groves upon groves of pear trees, mingled alongside many varieties of grape, walnuts and apples. A paradise, to say the least. Anyway….back to my intention, reading this and seeing your lovely photographs of all things, pear, was almost surreal. I am sending your post onward to all of my new family members in northern California. They will find your post a great joy, an ode to the beauty of what they know and celebrate. Many thanks, my friend.

what a lovely tart deeba – filled with some fantastic flavors!
Happy cook
Hi hi glad to know tha tyou got rid ogf your hump
My pics are overflowing as i tmake things, take pics and when it come to write and post it i just don't seem to have anything to write about so it lays there.
I do wish i could just post so much as you all do.
Love the pear tart. I much prefer tarts than creamy cakes.
Deeba – your pics are so beautiful you can get away without words
(you know the saying). Very delish looking tart.
Barbara Bakes
I hope you son appreciates the fabulous food his mom feeds his growing pains. Any time you want to post just pictures I'll still stop by for a visit!
Julie @ Willow Bird Baking
Mmm looks just delicious!! Hope your daughter has a wonderful time on her trip and that your son feels better.
For being blocked it looks like your doing pretty well – another stunning dessert! And don't worry, sweetie, Jamie will be back home and will be back to, if not inspire, then at least to push everybody back to baking! Macs here we come!
Yummy, this looks delicious! I love pear tarts, i just made one too.
Gorgeous tart … and wonderful flavor profiles … the mellow nuttiness of the almonds, the sweet juicy freshness of the pears and the rounded flavor from the vanilla … simply lovely!
The Food Librarian
Beautiful!!! I just want to dive into the screen and grab a bite!
Your photos are a delight! So professional. The pears in the glass box photo is adorable. Not to mention the delicious pear tart. Almonds and vanilla. Delish!Pears are wonderful right now- this looks terrific and I'm going to try it.
I have seen your post sans words on my Reader also. Was waiting for more. And now it comes. What a delicious tart you made. You always have interesting, inspiring recipes. Hugs. Hélène
The Food Hunter
Great photos!
What a way to serve your pears! Yum!
noble pig
We have so many pears here…but it's cool weather. Come to Oregon for a break. This looks absolutely fabulous!
Great idea! I recently made a sort-of-similar tart, and was trying to get a nice caramelised top (although I don't have a blowtorch) – Yours has worked wonderfully caramelising in the oven. I might have to try this recipe too!
Cinnamon Girl aka Reeni♥
Pears are so often overlooked! This is a lovely tart! Enough to banish all those 'blocks' you've been experiencing.
This looks beautiful and delicious. I've been hunting for a pear tart recipe that's been tested by a fine baker like you, Deeba! I'm going to have to try this one.
This looks beautiful and delicious. I've been hunting for a pear tart recipe that's been tested by a fine baker like you, Deeba! I'm going to have to try this one.
Super-delicious tart, Deeba!
Super Duper.
Work From Home
Arwen from Hoglet K
Beautiful Deeba! There's a pear frangipane I buy which is a real favourite of mine, but I've never made one myself. I should give it a go.