Superfood SPROUTS Salad…Sprouting healthy & tasty beans!!
Jane Elliot

Use in coleslaw (cabbage, clover, radish)
Try in wraps and roll-ups (alfalfa, sunflower, radish)
Stir-fry with other vegetables (alfalfa, clover, radish, mung bean, lentil)
Blend with vegetable juices (cabbage, mung bean, lentil)
Mix with soft cheeses, tofu, yogurt of kefir for a dip (mung bean, radish)
Stir into soups or stews when serving (mung bean, lentil)
Top omelet or scrambled eggs (alfalfa, clover, radish)
Combine in oat, barley or buckwheat dishes (fenugreek, lentil, mung bean)
Add to sushi (radish, sunflower)
Sauté with onions (mung bean, clover, radish)
Puree with dried peas or beans (mung bean, lentil)
Add to baked beans (lentil)
Sprouted Mung Dal Salad
Mung dal beans – 1 cup / soaked for 3-5 hours (till you see them start splitting open)
Tomatoes – 2-3 / deseeded & chopped small
Spring onions – 2-3 / chopped fine (can use 1 small regular onion too)
Mint leaves – a handful / chopped fine
Cucumber – 1 small / peeled & chopped fine
Juice of 1-2 limes
Green chili – 1 / deseeded/ chopped fine (optional)
Salt to tasteMethod:
Once the dal begins to split, drain it & put it into a sieve lined with cheesecloth or a plastic colander, with a bowl underneath. Cover it keep it in a dark place for 10-12 hours or overnight.
Wash gently the next day, taking care not to disturb the roots (sprouts) too much, to enable them to grow long. Cover & keep in dark place again.
In summer, my sprouts are ready in a day & a half. Check to see if they are done, rinse gently, drain & refrigerate.
Toss all the salad ingredients gently & chill well. This can be made a couple of hours in advance. Try not to keep sprouts for more than 2-3 days as they tend to taste bitter after that. Also, fresh sprouts offer maximum food value.
My son asked me a ‘prudent’ question this evening while eating his salad, “Mama, if we plant these seeds, will these sprouts grow out on the branches?” Hmmmmmmmmmm….another long month of vacations!!
This salad is on its way to SnackShots # 4 ‘SALAD’, to Michelle @ Greedy Gourmet.
…& also to Lisa @ Lisa’s Vegetarian Kitchen for her colourful No Croutons Required which she is hosting for the month of June. The theme for June is soups or salads featuring legumes because beans and pulses are an important part of a healthy vegetarian diet. Whole, or split, big or small, anything belonging to the legume family qualifies. (Thank you Arundathi for letting me know!!)
Bon Appetit!
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I have never been successful at sprouting… they look so good too… Makes me want to try again!
Deeba dear, We also eat sprouts regularly.Very nice presentation and great pictures.Great ideas for wraps. thanks
Hey I am also going to send a salad recipe to this great event.
Nice pics! You must’ve spent a good while staging everything just right!
There’s always a vendor selling mung bean sprouts here, and sometimes one can find alfalfa sprouts…. That’s about it. I wanna be able to use pea shoots!! I don’t want to sprout it myself though, I have no such patience!
Passionate baker...& beyond
Thanks Meeso…they’re not so much trouble to make.
Hi POE…waiting to see your salad recipe!
Hey Doc, thanks for the compliment…didnt take too long stage; same platform nah?? Patience will come with age Manggy my dear; you can enjoy deep fried & full fat (in ‘everywhich’ form ha ha) at the moment! Calorie counting catches up much later!!LOL
Passionate baker...& beyond
Thanks Meeso…they’re not so much trouble to make.
Hi POE…waiting to see your salad recipe!
Hey Doc, thanks for the compliment…didnt take too long stage; same platform nah?? Patience will come with age Manggy my dear; you can enjoy deep fried & full fat (in ‘everywhich’ form ha ha) at the moment! Calorie counting catches up much later!!LOL
great photos deeba!! i remember i succeeded in sprouting some lentils when i was a kid. it was accidental i forget some lentils and since the kitchen roof was leaking due to heavy rain well the rest is a funny story
have a great day!!
Deeba – I sprout lentils every week too. And I add it to almost everything. Thanks for the great ideas.
You could also send this in to Lisa’s Vegetarian Kitchen for her lentil salads event.
Hi Deeba,
Thanks for some interesting ideas with sprouts, and did I tell you that I so enjoy the quotations you use:)
Nice combination of sprouts salad. nice photo and presentation..
JZ @ Tasty treats
great salad, deeba!! come over to my blog for a small treat for u!
That salad looks beautiful, Deeba! I love the colours
Happy cook
I have never done any sproutting too.
Have had them back at home. But I have never tried them.
Your salade looks so good.
I like that you filled that jug with it.
Bharti Khemani
Hi Deeba
Thanks much for visiting and taking time to leave your comment. It helped me gain perspective.
Sigh…yes yes, I have to do the sprouting too. My family doesn’t seem to enjoy it uncooked though. Blanching would kill most of the nutrients right?
Thanks for this entry! Mung beans are one of my very favorites. I really should incorporate sprouts into my diet.
This sounds wonderful Deeba!! Stunning photos as always
Rosie x
I am going to try this immediately- okay maybe i will wait till tomorrow. Being a raw foodist it is nice into this recipe! Thank you!
What a lovely, colourful salad…..
The sprouts look usual a brilliant post n super food indeed ( u r tagged, pls chk my post.)
lovely pics deeba. it sure to tempt the ones who r not very fond of sprouts:)
These lind of salads always make me smile – they not only look fantastic but taste lovely. Great idea Deeba!
Once I tried sprouting my own seeds and was successful….too successful because I made too much and most of them just died away because I didn’t eat them quick enough! Have to try again, but with less “enthusiasm”.
Your salad looks very healthy and refreshing. Thanks for participating in SnackShots again and don’t forget to check out the roundup soon!
Kia Middle East
Thanks for sharing a healthy recipe!!!!!!!!!!!Many a thanks to you!!!!