Addictive Pistachio Panna Cotta with Raspberry Sauce… colourful dessert you will love
I love using natural colours of ingredients in desserts and this pistachio panna cotta is one of my new favourites. The #nogelatine dessert is as simple as can be, and requires just 4 ingredient
Thick, Chewy Granola Bars … you left us smitten!
“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” Ralph Waldo Emerson A visit to Smitten Kitten always leaves me enamoured and charmed. Deb’s always got something that holds my attention. It’s often simple comfort food. Beautiful brownies, awesome cakes, or then something as simple as these thick, chewy granola bars. The beauty of her posts is the passion she does them with. She bakes from scratch, her commentary is engaging, and her posts have brilliant photographs. These granola bars, adapted from King Arthur Flour, had her readers, including me, quite smitten. For me, the bars scored a 10/10 in every aspect – health, taste, looks, versatility. Above all they were kid…
“Memphis: Whatcha doin’ there, boy? Baby Mumble: [tap dancing] I’m happy, Pa!Memphis: Whatcha doin’ with your feet?Baby Mumble: [looks down] They’re happy, too!” Happy Feet, the movie Time to ring in the new year, and what better way to ring it in than with ‘FEET‘. Yes indeed, in our little macobssessed world, it’s still all about finding our feet! We’re down to our next MacAttack #3 at our other blog MacTweets. Jamie and I had rung out the theme and rules for the January 2010 challenge some time back. Can you hear the bells peeling? It’s time to RING OUT THE OLD, AND BRING IN THE NEW! Yes indeed, with…
“Memphis: Whatcha doin’ there, boy? Baby Mumble: [tap dancing] I’m happy, Pa!Memphis: Whatcha doin’ with your feet?Baby Mumble: [looks down] They’re happy, too!” Happy Feet, the movie Time to ring in the new year, and what better way to ring it in than with ‘FEET‘. Yes indeed, in our little macobssessed world, it’s still all about finding our feet! We’re down to our next MacAttack #3 at our other blog MacTweets. Jamie and I had rung out the theme and rules for the January 2010 challenge some time back. Can you hear the bells peeling? It’s time to RING OUT THE OLD, AND BRING IN THE NEW! Yes indeed, with…
APPLE CRISP … still nostalgic about London & FBC!
“It is remarkable how closely the history of the apple tree is connected with that of man.” Henry David Thoreau This is a beautiful season. … festive warmth, mulled spices, apples, nuts, dried fruit…add to it memories of a great trip to London, and it’s all magic. I fell in love with Autumn when it arrived, and thought that was my most favourite season. Now that December is happily upon us, I think I love it even more than Autumn. It’s the season to be jolly! This is a short crisp post about the apple crisp I made on my return from the UK last week. I am busy these…
“Chocolate is the only aroma-therapy I need.” Jasmine Heiler There was nothing for the kids school snack box, so I thought I’d do a batch of sandwiches. Of course, the teen vetoed my idea & looked decidedly deadpan at the very suggestion. Why do I bother asking? That set me thinking. Rummaging through my blog, I decided to make a batch of these olive oil brownies for them the next morning. Lined everything up on the counter, roasted the almonds, & wound up for the night. Was up early the next morning, as sleep abandoned me for some insane reason, & hit the kitchen. These brownies are a breeze to…