Strawberry & Cape Gooseberry Pink Peppercorn Fro Yo … Here’s Spring!
There’s Spring in the air, fruits galore, colour in every frame, a freshness in the breeze and birds chirping incessantly. Yes, they know it too, as do the butterflies. I made this fruity fro yo to celebrate the arrival of Spring, and to use up certain ingredients in my fridge which were threatening me with dire consequences!!
For some reason life decided to chart it’s own tiresome course, and I eventually never got down to using it in my planned menu. Day 3 had the curd cheese weighing heavy, heavier than the whey it gave up, in my mind. Had to be used quick. I doused it in some olive oil to protect it. Another day went by and it was a now or never. A quick change in plans had me thinking frozen yogurt.
In also went some vanilla sugar which I make all the time, have jar fulls ready, and is one of my best discoveries through blogging. A quick look around the shelves had me reach out for some pretty pink peppercorns that Anushruti had send me from her mothers’ garden some time back. Pepper and strawberries, IMHO, are a nice combination; pink pepper with them, even better! I used the same combination in my Mac-a-Verrines just recently with amaxing results!
The result was a tangy, creamy, delicious frozen yogurt, just right for anytime, bursting with fresh fruity flavours. The pink peppercorn lent it a beautiful edgy kick, one that I love paired with strawberries. It’s mild and comes through with gentle sensuality. I served it with sliced fresh fruit, and it tasted slam dunk delicious.
Strawberry & Cape Gooseberry Pink Peppercorn Fro Yo
Curd cheese made from 1.5 litres full fat milk, hung for 2 days in fridge
2 tbsps olive oil
3/4 cup vanilla sugar
1 tbsp vodka, optional
300gms strawberries, hulled and quartered
100gms cape gooseberries, halved
From Sunday, February 21 – Sunday, March 7th, BloggerAid Changing the Face of Famine (BA-CFF) is running H2Ope for Haiti, an online raffle to raise funds for Concern Worldwide’s relief effort in Haiti. For full details and how you can help please visit our HOME page at BloggerAid Changing the Face of Famine as well as our donation page at Justgiving. A list of prizes is available on the here.
Sarah, Maison Cupcake
I love your name, "Fro Yo"! That's so cute. The colours here look amazing, I love that fruit on the stick. I have two egg yolks in my fridge that need using so I must do some ice cream myself.
Wow….looks very delicious and romantic…..would be perfect for Valentine's Day. Well, too far to think of that. I must try this when the weather is warmer. I really like it…..mmmm
Divina Pe
Wow, so gorgeous. I've been wanting to make my own frozen yogurt but keep on saving it for later. Love the combination of the fruits. This dessert is just full of life.
The Cooking Ninja
Gorgeous treat. Your curd cheese is done with lime juice like cottage cheese? How do u hang it in the fridge. I hv no space in the fridge to hang cheese.
first time ive heard of fro yo…oohhhhh .it just hit me…frozen yoghurt! LOL…ok
it looks beautiful Deeba….ive never tried making my own yoghurt or scares me..maybe I shd…
Heavenly Housewife
Well, its absolutely freezing cold here in England, no spring time in site, but I will not say no to this delicious frozen yogurt.
*kisses* HH
Bellini Valli
I saw my first robin a few weeks ago and will plant pansies this weekend…but nothing says Spring like being able to really enjoy frozen desserts on the tip of your tongue.
Sonia (Nasi Lemak Lover)
This is good for me since weather here is super hot!
Happy Cook
I have never made frozen youghurt. I always thought the taste won't be that good, even though my friends here swear by the delcious creamy taste.
Thislooks indeed yummy and i just love the colour.
I too make my home made vanilla sugar .
Fearless Kitchen
What a pretty (and delicious-looking) way to celebrate spring!
I love this post, Deeba! Your "Fro Yo" looks delightful and summery. And the kick from the pink peppercorns must be fun.
Deepa G Joshi
Indeed fantastically the color of the Fro Yo (cute name)..and nice refreshing color..
BTW The H2OPE for Haiti raffle has been extended another week so let everyone know to go over and buy there raffle tickets now!
And aren't you the clever one, girl! More cheese and then turning it into this beautiful, refreshing, fruity treat. It looks wonderful – could even get me eating strawberry yogurt!
Rambling Tart
Oh Deeba! I'm in a happy wonderland of awe at your post. AMAZING! The colors are so vivid and happy that my heart is glowing.
Absolutely gorgeous!!!
il tuo blog è bellissimo!! mi piace tantissimo!! questa ricetta è super golosa!! complimenti!!! ciao!
This dessert is so SUNNY and just oozing spring. I love how the calendar never gets it wrong. That's magical. Over here the BBC can't even get the daily forecast right. Something's so wrong here isn't it
Love love this. I wanna try it so bad and the colours simply draw me to it. x
Rosa's Yummy Yums
That is so colorful! A mouthwatering dessert and gorgeous shots!
Barbara Bakes
Now I'm really longing for Spring! Spring in the air, butterflies and birds chirping sounds fabulous to me, especially with scoops of your delicious frozen treat!
Asha @ FSK
OMG! You are already into Fro-Yo season??!!! No Fair.. there is still snow on the ground here!!!
Gera @ SweetsFoodsBlog
I want this spring coming Deeba! Lot of beautiful & tasty colors on the Holi festival! The girl in the middle of the photo is your daughter? If yes, she is identical to you
Have a great week,
Natashya KitchenPuppies
Absolutely delightful, and your presentation is always so creative.
Spring already! Please send some to Canada, we have a ways to go yet.
Kitchen M
Beautiful, Deeba! I'm just amazed how you came up with all these ingredients to marry – so creative!
A true celebration of the colour of Holi!
Arwen from Hoglet K
I love the look of the sliced cape gooseberries. You'll have to tell us how you make your curd.
Lovely Pinky treat:)
Twinsy Rachel
U remember once I asked about cape gooseberries. I grew up in Munnar (the Kashmir of South India), n cape gooseberries r something that grow wild n I always stopped by wayside to pick them up. (Am sure mom is gonna pop her eyes out if I ask her to take good care of physalis plant that is in the backyard as itz considered a weed
This time I brought some peaches n purple-skinned passion fruits (my fav, passionfruit,especially) from there. Have eaten jams made out of the above two, but never tried anything with physalis. Fro-Yo, nice name,btw. nice idea to incorporate fruits in bakes n desserts. 3 cheers
love those rusting looking bowls! and what's in it of course!
Its perfect for the season, my season anyways cos strawberries are still here and its quite hot right now!
Yes starwberies and pepper are a great combination.
Waw Deeba!!
Georgous & excellent pictures & the ice cream looks so appetizing & grand!!!
MMMMMMM,…now, waiting for the hot summer,…
Ju (The Little Teochew)
That looks amazingly refreshing! The weather in Singapore has been merciless.
Some of that fro yo would make me a very happy girl. Lovely, lovely!!
Wow! Do I have a craving now. Gorgeous and sounds delicious.
By the way – of course, if you win the Chocolate Giveaway, a US address would work. Thanks for your comment and Good Luck!
WOW How absolutely beautiful Deeba
And the word "Spring" sets my heart aflutter almost as much as your lovely creations…
Beautiful flowers, beautiful fruit! Happy Holi!
Murasaki Shikibu
Gorgeous photos. The colors are very nice to look at as the world is very gray where I am now.
This is so good and healthy! Happy new spring for you, dear Deeba!
Mowie @ Mowielicious
Darling Deeba! Great colours, great post – so inspiring. Makes me feel like spring is nearly here! PS: I've always wanted to take part in the festival of colours – looks like so much fun!
What a beautiful post. I wish I was there to experience an Indian spring…
What a perfect looking treat!
Mark @ Cafe Campana
I love how you turned a near disaster into an experimenting experience. If you didn't tell us I would have been convinced that was what you planned all along.
You're making me long for summer with the wonderfully vibrant colours in this post. I have yet to venture into the world of ice cream & fro yo making (no ice cream maker), but might have to take the plunge this year!
Lana from Never Enough Thyme
Wow, Deeba! What a treat this "fro yo" looks. Not sure I've ever seen gooseberries in the market, but I'd be willing to search them out to give this a try.
Ahhh, Spring is in the air and I love this recipe. I've never had gooseberry but I love the addition of peppercorns. I just want to come over and have a scoop of this with that RV roll. I'd be in heaven!
I'm so glad the kids liked the snack bars! I cant seem to keep them in our house for very long.
Nalini Hebbar
What a delicious looking blog…drooling all over it…:))
Jennifer, A Self-Confessed Foodie
Your dishes always look amazing!
I am a HUGE HUGE fan of Fro Yo – that's what I call it too! These pictures are amazing, sweet and so pretty! It totally makes me hungry and long for Spring!
Barbara @ Modern Comfort Food
Your site is always such a captivating feast of innovative recipes, mouthwatering photos, and lovely writing. Thank you so much for yet another exquisite post.
Gorgeous and hopefully delicious, I can't be sure as I don't remember ever eating the yellow gooseberries, lol!
Nah, I'm sure it's fantastic!
If I came for nothing else….I'd still be here admiring your photos……